Eclipse III - Game Thread The third one!
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:15 PM
Upkeep done.
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:16 PM
twelve, on 09 August 2013 - 05:14 PM, said:
Galactic Council, on 09 August 2013 - 05:11 PM, said:
There were 23 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6104_Rep tiles - Twelve (3)
Results3d23: 7 [3d23=1, 3, 3]
1 == 2.1 a 2
3 == 1.7 a 1
The second 3 requires a reroll
DescriptionR6104_Rep tiles - Twelve (3) reroll duplicate
Results2d23: 9 [2d23=8, 1] (I rolled 2 dice in case the first was a 1 or 3.)
8 == 3.3 a 3.
1 each 1, 2, 3. Toss them all back?
There were 23 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 1.7
- 1.1
- 2.5
- 1.3
- 2.3
- 3.3
- 3.2
- 2.9
- 1.5
- 3.1
- 2.7
- 2.4
- 1.2
- 1.6
- 1.8
- 1.0
- 2.8
- 4.1
- 1.9
- 1.4
- 2.6
DescriptionR6104_Rep tiles - Twelve (3)
Results3d23: 7 [3d23=1, 3, 3]
1 == 2.1 a 2
3 == 1.7 a 1
The second 3 requires a reroll
DescriptionR6104_Rep tiles - Twelve (3) reroll duplicate
Results2d23: 9 [2d23=8, 1] (I rolled 2 dice in case the first was a 1 or 3.)
8 == 3.3 a 3.
1 each 1, 2, 3. Toss them all back?
No exchange the newly dranw three with one I already have on my board.
That's not quite as smartass as you think.

Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:18 PM
So instead of a smart ass I'm now a pain in the ass? Is that what I'm hearing?
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:21 PM
Galactic Council, on 09 August 2013 - 05:15 PM, said:
There were 23 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6104_Rep tiles - Khell (1)
Results1d23: 1 [1d23=1]
1 == 1.6 a 1
Keep it?
There were 23 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- 1.6
- 2.1
- 1.8
- 2.2
- 2.3
- 3.2
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 2.9
- 4.1
- 3.1
- 1.7
- 2.6
- 3.3
- 1.1
- 2.4
- 1.5
- 1.4
- 2.5
- 1.9
- 1.0
- 2.7
- 2.8
DescriptionR6104_Rep tiles - Khell (1)
Results1d23: 1 [1d23=1]
1 == 1.6 a 1
Keep it?
Uh, yes?
"I think I've made a terrible error of judgement."
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:23 PM
Beginning of cleanup phase:
Supernova rolls
Descriptionsupernovas_round 6 (392,391)
Results2d6: 7 [2d6=4, 3]
392 == 4 CF adds +1. 392 explodes.
391 == 3 Khell adds +3 391 explodes.
Edit: Just kidding. Ok, yeah, I fucked up.
Supernova rolls
Descriptionsupernovas_round 6 (392,391)
Results2d6: 7 [2d6=4, 3]
392 == 4 CF adds +1. 392 explodes.
391 == 3 Khell adds +3 391 explodes.
This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 09 August 2013 - 05:33 PM
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:24 PM
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:26 PM
Looks like we just have Tapper, SS and Morgoth left to do their upkeep, but they all have no chance of going into bankruptcy, so you can draw new tech and do supernova rolls if you like, Gnaw.
Who're going to be first player and rotation direction decider this round?
Who're going to be first player and rotation direction decider this round?
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:27 PM
Tech Draw:
We are throwing out the 3 extra regular tiles. 1 fusion drive, 1 artifact key, 1 tachyon drive.
We are adding in the two rares. Point Defense and Tractor Beam.
We are drawing only 9 tiles per remaining phase. Rares do not count towards the 9.
We are throwing out the 3 extra regular tiles. 1 fusion drive, 1 artifact key, 1 tachyon drive.
We are adding in the two rares. Point Defense and Tractor Beam.
We are drawing only 9 tiles per remaining phase. Rares do not count towards the 9.
