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The USA Politics Thread

#11361 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 04:25 PM

If it's a Biden landslide, I expect Trump to run. He can't really fight a landslide. If it's a sqeaker of any kind, he'll try to get it into the SCOTUS...but a landslide is pretty unvoidably safe from his rhetoric. But yah, he gonna do a runner if he loses that badly during the interim months.
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#11362 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 04:51 PM

Where is he going to run to? If he flees the country the secret service can't protect him from the people he owes money.

#11363 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 04:55 PM

View PostAptorian, on 16 October 2020 - 04:51 PM, said:

Where is he going to run to? If he flees the country the secret service can't protect him from the people he owes money.

Russia will want him alive... at least until they can make convincing enough deepfakes of him. Actually, it would be logical if they focused on doing that---making an immortal virtual Super-Trump to shitpost ridiculous chaos-inciting conspiracy videos... 'the Storm is now, get your guns and start shooting up the statehouses!'

#11364 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 05:25 PM

Pessimist me, expecting protests, violence, whomever wins.
A crushing Biden victory might minimize it, but even then the kkk/supremacists and their ilk will be in the streets waving their penis replacements and screaming about the injustice of it all.
Trump squeeks by and the left will go bugnuts over a stolen election. Trump landslide, same thing only moreso.

#11365 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 05:28 PM


Joe Biden's town hall on ABC averaged 13.9 million viewers on Thursday night, easily surpassing the Nielsen ratings for President Trump's town hall on NBC. That alone was a result virtually no one in the TV business expected. And that's not even the most surprising part.

The Trump town hall was simulcast by two of NBC's cable channels, MSNBC and CNBC, but even when those channels are included in the total, Biden -- on only one network -- still prevailed.

The Trump town hall averaged 10.6 million viewers on the NBC broadcast network. On MSNBC, Trump reached 1.74 million viewers, and on CNBC, about 671,000 viewers. So Trump's gross audience across the three channels was 13 million, about one million fewer than Biden's audience on ABC alone.

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

#11366 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 05:57 PM

It's so funny that Trump did this shit for ratings. He literally lives in a 1980's bubble where he thinks TV ratings are more of a thing than they are these days (which they absolutely aren't) and that it's also a signifier of his quality/success (it's not; how many people tuned in to see what a train wreck he would be VS his actual followers?) and he reportedly wanted to "beat" Biden in the ratings...

But to do all that for some spurious phantom numbers dictated from the 1960's-era ad revenue bean counting....and still to get so soundly beaten by Biden's town hall has to hurt his puny little ego...

Probably about as much as having to sit and take being confronted on his lies and bullshit from a female moderator...she called him a Crazy Uncle at one point...watching him squirm trying to answer her questions and comments was delicious.

He planned this out very poorly. Tried to treat it like he treats everything else a campaign rally, and failed hard because someone was there to Pop-Up-Video his bulllshit.


This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 16 October 2020 - 06:00 PM

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon

#11367 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 06:36 PM

Caught some clips from Biden's town hall. He still comes off strong at times with that "cantankerous old fart" personality. He's old and his ways are set, but doesn't he have an image consultant and public persona/life coach types embedded with his campaign to at least try and dampen that effect? The disconnect with certain demographics has to be strong. But then I suppose the "have to vote to ensure Trump doesn't get another four years" is pretty much set in stone at this point.

#11368 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 07:47 PM

'Florida Republicans Launch Last-Minute Effort to Shut Down Ballot Drop Boxes

There's absolutely no legal basis for the move. So what's going on here?

[...] as a matter of law—she can’t force supervisors to shutter drop boxes.

[...] There's another, more sinister possibility. Presuming supervisors ignore McVay's guidance, Florida's largest counties will collect a huge number of absentee ballots in a manner deemed unlawful by the Department of State. If Joe Biden narrowly wins the state in November, Florida's Republican-controlled government could argue that these ballots should be thrown out because they were cast through an illegal process. That claim could give rise to litigation that might allow the federal judiciary to call election results into question and invalidate ballots. The president has openly fantasized about such a scenario for months.

