EmperorMagus, on 17 December 2012 - 05:16 PM, said:
I did a quick re-read of the naagloshii parts of Turn Coat and saw that it did indeed follow Morgan for a while. It might have been the same naagloshii that got nuked back in the 1950s. However, I think it wanted Morgan because it thought he was The Warden of Demonreach - not Dresden. The two were linked strongly enough for a while that some misdirection and an outsider's perspective might have caused the confusion in the naagloshii. When the skinwalker appears on Demonreach, it very purposely tries to break the wards surrounding the cottage and is unable to. What's under Demonreach? More naagloshii and maybe more monsters of its preference.
Injun Joe exhausted its magical reserves during the shapeshifting battle with his dine knowledge (easily one of the best views into the non-standard Christian/wizard/fairy magic in any fantasy series ever) and the naagloshii was forced to return to its home grounds to recharge.
It will be back and it knows now that Dresden is The Warden, not Morgan.