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:27 PM
Galactic Council, on 09 August 2013 - 05:23 PM, said:
Beginning of cleanup phase:
Supernova rolls
Descriptionsupernovas_round 6 (392,391)
Results2d6: 7 [2d6=4, 3]
392 == 4 CF adds +1. 392 explodes.
391 == 3 Khell adds +3 391 explodes.
Supernova rolls
Descriptionsupernovas_round 6 (392,391)
Results2d6: 7 [2d6=4, 3]
392 == 4 CF adds +1. 392 explodes.
391 == 3 Khell adds +3 391 explodes.
Uh, isn't it 2 dice per supernova?
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:28 PM
D, on 09 August 2013 - 05:26 PM, said:
Looks like we just have Tapper, SS and Morgoth left to do their upkeep, but they all have no chance of going into bankruptcy, so you can draw new tech and do supernova rolls if you like, Gnaw.
Who're going to be first player and rotation direction decider this round?
Who're going to be first player and rotation direction decider this round?
CF is first, Morgoth rotation. Want to see the PM that says "I want to move before D'rek"?
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:30 PM
Galactic Council, on 09 August 2013 - 05:28 PM, said:
D, on 09 August 2013 - 05:26 PM, said:
Looks like we just have Tapper, SS and Morgoth left to do their upkeep, but they all have no chance of going into bankruptcy, so you can draw new tech and do supernova rolls if you like, Gnaw.
Who're going to be first player and rotation direction decider this round?
Who're going to be first player and rotation direction decider this round?
CF is first, Morgoth rotation. Want to see the PM that says "I want to move before D'rek"?
haha, I believe you

Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:32 PM
D, on 09 August 2013 - 05:27 PM, said:
Galactic Council, on 09 August 2013 - 05:23 PM, said:
Beginning of cleanup phase:
Supernova rolls
Descriptionsupernovas_round 6 (392,391)
Results2d6: 7 [2d6=4, 3]
392 == 4 CF adds +1. 392 explodes.
391 == 3 Khell adds +3 391 explodes.
Supernova rolls
Descriptionsupernovas_round 6 (392,391)
Results2d6: 7 [2d6=4, 3]
392 == 4 CF adds +1. 392 explodes.
391 == 3 Khell adds +3 391 explodes.
Uh, isn't it 2 dice per supernova?
Why yes. Yes it is.
Descriptionsupernovas_round 6 (392,391) reroll because Gnaw is an idiot
Results4d6: 15 [4d6=6, 2, 5, 2]
392 == 8. Still there.
391 == 7. Still there.
It was all a plot to make Khell's head explode. Really.
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:39 PM
By my count, VPs are:
twelve - 37
tatts - 29
drek - 24
CF - 19
Tapper - 14
SS - 13
Khell - 12
Morgoth - 7
twelve - 37
tatts - 29
drek - 24
CF - 19
Tapper - 14
SS - 13
Khell - 12
Morgoth - 7
Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:58 PM
Advanced Mining
Antimatter Cannon
Artifact Key
Conifold Field
Fusion Drive
Fusion Source
Gauss Shield
Improved Hull
Neutron bombs
Neutron bombs
Phase Shield
Phase Shield
Plasma Missiles
Point Defense
Positron Computer
Sentient Hull
Tachyon Drive
Tachyon Source
Tractor Beam
Wormhole Generator
Wormhole Generator
There were 33 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 1st of 9
Results1d33: 4 [1d33=4]
4 == Neutron bombs
There were 32 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 2 of 9
Results1d32: 21 [1d32=21]
21 == Antimatter Splitter
There were 31 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 2 of 9 (rare drawn last time)
Results1d31: 12 [1d31=12]
12 == Advanced Economy
There were 30 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 3 of 9
Results1d30: 2 [1d30=2]
2 == Phase Shield
Antimatter Cannon
Artifact Key
Conifold Field
Fusion Drive
Fusion Source
Gauss Shield
Improved Hull
Neutron bombs
Neutron bombs
Phase Shield
