Terez, on 06 June 2013 - 10:00 PM, said:
The show said they were going to visit the Umbers, didn't they? Which is not Skagos.
Indeed. My guess of Castle Black was also out

They're going to the Last Hearth. Hopefully that means that they're not just going to vanish and we get Clive Mantle back as the Greatjon (unlike the books, the Greatjon was not present at the RW and has not been captured), but I wouldn't put money on it.
I'm curious to know exactly why it takes GRRM so long to finish his Song books. He was pretty quick with the first three, so it would be nice to hear him explain what changed. It is possible that he actually just doesn't spend much time on them.
I think Polish nailed most of it. One point to make is that the first three didn't take quite as fast as they appeared: he started A GAME OF THRONES in 1991, took a year off to work on a TV show, and finished it in 1995, publishing it the next year. However, he had half of ACoK done when he finished AGoT, and a large chunk of ASoS (including Tyrion's entire ASoS stoyrline) when he finished ACoK. Certainly he was working faster than now, but he didn't bash out those three books in five years, more like eight. He also originally planned AGoT-ACoK-ASoS to be ONE book, and had an outline and plan to that effect to work from.
After ASoS, he planned to jump ahead 5 years and spent 18 months working on the next book with that in mind. This book, then called ADWD, opened with events from late in both AFFC and ADWD and we then get the previous events filled in using flashbacks. GRRM found that didn't work and scrapped 18 months and hundreds of pages of work to start again from scratch, giving us AFFC and ADWD as it was eventually published. He also struggled with a major timeline problem on ADWD, the aforementioned Knot.
Taking out ADWD, he's actually averaged a bit over 3 years per book, which isn't too bad (slow by Erikson or Sanderson standards, but they are ridiculous outliers in terms of speed). However, TWoW will take longer than that because of these other side-projects he's been doing. As GRRM said himself, he was so relieved at finishing ADWD that he took on too much other work and it's taken much longer than planned to get through them (though he has, more or less, finished them now and is back to working on TWoW, and apparently writing quite fast at the current time).
You know what, the more I think about it, the more I feel his initial plan (books 1-3 and then time jump to age the kids up for book 4, and then onto books 5-7) was the right path
I wonder if it would have worked better, but then I remember the new(er) BSG, when they took a one-year time jump between Seasons 2 and 3 and it threw the entire series out of whack. Characters behaved completely differently and weird things just happened, and it was all handwaved by, "Oh, it's been a year, things have changed." It felt like a lazy way of skipping the 'dull stuff' in the middle of the big story when the 'dull stuff' is often necessary for character development explaining motivations.
To be sure, AFFC and ADWD could still have been better, but I think jettisoning the gap was a good idea. GRRM's also said a factor was that he'd set up the Others as a relatively imminent threat in the first three books and suddenly it's five years later and they still haven't shown up? That would have damaged the tension and pace of the series.
This post has been edited by Werthead: 08 June 2013 - 01:10 PM