There is no reason to give Lee the benefit of the doubt. Her office has known for months that counties intended to set up plenty of drop boxes to accommodate all the Floridians who don't want to vote in person due to the pandemic. This last-minute effort to sabotage these boxes may lay the groundwork for an impending brawl over the legitimacy of Florida's election.'

So the Supreme Court might end up deciding Florida and Pennsylvania....

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 16 October 2020 - 07:49 PM


#11369 User is offline   amphibian 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 09:35 PM

View PostMalankazooie, on 16 October 2020 - 06:36 PM, said:

Caught some clips from Biden's town hall. He still comes off strong at times with that "cantankerous old fart" personality. He's old and his ways are set, but doesn't he have an image consultant and public persona/life coach types embedded with his campaign to at least try and dampen that effect? The disconnect with certain demographics has to be strong. But then I suppose the "have to vote to ensure Trump doesn't get another four years" is pretty much set in stone at this point.

From what I am reading, Trump attempted to "counter program" Biden by running his event at the same time on a different network and the goal was to pull higher ratings than Biden. That didn't happen (Biden was a couple million ahead) and it's a weirdly effective blow to Trump bc "ratings" are something he pays particular attention to.

I skipped this as I truly wish Bernie or Warren were the Democratic candidate and I've been clear for years about how awful Trump is.

I put up a Biden/Harris yard sign and a Black Lives Matter sign about a month ago. They've been left alone and I think they're counter balancing the neighbor with the Trump flag.

I wish this country were better than having almost half vote for Trump despite the thousands of corrupt, racist, stupid, and damaging things he's done and said, but we're not.
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#11370 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 16 October 2020 - 09:55 PM

I've only caught some clips of Biden's and none from Trump's event. I was listening to a week in news summary on the radio this morning and there was summary talk of both events. I guess NBC is catching it hard for their last min. decision to air Trump's town hall during the same time slot as Biden's. That's why I was confused about it up thread. I didn't even know what it was going to be and thought maybe they would just show one of Trump's rallies, which would really have been terrible on NBCs part. Does NBC owe Trump something from the Apprentice days or something? From what discussion I caught about Trump's event, I guess the moderator called him out about retweeting QAnon conspiracies. He, as Trump does, wouldn't back off or admit error in doing so, and asked why she doesn't require Biden to disavow antifa. Truly we are living is some crazy times. I'm ready for some unrest. If it is sustained though, I might have to go more primal. Is the final debate still on for next week?

#11371 User is offline   Cause 

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 12:10 AM

So political adds have no responsibility to be truthful?

I keep seeing an add by trump campaign saying Biden wants to raise taxes for 82% of Americans by 14%. Now those numbers don’t even pass the sniff test but the cited source makes no mention of this fact at all either. Google search reveals it as an out right lie. Surely there should be a penalty for this?

#11372 User is offline   HoosierDaddy 

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 01:43 AM

There are always little things that tag on a qualifier that can't really be seen.
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....

#11373 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 01:46 AM

'Trump Threatens to "Leave the Country" if He Loses to Biden

[...] “You know what? Running against the worst candidate in the history of American politics puts pressure on me,” Trump told the crowd. “Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life—what am I going to do? I’m going to say, I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics! I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country, I don’t know.”'


#11374 User is offline   HoosierDaddy 

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 03:18 AM

"Threat? Sounds like a promise of a farewell gift to me!" Har har har.

Laying the groundwork, though. Always creating escape routes and run-arounds.
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....

#11375 User is offline   Primateus 

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 11:53 AM

Mercedes Schlapp compares Biden to Mr. Rogers

So, being compared to Mr. Rogers is a bad thing now?

Screw you all, and have a nice day!


#11376 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 12:36 PM

I guess it is if you value hate and anger over actually caring for others.
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#11377 User is offline   Tsundoku 

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 12:40 PM

Remember, these are the people who figuratively (and literally, I'll bet in some of their cases) fellate someone who views service men and women, the fallen and POWs as "suckers", so it kind of fits.
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#11378 User is offline   Gwynn ap Nudd 

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Posted 19 October 2020 - 02:54 AM

So a question for those in the US. Every time there is a US election, there are stories upon stories of long wait lines to vote. This includes the advance polls. There articles about long line in Georgia and Texas published already. News media, and American news media especially, tends to sensationalize so I never really get an idea of whether hours long lines are common or just the couple spots picked out by the media. Does anyone have a real sense how long the waits typically are?

