cerveza_fiesta, on 04 November 2013 - 02:37 PM, said:
Order then, for next time one of our turns come around, form an alliance between Terran Directorate and the Hydrani.
Morgoth, on 04 November 2013 - 06:39 AM, said:
cerveza_fiesta, on 03 November 2013 - 03:39 PM, said:
Morgoth, what you think about allying up? I plan on a sciencey build with my planets being what they are. Could do us well in the long run. Lots of perma-points so we don't have to rely so much on territory grabs.
How many Exchange students can you provide? And will they be willing to spend 28 out of the 32 hours of the day in a lab? Can they survive solely on coffee and stale biscuits?
If so the University would be most positive to an open exchange program indeed.
Destination - Hydran High Command
Origin - Old Earth, Office of SD C Fiestum
Subject - Destination
Classification - Confidential, encrypted
Language - English > Translation to Squidword
Stardate - 2013-11-04:10:29
Science ship
Valdez is inbound for Beta Hydrii. We have dispatched some of the Terran Directorate's greatest minds to learn from your scholars, and hopefully to teach our ways in-kind.
It seems to me that our systems are well defended for a science-based approach to galactic dominance. Barring development of the Wormhole Generator by one of our neighbours, we only need worry about incursions from the North.
I find it timely to inform you that the Directorate has forged diplomatic relations with the Keepers of Magellan as well. Their intentions to date seem peaceful. We should keep the door open in the future as a potential member for our alliance, provided there are no feuds over our
Planned recovery mission in Arcturus.
SD. C. Fiestum
I am positive to the Keepers of Magellan joining, but I fear that with the current climate the risk is substantial of a fast assault on your holdings. Be vary, and a little paranoid and we should be able to prevent a surprise attack, but it should be expected. As was shown with the fall of the Esathanot, or the eradication of the Septem heresy, when two neighbouring rivals ally, hostilities will follow. The honourable prof. emeritus Tactisquid recently published a mighty, 7 volume evaluation of the Septem heresy. I am sure he'd be willing to allow the use of his achievement in your university curriculums.
cerveza_fiesta, on 04 November 2013 - 02:57 PM, said:
Morgoth, on 04 November 2013 - 02:20 PM, said:
D, on 04 November 2013 - 02:14 PM, said:
Seems like the dividing-up has begun.
Except for twelve, appropriately

I would have preferred not to, but my choice was to risk CF reaching in the other direction, which would have made me too isolated.
My consideration was mainly about how hydran seem to flourish if left alone and are a potent thorn in your side if not left alone. If we were fighting, we'd be keeping each other down all game. Together with the way we're set up connection-wise, there's way more to gain from being allies IMO. As d'rek points out, there's some potential for game changing technology in 2 discovery tiles (if we can act quickly enough on Arcturus) and potential is always there for a late-game grab at the GC.
Or monolith/science play. Both work for me. What is your priority at the moment?
Oh, I agree that you and I fit nicely together as allies. However, I had hoped that the forming of alliances would have held out until some hostilities developed.
cerveza_fiesta, on 04 November 2013 - 03:19 PM, said:
I'm wondering if we would benefit from an exchange of territories Morgoth. Alpha centauri for Formahaut? It will be awhile until I can make use of the advanced science colonies, but you could use it right away.
As of now I am entirely dependent on the few materials I can gather. However, I envision that my need will grow less in not too long, and at that point I imagine a trade to be profitable for the both of us.
cerveza_fiesta, on 04 November 2013 - 06:26 PM, said:
Well morgy, looks like we'll have to kick out the descendents AND the ancients to get Arcturus.
We might need to turtle up I fear. Right now we're attractive targets for both three player alliances. Thankfully I have a history of great dice rolls so we will prevail.
Remember that Tapper has the materials to build two dreads, and a substantial science presence.