Imperial Historian, on 25 November 2013 - 11:01 PM, said:
We had to abandon the weekend game when we realised not everyone would have the time. Played race for the galaxy and munchkin instead.
On my phone so can't see the board properly, but what did you just do gnaw? I don't understand what you just influenced or why?
At the main faculty cafeteria, aboard the cruiser Pacta Sunt Servanda, of the Faculty of Law a heated discussion is taking place. It is however entirely irrelevant for the greater scheme of things as decisions are made, for the time being, by the Dean of Intergalactic Finance and his many supporters.
Or so it is assumed. Orders, after all, are orders. And yet, what are orders if not another kind of contract? Unbeknownst to the current unofficial head of the University, hundreds of master-students are pouring over three millennia of precedence.
At the smoking lounge within the heart of the Faculty of Finance, professors of the economic persuasion are enjoying the perks of being the top dogs, the big cheese, the main brain of operations. Expensive cigars of the finest dried Plant fill the room with a thick luxurious cloud of greenish grey smoke. Muffled laughter and the expensive ring of companionable crystal tumblers give the room a long sought sense of gravitas. The furniture is new and of the most expensive design. The walls turned into a single, massive art piece by the famous ethereal genius
. .
. is known for his senseless art. Built from a material hidden from all senses, sight and smell as well as touch, taste and hearing. A single painting costs more than the entire PHD program. One shudders to think what was paid for this installation.
Within a particular pervasive cloud a meeting is in progress. Its hard to make out the speakers, but one can gather that there is some worry. Overextension. Inflation. Fluctuations. Recession. These are all words found in the dictionary.
Upgrade add fusion source and plasma cannon over both hulls on Starbase schematic.
Missive to academic partners and honourable peers of the Flare Alliance, Homo Sapiens of the Orange Persuasion:
There are two problems tied to your proposal. First that the University, following a cohesive strategy of financed expansionism as formulated by the late genius, Umuhu Ettor, the richest squid of all Hydrani space, control no systems that do not contain an economic planet. As such we would lose more from the influence action than we would benefit from the reduced upkeep. Furthermore, our materials income is so low we will have a great enough challenge functioning as the enforcing arm of our alliance as it is. However, if we find it prudent to acquire advanced mining next round, I suspect one system of ours could do well in your hands. We wish to make no guarantees however, as there might be other technologies that our alliance will benefit from, and we need to wait making the final decision until those technologies are revealed.
As for our military plans, though they might seem obvious we wish to wait making a decision until we see the galaxy develop come the next few turns.
This post has been edited by Morgoth: 26 November 2013 - 07:16 AM