Posted 09 August 2013 - 04:29 AM
King Lear (the forum poster, not the Shakespeare character) and I were talking about Kallor and the nature of the curses laid on him by the Elder Gods, and his retaliatory curses.
She posited that though Draconus, Nightchill, and K'rul would seem to have broken Kallor's curses, that in fact they haven't, it's just that the nature of his curses on them is different than the nature of their curses on him.
The difference being that their curses were more continuous states of not ascending (or at least not ascending fully*), eternal life without eternal youth, and failure, not cursing him to any specific horrible catastrophe, but rather cursing the rest of his existence in perpetuity. Essentially their curses have no expiration date, as they aren't curses that happen and then are over, but curses that are continuing to happen.
In contrast, the curses Kallor retaliated with all came to pass, but they were all basically singular events that can be said to have "happened," past tense.
His curse against K'rul? Came true. K'rul was forgotten. However, the curse said nothing of what would happen after said forgetting occurred, and so it happened that eventually K'rul was rediscovered and so once again has a presence in Wu, albeit a smaller one than in ancient times.
The curse against Draconus? Obviously came true. But again, Kallor made no mention of what would happen after Draconus was cut down and imprisoned in Dragnipur. As it happened, the sword did not last forever. And so Draconus is back in action, being a BAMF, though occasionally being all sad about missing Mama D, and mildly scolding his evil daughter.
Perhaps the least 'temporary setback' of Kallor's curses was the one against the Sister of Cold Nights. Basically, he said that even after getting ripped apart, her torment wouldn't end, and it didn't. While it would seem that since she's been reborn in Silverfox, that she's gotten over that, how do we know that Silverfox isn't internally tormented? There are many kinds of torment, after all, and her torment could now be emotional/philosophical. Missing Bellurdan could be a torment, even. Being in charge of the T'lan Imass certainly would weigh heavily on her, especially given that she knows that really she should probably release them, and also the pressure of having this burden that she didn't really ask for, but kinda fell into as the first mortal bonecaster in millennia. Plus there's the whole having to share a body with some human mage who she got along with in their past life, but wasn't besties with or anything like that, is probably a bit complicated, and again, not something she exactly asked for.
Basically, Kallor cursed the Elder Gods with terrible events, though ones that, given that death is cheap and their souls don't go away, they could recover from, given enough time. The Elder Gods, on the other hand, cursed Kallor with a shitty life.
*I would maintain that due to the fact that Kallor would be a shriveled, motionless blob/husk without his century candles, he's not an ascendant, as he would be doomed if the knowledge to make such were ever lost and never rediscovered, unless of course he makes them himself, but this isn't all that related to the point KL was making, as even if he is an ascendant, he is not as ascended as the kind that stays young forever
Laseen did nothing wrong.
I demand Telorast & Curdle plushies.