twelve, on 21 March 2013 - 03:17 PM, said:
cerveza_fiesta, on 21 March 2013 - 03:04 PM, said:
Defender wins initiative ties for both missile and regular combat rounds.
But if you have missiles and I don't, then you go first regardless.
And if we both have missiles and I have initiative, I go first with my missiles, then you with yours, then we move on to regular cannon combat rounds, where initiative is applied again.
Seriously Tats!! This is the last round and you've been in a couple of scraps yourself this game. You should know this by now. This is all easily reviewed in the rules that are referenced by D'rek on the first page of the thread if you still need to look them over.
You and CF can get prissy all you want, you are not waiting on me as I had a provisional in anyway, it was an upgrade which meant it wouldn't affect what Khell is going to do. You are waiting on Khell to decide what direction he is going in.