Bank: $0, Sc 1, and Ma 1.
Bankrupting Delta Eridani (209), Aldebaran (107), and Delta Corvi (281) puts me at -13 upkeep with $10, Sc 4, and Ma 3.
- Bankrupting Zeta Herculis (105) makes it -10 with $8, Sc 3, Ma 3.
- or
- Bankrupting Sigma Draconis (226) is the same result.
I won't bankrupt if either of those is a combat loss. I think I have to assume that Morgoth will retreat to eliminate that possibility HOWEVER he doesn't have to issue those orders until the result of Sigma Draconis is in.
That takes me to Sigma Draconis and my missiles. If I hit Khell, Morgoth can retreat from 105 and I'm bankrupt. If I miss I can retreat to 307, combat loss that hex, and then it doesn't matter to my solvency whether Morgoth retreats or not.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl