Round 8 Action Phase
Turn 5
Morgoth -
move - cruiser from 239 to 104 and fighter from 224 to 201.
IH -
move my dreadnought from 101 to 305.
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw -
- Interceptor from Lamda Aurigae 230 to Epsilon Carinae 324
- Interceptor from Procyon 221 to Epsilon Indi 206
- Exchange ambassadors with the squids; cube on money
- Squids accept and place cube on mats
- -17 upkeep, $2, 5 sci, 3 mats in bank. 3 colony ships available. Income $15, 3 sci, 8 mats.
Tatts -
Upgrade cruiser with plasma cannons over ion cannons
Drek -
BUIld - 2 starbases in Rigel and 1 interceptor in Sigma Draconis
-9 mats == 20 remaining
Khell -
2nd of round.
Tapper -
- Flip 3 colonyships for materials.
- Build 1 fighter in Epsilon Indi
- Build 1 fighter in the Galactic Centre +3 mats -6 mats == 13 remaining.
Turn 6
Morgoth -
upgrade - tachyon source and gluon computer on fighter.
IH -
Twelve -
No Reaction
Gnaw -
- Remove disc from Delta Corvi
- Colonize money in Psi Capricorni and Materials in Procyon.
- Flip ships.
- -17 upkeep, $2, 5 sci, 3 mats in bank. 3 colony ships available.
Tatts -
- Deinfluence Deneb.
- Cubes back to science.
- Reinfluence Deneb with 2 materials cubes.
- Flip ships (assumed)
Drek -
UPGrade Starbase - Tachyon Source over left Hull; Antimatter Cannon over center Hull.
Khell -
No Reaction (
Tapper -
Turn 7
Morgoth -
upgrade - fighter with antimatter cannon and fusion engine
IH -
Twelve -
No Reaction
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Upgrade hull over computer on dread and Hull over cannon on cruiser.
Drek -
UPG - antimatter cannon and Gluon computer over default ion cannon and electron computers on starbase.
Khell - no reaction
Tapper - no reaction
Turn 8
Morgoth -
build - -11 mats == 0 remaining.
- fighter and Starbase in Zeta Herculis.
- Cruiser in Alpha Centauri
IH - no reaction
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - no reaction
Tatts -
Drek -
- --Interceptor from GC to Chi Draconis
- --Interceptor from Sigma Draconis to Zeta Chameleontis
Khell - no reaction
Tapper -
Turn 9
Morgoth - Out of discs; must pass.
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek - Last disc!
Khell -
Tapper -
Turn 10
Morgoth -
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
Drek -
Khell -
Tapper -
This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 01 October 2014 - 07:40 PM