Galactic Council, on 15 August 2014 - 08:59 PM, said:
Turn 3
Morgoth - RESEARCH - tachyon source for 6, wormhole generator for 12. -18 sci == 0 remaining
IH - Upgrade
- plasma cannon on cruiser and dread over ion, and
- put a fusion source over the nuclear source on my interceptor.
Twelve - Pass first of round
Gnaw - Influence
- Zeta chameleonis
- Delta corvi
- Colonise mats in Zeta chameleonis
- Colonize mats in Psi Capricorni.
- Flip ships
- -7 upkeep. $2, 5 sci, 3 mats. Three colony ships available.
Tatts - Move ships, that is cruiser and dreadnought into homeworld.
D'rek - RESearch Tachyon Source -6 sci == 19 remaining
Khell - somewhat hesitantly MOVE two interceptors from Serpentis to Zeta Herculis,
Tapper - Upgrade
- Ion Cannon on dread to Anti-Matter cannon
- Hull on Cruiser to 3 HP hull.
Turn 4
Morgoth - Umh, I'll add the new powersource and antimatter cannon to my cruisers.
IH - Build dreadnought in 101 and cruiser in 108. Leaves me with 2 material in the bank. -11 mats == 2 remaining
Twelve - no reaction
Gnaw - Influence
- Procyon
- Colonise orbital in Zeta chameleonis with money
- Colonize orbital in Psi Capricorni with money
- Flip ships
- -13 upkeep. $2, 5 sci, 3 mats. Three colony ships available.
Tatts - Upgrade both cruiser and dread with source
D'rek - RESearch Antimatter Cannons. -10 sci == 9 remaining
- Interceptors with Plasma Cannon over one of the Nuclear drives, and
- Fusion Source over Nuclear Source on...dreadnaughts.
Tapper - Upgrade Cruiser:
- computer to +2 comp
- cannon to AM-cannon.
Turn 5
Morgoth - move - cruiser from 239 to 104 and fighter from 224 to 201.
IH -
Twelve -
Gnaw -
Tatts -
D'rek -
Khell -
Tapper -