Gnaw, on 20 November 2013 - 03:40 AM, said:
Khellendros, on 20 November 2013 - 02:16 AM, said:
You just can't bring yourself to let another faction have the last word of the round, even if it means bankrupting yourself and your teammates in order to win some sort of Pyrrhic victory at the close of the round. "Got to do something that they don't see coming!"
But, please, don't let me stop you. Go Reaction Action Squadron Go!
My suggestion would mean Tatts spending a full action on a single build. At worst, his new cruiser is positioned in a tactically important spot. If one of you is doesn't pass then he could go after your cruiser.
I understood IH invading Twelve right after I sent ships into Tapper's hex; the loss of my two interceptors is more than justified by the gain of Twelve's homeworld.
Tatts passing was a bit meh. But again i can see the advantage to getting first tech.
I was fully expecting you to buy the warp portal. If you didn't I was prepared to get it next round just to keep it out of Twelve's hands. Drop it in the hex your cruiser is in now and it was defused and made that hex worth another VP.
What has me irked is Tatts sending his dread to the far side of the supernova and IH passing with his own dread just sitting in the hive. I don't understand either of those. If Tatts had moved to 304 to block any possible Twelve retreat we could have him blocked in until the nova blows. Now it's Tatts' dread thats trapped whether the nova blows this round or not. All Twelve has to do is build a ship in the nova.
And wtf is up with 5 guests watching the thread?
I don't have the moves to move my dread, after khell passed I could feasibly do one reaction, but that is best saved for a full move next time, as there is nowhere I can move it in a reaction that will be worthwhile.
Re tatts, I think gaining that system will be better long term, twelve is still going to have difficulty escaping to do any harm.
Re reacting to help you, I think we are better doing that next turn. Reacting now it's unlikely tatts can do a great deal, but next turn with the extra moves he gets from not reacting he can crush khell, and get you some systems.
Are you going to react now and attack drek? That looks to be a good move if you can afford it. An interceptor in range of drek and khells homeworlds will be useful.