Phase Shield
Plasma Missiles
Point Defense
Positron Computer
Sentient Hull
Tachyon Drive
Tachyon Source
Tractor Beam
Wormhole Generator
Wormhole Generator
There were 33 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Improved Hull
- Advanced Mining
- Fusion Drive
- Neutron bombs
- Phase Shield
- Point Defense
- Phase Shield
- Tractor Beam
- Orbital
- Wormhole Generator
- Gauss Shield
- Tachyon Source
- Nanorobots
- Orbital
- Wormhole Generator
- Sentient Hull
- Positron Computer
- Advanced Economy
- Nanorobots
- Antimatter Splitter
- Conifold Field
- Antimatter Cannon
- Tachyon Drive
- Plasma Missiles
- Phase Shield
- Fusion Source
- Neutron bombs
- Neutron bombs
- Artifact Key
- Starbase
- Nanorobots
- Nanorobots
- Monolith
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 1st of 9
Results1d33: 4 [1d33=4]
4 == Neutron bombs
There were 32 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Gauss Shield
- Wormhole Generator
- Phase Shield
- Phase Shield
- Sentient Hull
- Starbase
- Neutron bombs
- Tachyon Drive
- Conifold Field
- Neutron bombs
- Wormhole Generator
- Improved Hull
- Plasma Missiles
- Advanced Economy
- Positron Computer
- Nanorobots
- Advanced Mining
- Nanorobots
- Artifact Key
- Antimatter Cannon
- Antimatter Splitter
- Nanorobots
- Orbital
- Tachyon Source
- Fusion Source
- Phase Shield
- Fusion Drive
- Orbital
- Monolith
- Point Defense
- Tractor Beam
- Nanorobots
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 2 of 9
Results1d32: 21 [1d32=21]
21 == Antimatter Splitter
There were 31 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Antimatter Cannon
- Phase Shield
- Starbase
- Neutron bombs
- Nanorobots
- Phase Shield
- Sentient Hull
- Artifact Key
- Nanorobots
- Tachyon Drive
- Advanced Mining
- Advanced Economy
- Tachyon Source
- Fusion Drive
- Nanorobots
- Wormhole Generator
- Point Defense
- Neutron bombs
- Fusion Source
- Nanorobots
- Orbital
- Tractor Beam
- Conifold Field
- Wormhole Generator
- Gauss Shield
- Positron Computer
- Monolith
- Plasma Missiles
- Improved Hull
- Phase Shield
- Orbital
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 2 of 9 (rare drawn last time)
Results1d31: 12 [1d31=12]
12 == Advanced Economy
There were 30 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Nanorobots
- Phase Shield
- Fusion Drive
- Fusion Source
- Antimatter Cannon
- Advanced Mining
- Phase Shield
- Wormhole Generator
- Tachyon Drive
- Monolith
- Nanorobots
- Point Defense
- Wormhole Generator
- Nanorobots
- Orbital
- Phase Shield
- Plasma Missiles
- Sentient Hull
- Artifact Key
- Conifold Field
- Orbital
- Nanorobots
- Neutron bombs
- Positron Computer
- Gauss Shield
- Tractor Beam
- Improved Hull
- Starbase
- Tachyon Source
- Neutron bombs
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 3 of 9
Results1d30: 2 [1d30=2]
2 == Phase Shield
Posted 09 August 2013 - 06:12 PM
Advanced Mining
Antimatter Cannon
Artifact Key
Fusion Drive
Fusion Source
Gauss Shield
Improved Hull
Neutron bombs
Neutron bombs
Phase Shield
Phase Shield
Point Defense
Positron Computer
Sentient Hull
Tachyon Source
Tractor Beam
Wormhole Generator
There were 29 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 3 of 9 (should say 4 of 9)
Results1d29: 1 [1d29=1]
1 == Conifold Field
There were 28 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 4 of 9
Results1d28: 25 [1d28=25]
25 == Plasma Missiles
There were 27 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 5 of 9
Results1d27: 26 [1d27=26]
26 == Tachyon Drive
There were 26 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 6 of 9
Results1d26: 2 [1d26=2]
2 == Wormhole Generator
Antimatter Cannon
