Ganoes Paran, on 24 July 2013 - 03:13 PM, said:
twelve, on 24 July 2013 - 03:07 PM, said:
Ganoes Paran, on 24 July 2013 - 02:59 PM, said:
I actually thought I had one more move to make, but I am good with this move.
Well I thought you were going to do an influence action to, either remove a disk and then settle another money planet or just to settle the money planet and remove the hex in bankruptcy. Either way you could have given yourself another colony ship to use down the road. But Passing works good too. You've been able to get some good tech working this strategy.
I am hoping to actually get the key, but with what you said you may not let me even with the bargain/alliance/hope. I was going to influence to get the colony ship to colonise the hex after battle BUT I just cannot afford it. Can I remove two hexes with one influence action?
You can place an influence disk on a hex after battle but you don't have any more colony ships available to settle money planets/orbitals so influencing Morgoth's homeworld would force you to bankrupt another hex. But by using an influence action you get to reset one colony ship as the Magellan and you can move up to two influence disks from a hex to either another hex or back to your player board or from your player board to a hex. So yes if you want to remove two influence disks from hexes with an influence action you can but any population cubes you have to remove from that action go back to the population track not the graveyard so you won't get any production from them this round.
Gnaw actually used that influence action multiple times this game already when he went all out to stop you only to not stop you.
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.