Galactic Council, on 04 November 2013 - 08:56 PM, said:
Round 2 Action Phase
Turn 1
Khell - RESEARCH Plasma Cannon for 5 Science. This is likely my last post till Monday.
D'rek - Research Nanorobots
Tatts - Build dread in Rigel
Gnaw - Influence Action:
- Influence Delta Corvi.
- Influence Zeta Herculis and Colonize Money and Science planets
- Flip both colony ships back up.
- -7 upkeep. $1, S 7, M 6.
Twelve - Influence
- -310 settle science and material planet
- -304 settle Material planet
- (1$, 4S, 8M Upkeep -5)
IH - Build dreadnought
Morgoth - Research -
- Neutron bombs and Starbase
- $ 0, S 1, M 5
- upeek - 2
CF - influence my grey planet system. Colonize with science. Flip colony ship back up.
- Use 2x Colony ship to produce Science (science to 10).
- Research Anti-Matter splitter for 5, leaving me with 5.
- Place in the middle track.
Turn 2
Khell - INFLUENCE. Remove discs from Delta Eridani and Iota Persei.
D'rek -
- INFluence Delta Eridani and Lambda Tauri. Colonize the two science slots. Flip up two colony ships.
- Extend offer of diplomatic relations to the Magellan.
- Extend official wishes to join alliance to the Planta.
- If the Magellan accept diplomatic relations, also extend these wishes to the Magellan
- ambassador cube w/Tapper will also be money.
Alliance One
Tapper- Accept trade (money cube), accept Lyra-Planta-Magellan Alliance.
- Let the world rejoice at the advent of Planta vegetation, Lyra meditation and Magellan (recreational) medication.
Khell - The galaxy trembles before the Hippie Alliance!
Tatts -
- Research Fusion Drive for 3 science.
- Upkeep - 3, $10, S 1, M, 0
- Influence Arcturus. Colonize money and science. Flip ships back up.
- Influence: Move influence disc from 201 to Castor. do not colonize castor
Alliance Three
Gnaw - Orion, the Descendants of Draco offer formal Alliance
Tatts - Accept
IH - Gnaw/tatts I accept the alliance offer.
Twelve -
- Pass
- You guys are great. Keep up the good work.

IH -
- Move Dreadnaught to Castor
- Upkeep -1 Bank £=1 S=6 M=0
Morgoth - Upgrade - Add improved hull to empty spot in fighter and cruiser schematic.
CF- RESEARCH the fusion drive tech for 4x science.
- ??
- @Gnaw: Order then, for next time one of our turns come around, form an alliance between Terran Directorate and the Hydrani.
Alliance Two
CF and Morgoth
- Influence: remove a disc from the empty tier 3 hex (316).
- Flip a colony ship face up (2 unused).
- Colonize the tier 2 material planet (206) and the material planet on the pulsar system (394).
Turn 3. - Let me Know if this is wrong.
Khell Provisional: BUILD Dreadnaught in Epsilon Carinae.
D'rek PULSAR - Move interceptor from Beta Lyrae to Lambda Tauri
GP - Move both ships into hex 203, chi draconus?
Twelve - React?
IH - EXPlore hive hex Upkeep -2 £1 S6 M0
D, on 04 November 2013 - 11:21 PM, said:
When it comes back around to me:
PULSAR - Move interceptor from Beta Lyrae to Lambda Tauri
cerveza_fiesta, on 05 November 2013 - 12:24 PM, said:
Destination - Citizens of the Directorate
Origin - Old Earth, Office of Conservinews Corp
Subject - Finally, some common sense from our leadership
Classification - Open Access, Newsblog Entry
Language - English
Stardate - 2013-11-05:08:20
Thankfully, even our alien-loving supreme director is capable of reason. His decision today to devote research cubits to the development of fusion drives triggered a collective sigh of relief from right-leaning Directorate Board of Directors members. I guess he realized that he wasn't going to be able to rescue the Cabot from the vicinity of the Starforge due to the ancient & Draco threats, he figured it might be a good idea to get some faster ships. TOO BAD HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY SHIPS TO PUT THE DRIVES ON.
The incompetence of our SD in this situation is appalling. Hopefully he is replaced soon with someone who has the colonies' best interests at heart.
Action summary
RESEARCH the fusion drive tech for 4x science.
Directorate Economic Summary
Upkeep -5
Bank 0
Science 0
Materials 7
E-production + 10
S-production + 6
M-production + 4
Ganoes Paran, on 05 November 2013 - 01:15 PM, said:
Move both ships into hex 203, chi draconus?
Upkeep - 5, $10, S 1, M, 0
cerveza_fiesta, on 05 November 2013 - 01:17 PM, said:
And for next time around the board, in case I'm not available, I will pass - that is unless somebody makes an aggressive move against my territory.
Imperial Historian, on 05 November 2013 - 01:31 PM, said:
The mechanema seek to find more of the descendants ancient cousins, to aid their rise to power. Discovery of new ancient ships can only benefit our alliance.
The mechanema seek new data on what the descendants plan, perhaps they seek to join the mechanema and discover new more powerful computers, or perhaps learning how to construct orbital weapons platforms would be more appropriate to hold on to the lands gained.
EXPlore hive hex Upkeep -2 £1 S6 M0
Khellendros, on 05 November 2013 - 01:45 PM, said:
The ones known as Planta, having recognised the place in the ecosystem of the three-minds-made-one and the tuneful-voices, withdraw their spores from the inner reaches of Delta Eridani. We remove from them the blessing of assimilation as we recognise that they would at present serve our purposes better as independent minds. The two races shall convince the inner galaxy's inhabitants of the wisdom of Planta infestation and assimilation.
But our hunger remains. On the outer reaches of the galaxy, a place known as Lambda Serpentis, lie worlds of rich, loamy ground and bright, life-giving light. But it is corrupted by a race which refuses assimilation. So they shall embrace destruction.
We built our attack spaceship from the strongest wood. It shall be armoured with the spiniest thorns, and it shall fire the sharpest seeds. None shall withsta...
Our allies the Magellan and Lyra have just informed us that wood tends not to survive space combat. We reiterate that it is the strongest wood, from the holy hallows of the Rockwood.
They continue to maintain that it will not be enough. We sense some trepidation from our allies, but we know not why. They ask us how fast the ship will be able to travel. We respond by telling that that it will travel with the speed of bamboo growth itself!
Silence from our allies. We understand not their worry.
Provisional: BUILD Dreadnaught in Epsilon Carinae.
$4, S5, M0
Tapper, on 05 November 2013 - 03:30 PM, said:
The Magellan are not swayed from their course and proceed with their earlier intentions.
Please consider the provisional confirmed.
Khellendros, on 05 November 2013 - 03:46 PM, said:
The Planta have found a particularly strong sap which will ensure that the leaf covering will congeal nicely over the branch framework, to form what you other races refer to as a 'hull'.
Confirm my provisional also.