Artifact Key
Fusion Drive
Fusion Source
Gauss Shield
Improved Hull
Neutron bombs
Neutron bombs
Phase Shield
Phase Shield
Point Defense
Positron Computer
Sentient Hull
Tachyon Source
Tractor Beam
Wormhole Generator
There were 29 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Conifold Field
- Wormhole Generator
- Gauss Shield
- Positron Computer
- Nanorobots
- Monolith
- Tachyon Drive
- Improved Hull
- Plasma Missiles
- Antimatter Cannon
- Phase Shield
- Point Defense
- Fusion Drive
- Artifact Key
- Neutron bombs
- Nanorobots
- Wormhole Generator
- Tractor Beam
- Fusion Source
- Tachyon Source
- Sentient Hull
- Neutron bombs
- Nanorobots
- Starbase
- Advanced Mining
- Orbital
- Nanorobots
- Orbital
- Phase Shield
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 3 of 9 (should say 4 of 9)
Results1d29: 1 [1d29=1]
1 == Conifold Field
There were 28 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Fusion Drive
- Nanorobots
- Nanorobots
- Positron Computer
- Artifact Key
- Nanorobots
- Point Defense
- Orbital
- Advanced Mining
- Neutron bombs
- Antimatter Cannon
- Fusion Source
- Orbital
- Tachyon Drive
- Tractor Beam
- Nanorobots
- Phase Shield
- Gauss Shield
- Phase Shield
- Wormhole Generator
- Starbase
- Monolith
- Neutron bombs
- Sentient Hull
- Plasma Missiles
- Tachyon Source
- Wormhole Generator
- Improved Hull
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 4 of 9
Results1d28: 25 [1d28=25]
25 == Plasma Missiles
There were 27 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Tachyon Source
- Antimatter Cannon
- Nanorobots
- Point Defense
- Tractor Beam
- Wormhole Generator
- Neutron bombs
- Fusion Source
- Sentient Hull
- Gauss Shield
- Nanorobots
- Advanced Mining
- Orbital
- Starbase
- Nanorobots
- Improved Hull
- Nanorobots
- Phase Shield
- Fusion Drive
- Orbital
- Phase Shield
- Artifact Key
- Monolith
- Wormhole Generator
- Positron Computer
- Tachyon Drive
- Neutron bombs
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 5 of 9
Results1d27: 26 [1d27=26]
26 == Tachyon Drive
There were 26 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- Positron Computer
- Wormhole Generator
- Advanced Mining
- Improved Hull
- Tractor Beam
- Nanorobots
- Starbase
- Gauss Shield
- Nanorobots
- Phase Shield
- Fusion Source
- Monolith
- Neutron bombs
- Point Defense
- Antimatter Cannon
- Artifact Key
- Wormhole Generator
- Nanorobots
- Orbital
- Tachyon Source
- Nanorobots
- Neutron bombs
- Orbital
- Sentient Hull
- Fusion Drive
- Phase Shield
DescriptionR6 cleanup tech draw 6 of 9
Results1d26: 2 [1d26=2]
2 == Wormhole Generator
Posted 09 August 2013 - 06:12 PM
You could have just gone with the first 9 in the list after you randomized it!
Posted 09 August 2013 - 06:15 PM
This is going to be good for you, though, Khell! Since Morgy seems to be picking clockwise, you get 2nd dibs at tech and can grab the point defense (I assume CF won't go for it since he has distortion shield already) to help counter those flux missiles!
Posted 09 August 2013 - 06:23 PM
D, on 09 August 2013 - 06:15 PM, said:
This is going to be good for you, though, Khell! Since Morgy seems to be picking clockwise, you get 2nd dibs at tech and can grab the point defense (I assume CF won't go for it since he has distortion shield already) to help counter those flux missiles!
Yep, I'm feeling good about this round. The last couple of rounds or so I was a bit meh as my game was going nowhere fast, but now that I've decided on some foolhardy objectives the Hydrani feel as refreshed as if they had taken a tip in the healing hot springs of Alazulon 7!
"I think I've made a terrible error of judgement."