QuickTidal, on 23 August 2012 - 02:44 PM, said:
Dubai is a crafted city. It was created from the get-go to be a rich tourist mecca. It's gorgeous to look at, but it's all empty. The majority of the buildings (minus the hotels....and even in some cases the hotels) are not occupied.
I have friends who visited and the only reason they found anything to do was because they had a friend who had family there, otherwise they said it was kind of boring...as far as middle eastern culture is concerned. The way one of them described it like a Hollywood movie set of a Middle Eastern city. Like a Vegas that isn't really occupied.
It's simply not the type of place to look for stuff to do off the beaten path. As far as I know.
This is wrong on so many levels it quite hilarious. Dubai has been a trading point for a long long time and was gearing towards international trading hub long before the tourist idea came about.
Don't let this assessment put anyone off taking a week in Dubai, however unless you really love sweltering heat, I'd recommend between October and May. (I think Lizrad was worried about massive temps, apparently December/Jan drops to low 20s) I arrived just as the brutal heat has started to die off, with a very noticeable difference between last Tuesday night (11pm!) when I landed and just now, 6pm in the evening. Its lovely now, just a tad over the top in the middle of the day. I'm thinking about coming back in December for the Rugby sevens (spectator not participant

) when it should be bloody marvellous weather.
I've been to a properly fake city (Ashgabat) and Dubai is nothing like it what so ever, its a busy place and any buildings that are empty are newly finished, close to finished or in the middle one of the ill conceived little I'm not sure of the word but its like plush housing estates type things. People here want apartments with nice facilities. and boy do they get them!
Vegas is far more fake than Dubai IMO, its one big tacky tourist trap, Dubai is anything but only in the last ten years has tourism agenda been pushed (the palm, the world, dubai mall), for a good 60/70 years before that the aim was trade and corporation centres and there's actually quite an interesting history to the place. They've granted foreigners tax breaks for nearly 100 years to bring trade and other services here, very forward thinking and when they realised the oil would run out they started pushing harder for it.
Its not cheap, I'll admit it, though there are plenty of bargain places to be found and its a hell of a lot cheaper than Australia was. And in most shops (not supermarkets obviously) haggling is very much the way forward I knocked a good bit of nearly everything I've bought here. Granted I'm not much of a shopper, and not much of a haggler either.
Back to Dubai, there is enough to do for a week no problem, Dubai Mall and the burj Khalifa will take a day, its simply so big and you'll want to stay on to see the fountains going.
I'd recommend going to old Dubai the day after Dubai mall for a wonderful contrast (I'll post some pictures later) and it was great fun haggling with a man there over a a neck scarf that I really didn't want but ended up buying because he was so entertaining. (We actually got to that fantasy book market cliche place, where we were both lying outrageously to each other to alter the price) Now I know that can be done anywhere, and its part of the touristy thing, but most guys here has pretty good English so it makes it fun.
A boat trip out round the coastline is another day, well, half a day but the heat was still pretty high when I did it so I retreated to the pool afterwards.
The weekends here are great, the social scene is really vibrant and a lot of fun, with plenty of variety, and if you do come, I thoroughly recommend a brunch on a friday, its just so over the top, almost decadent.
Oh weekend here is friday and saturday, which is bizarre but when you're in holiday mode you don't notice.
Transport is cheap and very straight forward.
I want to come back, I simply failed as a tourist this time round due to enjoying the bar scene entirely too much. I didn't even get to Ferrari world!
I want to do a boat trip at night to see the city lights from out there, I want to walk the marina at night, I REALLY want to go buggy racing over the dunes (supposed to be immense but was too pricey for one, better split between 2 or 4). Sure for a proper middle eastern experience this isn't it, its mostly a pretty new city, but I've been to plenty of old cities, some of them smell.
I'm a terrible reviewer, but I'll say to write Dubai off as a tacky tourist trap is doing it a massive disservice. Its a young lively city with plenty to offer, especially on the dining side (both on and off the track, we had a fantastic thai meal last night in a really weird backstreet restaurant, so small its toilets were actually public toilets out on the street) I haven't had a bad meal here yet (fingers crossed for my cooking tonight)
There's a ton of shopping if that's your thing, but even it you get dragged to one of the malls there is so much other stuff to see and do you won't even mind. Its not a strict muslim country like others I've been in, very laid back and open minded (just be respectful and obey the signs) do as others do basically and you'll be fine. There's a very large western working population here as well, so much so I'd consider it a marketing/ technology city rather than touristy.
And the Burj Khalifa is a simply stunning building