I voted in the advance poll for the BC provincial election today, and from getting in line to leaving it was less than five minutes. That was with way fewer poll workers than there usually are - likely due to Covid restrictions. Last federal election there was no line at all for the advance. I used to work the advance and election day polls back when I was a broke college student. On election day waits would hit 45 minutes to an hour in the evening as people voted after work. There were never lines at the advance.

#11379 User is offline   HoosierDaddy 

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Posted 19 October 2020 - 02:57 AM

View PostHoosierDaddy, on 09 October 2020 - 02:53 PM, said:

Shockingly long vote early line in conservative Hoosier land. A month before election.

Motivation on both aisles but lots of white suburban women here. That's generally a good sign. Won't matter for president but may in confessional and definitively in state elections.

About 1.5 hour wait.

View PostGwynn ap Nudd, on 19 October 2020 - 02:54 AM, said:

So a question for those in the US. Every time there is a US election, there are stories upon stories of long wait lines to vote. This includes the advance polls. There articles about long line in Georgia and Texas published already. News media, and American news media especially, tends to sensationalize so I never really get an idea of whether hours long lines are common or just the couple spots picked out by the media. Does anyone have a real sense how long the waits typically are?

I voted in the advance poll for the BC provincial election today, and from getting in line to leaving it was less than five minutes. That was with way fewer poll workers than there usually are - likely due to Covid restrictions. Last federal election there was no line at all for the advance. I used to work the advance and election day polls back when I was a broke college student. On election day waits would hit 45 minutes to an hour in the evening as people voted after work. There were never lines at the advance.

It took me 1.5 hours to vote and there were 10 machines at the polling place. 1 month before election day. That is a very well funded and prepared location. Imagine the chaos at one that is neither of those two things.
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....

#11380 User is offline   Terez 

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Posted 19 October 2020 - 03:20 AM

View PostGwynn ap Nudd, on 19 October 2020 - 02:54 AM, said:

So a question for those in the US. Every time there is a US election, there are stories upon stories of long wait lines to vote. This includes the advance polls. There articles about long line in Georgia and Texas published already. News media, and American news media especially, tends to sensationalize so I never really get an idea of whether hours long lines are common or just the couple spots picked out by the media. Does anyone have a real sense how long the waits typically are?

I voted in the advance poll for the BC provincial election today, and from getting in line to leaving it was less than five minutes. That was with way fewer poll workers than there usually are - likely due to Covid restrictions. Last federal election there was no line at all for the advance. I used to work the advance and election day polls back when I was a broke college student. On election day waits would hit 45 minutes to an hour in the evening as people voted after work. There were never lines at the advance.

It's definitely not like that everywhere. I've never had to wait a significant amount of time to vote. Right now, that's because I live in a very small county in corn country, but even when I lived in a bigger town with no early voting and voted on the black side of town, I never had to wait that long. But my precinct was, notably, on the south side of the tracks (less than a mile from the Gulf of Mexico), and the precincts north of the tracks (where most of the town's black population lives) might be a different story. That's in Mississippi, by the way: the only state in the nation left with no early voting of any kind except for absentee ballots which have very strict regulations; most people can't get them. Also the blackest state per capita.

This is a bigger problem in specific places than it is in others. Georgia is a big one. The current governor was Secretary of State when he ran for the office against Stacey Abrams (a black woman), and he had power over elections and used it to his advantage, and Republicans all across the state do the same thing. Georgia is a red state with a significant black population that is threatening their red-state status and the videos of long lines in that state are almost always in communities with a high concentration of black voters. This shutdown of polling locations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; this madness for the primary in Jefferson County, Kentucky; this random attempt to disenfranchise Hispanic voters in Dodge City, Kansas, etc. etc. etc. It doesn't happen everywhere, but it happens a lot, and it's deliberate, and it causes real damage.

The President (2012) said:

Please proceed, Governor.

Chris Christie (2016) said:

There it is.

Elizabeth Warren (2020) said:

And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

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