Round 7 Action Phase
Turn 1
CF -
RESEARCH - Zero Point Source bottom track.
-11 science == 7 left
Morgoth -
Research -
- Research - antimatter cannon and quantum grid for 16 science. -16 science == 3 left
Dr. IH, PhD, World Traveller -
- trade 9 material for 3 science, and research advanced economy. -9 mats == 12 left, -4 sci == 0 left
Twelve -
- move disk from 318 (return Grey and orbital cubes both to Money and material cube to materials) to 304. Colonize material slot on 304.
- Move influence disk from player board back onto 318, colonize grey planet with materials.
- Reset 2 colony ships
- ($2/S0/M4 Upkeep -2)
Gnaw -
- Fusion Drive -3 science == 3 remaining
- Place on center track
- 0 upkeep. 0, 3, 8
Tatts -
- Research Plasma Cannons - 4 science == 0 remaining
D'rek -
- Research Neutron Absorber (5 science) and place it in the bottom track. - 5 science == 24 remaining
- Colonize the two planets in Sigma Draconis and money on Rigel.
Khell -
INFLUENCE Lambda S. and Iota Persei
Tapper -
- Conifold Field if not researched yet by anyone (5 science). Place on the third track, please. -5 sci == 1 remaining
Back-up: if it is taken: research Star Base.
Turn 2
CF -
Upgrade dread blueprint
- ZPS over nuclear source
- Gluon computer over electron computer.
Morgoth -
research advanced robotics - trading 3 materials for the missing point in science.
-3 mats == 15 left, -3 science == 0 left
Dr. IH, PhD -
Influence 204 and colonise the advanced materials slot, and the three advanced econ planets. Should leave one colony ship flipped up.
Twelve -
Influence 318 swap the grey cube to money and then replace it with materials
Gnaw -
- place fusion drive over blank space on interceptor blueprint
- remove ion cannon covering nuclear drive on interceptor blueprint
- place plasma missiles over left ion cannon on dread blueprint
Tatts -
D'rek -
Khell -
Tapper -
This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 28 April 2014 - 11:38 PM