blackzoid, on 12 June 2013 - 04:58 PM, said:
Eh, dark-skinned people (whose are the only opinions I care about) seem to use these terms the most often (say, on mainstream news shows): when speaking about American racism in general, they generally use "black and brown" or "dark-skinned", but when speaking about particular race groups, "black" is more common than "African-American"—and why not? it's nice and simple and not particularly derogatory, unless you use it as a noun, i.e. "blacks"—and "Hispanic" or "Latino" or "Indian" or "Arab" etc. are used more often than "brown". I don't know why; I just roll with it. It's probably different on Fox, which I have been watching more lately than I'd like, but I don't care what they do; it's probably wrong. In the US "colored" and "Negro" definitely have negative, or more precisely, backward connotations, but black people certainly used both terms commonly a few decades ago. I am uncomfortable with this new wave of non-black people using the other N word these days because of rap. Some black people seem to be okay with it; others say they tolerate it to be nice to you but hate it inside and bitch about it when you're not around.
Werthead, on 12 June 2013 - 08:26 PM, said:
I read it when you tweeted it.

As for your thoughts on Tyrion, I mostly agree, but I do think they will want Tywin's death to come near the end. If there are 10 eps, I think it is most likely they'll do Tyrion's escape in ep 8, giving Dinklage ep 9 off, and starting his journey in ep 10. It's possible they'll do Tyrion's escape in ep 7, but I really doubt it will come any earlier than that.
I really hate the idea of Arya training in Westeros with Jaquen. If Tyrion is going across the Narrow Sea, and Dany has been over there all along, then what is the problem? I'll be really disappointed if they water her plotline down like that. I'll also be really disappointed if we don't get some Nymeria next season.
As for Jorah's treachery, why can't Barristan tell her about it? Was he not on the small council in the show or something? Wasn't that the reason he came in the first place—to protect her from the assassins he knew were being sent after her?
I will be upset if Asha (I don't care what they call her) isn't at the Kingsmoot, or if they don't have one at all.
(Not all of those are in response to Wert's opinions; some are in response to Elio's opinions. Also, don't necessarily expect Wert to answer.)