nacht, on 29 January 2013 - 08:22 PM, said:
There were some very interesting references to spite, envy and malice (and venom) that I caught on my second read.
Excellent quote fu there, rep'd accordingly.
SE might be doing some verbal trickery but another way to interpret it is
...3. Spite, Envy and Malice are named not only because they have these characteristics but they can actually control these behaviors within others.
4. This is how Envy could control the Seguleh in MoI. Essentially she can amplify that characteristic in others and take over their mind because they cant see anything else
Don't think so. She kept Mok asleep with Mokra, and the other Seguleh had already 'lost' to her so they acknowledged her dominance. No 'envy' involved.
Votan, on 10 March 2013 - 04:26 PM, said:
Thanks, I appreciate it. What was Erikson doing with the Kilmandaros quote then? Seems odd, but I know he likes to muddle things. Olar Ethil and Burn anyone? lol.
nacht, on 10 March 2013 - 04:30 PM, said:
It is interesting that you mentioned this. It does look a little out of place but the children he might be referring to could be the Forkrul.
He returned to his cooking, adding more chips to the fire, but the chill would not leave him. If a goddess of love had cruel children, he wondered, by what names would they be known?
I took it as Arathan musing on the nature of love and it's lack in his sisters.
Bear in mind that 'love' isn't exactly an aspect to either Kila or Olar, so the comment is wide open to interpretation, but it really does not support Kila over Olar as their mom.
nacht, on 18 April 2013 - 01:13 PM, said:
from TTH
Alas, it did not occur to either twin that their father understood all too well the potential danger of his daughters forged together in alliance. And in shaping them – as carefully, as perfectly as he shaped Dragnipur itself – he had done what he could to mitigate the risk.
And so, as they walked side by side up the street, in Spite's mind she had already begun scheming her fateful stab into her sister's back. While Envy amused herself with virtually identical thoughts, roles reversed, naturally.
...And Draconus shaped them consciously. Interesting. I didnt think Draconus could be this subtle.
Indeed. He shaped them to ensure they would never truly trust each other enough to cooperate, so their power would never be united in one goal. Inevitably one would betray the other.
Interesting how this reflects the dealings between draconic soletaken as described by Silchas in TCG as well.