Dr. Grievence: Get your dread out of my warp portal. And prepare to make friends with Twelve.
Rules are rules and argue with
Sampo Sikiö if you wish.
Anyone can leave an alliance and join another alliance. They cannot re-join the one they were in. If there were three players in the alliance, that alliance cannot add another person because all of the tokens are in use. However, if somebody bankrupts out of the game the token is freed up.
I propose, since I really hate playing for third, that I leave the alliance. As part of my bankruptcy plan, I will attack Dr. Grievence so as to take the traitor card.
Grievence replaces my ambassador with one from Twelve. After I bankrupt out, Twelve can join the Bullseyes.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl