Khellendros, on 12 November 2013 - 08:01 AM, said:
Go for it - so does this also mean you want to hang on to Aldebaran?
EDIT: after some soulsearching:
As it stands, D'rek (as said) has Advanced Labs but not (yet) advanced mining.
I cannot get the labs and the advanced mining I'll probably skip this round in favor of something else, so I'd be okay with switching out Aldebaran.
More discs also means more influence actions, which means more colony ship shenanigans.
For the longer term: with my homeworld as it is (2 advanced slots) getting those tech would be profitable, all the more so if there's more slots available to place cubes in. In that sense, Tau Librae would be a welcome addition (also given that Formalhaut + homeplanet + Tau Libre = 3 artifacts -
Epsilon Carinae is also interesting in that regard but perhaps too far away).
I think we should try to avoid a situation where we all research the exact same techs, much better if we split up so we can create diverse fleets and threats for others to answer. Grouping advanced planets under D'rek and me makes kind of sense given that we'll both research a few of those.
In the light of D'rek doing her colonizing asap so her colony ships are available for combat re-rolls, more power to us in that respect as well.
I can give up Aldebaran no problem and would like Tau Libre and perhaps Epsilon Carinae, but I'd prefer to do so later in the round.
This post has been edited by Tapper: 12 November 2013 - 09:56 AM
Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad