Round 8 Action Phase
Turn 1
Morgoth - Influence - Kappa Volantis, placing cubes on both econ and one materials planet. Return disc and cubes from Nu Ophiuchi and place same disc on Fomalhaut. Flip two colony ships back up.
IH - I researched plasma cannons, trading 6 material for science. Sorry if you missed it.
Twelve - build Dread and interceptor you know where.
Gnaw - Move interceptor from 212 hive to Procyon.
Tatts - build I dread in the hex with my cruiser, 8 materials
D'rek - DEVelop Artifact Link
Khell - Exchange 3 science for 1 materials - BUILD 2 interceptors in Lambda Serpentis.
Tapper - Pre-emptively: research Artifact Key.
Turn all the gains (5 points) into materials.
Turn 2
Morgoth -
move - cruiser to system 104 from 281, and fighter to homeworld
IH -
Build 2 interceptors in 234 and 1 cruiser in 212. -8 mats == 13 remaining
Twelve -
upgrade interceptor with plasma cannons and gluon computers
Gnaw -
Influence - Psi Capricorni and Spica
- colonize grey planet in Spica with mats and orbital with science
- flip ships.
Tatts -
Research Fusion Source -4 sci == 0 remaining
D'rek -
Ve vill research zee Gluvon Vomputers!!! -12 sci == 25 remaining
Khell -
UPGRADE Interceptors with Nuclear Drive over Plasma Cannon
Tapper -
Pulsar upgrade. Place a 6 power engine on the empty spot on my cruiser.
Turn 3
Morgoth -
RESEARCH - tachyon source for 6, wormhole generator for 12. -18 sci == 0 remaining
IH -
- plasma cannon on cruiser and dread over ion, and
- put a fusion source over the nuclear source on my interceptor.
Twelve -
Pass first of round
Gnaw -
Influence- Zeta chameleonis
- Delta corvi
- Colonise mats in Zeta chameleonis
- Colonize mats in Psi Capricorni.
- Flip ships
- -7 upkeep. $2, 5 sci, 3 mats. Three colony ships available.
Tatts -
Move ships, that is cruiser and dreadnought into homeworld.
D'rek -
RESearch Tachyon Source
-6 sci == 19 remaining
Khell -
somewhat hesitantly MOVE two interceptors from Serpentis to Zeta Herculis,
Tapper -
- Ion Cannon on dread to Anti-Matter cannon
- Hull on Cruiser to 3 HP hull.
Turn 4
Morgoth - Umh, I'll
add the new powersource and antimatter cannon to my cruisers.
IH -
Build dreadnought in 101 and cruiser in 108.
Leaves me with 2 material in the bank. -11 mats == 2 remaining
Twelve -
Gnaw -