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The USA Politics Thread

#9701 User is offline   Slow Ben 

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Posted 06 November 2019 - 02:58 AM

And Brashear, a Democrat, just defeated Matt Bevin, incumbent Republican for governor of Kentucky. A state Trump won by 30%. Boom!

Also, Virginia flipped its state senate Blue tonight also.

Roll on.
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.

#9702 User is offline   Brujah 

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Posted 06 November 2019 - 03:48 AM

Why does it even matter? Red, Blue, Republican, Democrat......the government is going to continue making the rich richer, and the poor poorerererer.

That we have a choice is an illusion. The giant wheel of Greed will roll on, grinding away the middle class until the system finally breaks, crushed by the weight of red parachutes, golden tape, and the build up of ash from the eruptions of far too many small fires to our infrastructure all at once for anything to prevent a final meltdown.

There will spread a lack of healthy water, then outbreaks of disease. Cash will lose its value and riots for every cause someone has ever had will find followers.

Those in position to do so will take what they can and leave no government behind.

Then there's Tuesday......
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#9703 User is offline   Obdigore 

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Posted 06 November 2019 - 01:43 PM

View PostSlow Ben, on 06 November 2019 - 02:58 AM, said:

And Brashear, a Democrat, just defeated Matt Bevin, incumbent Republican for governor of Kentucky. A state Trump won by 30%. Boom!

Also, Virginia flipped its state senate Blue tonight also.

Roll on.

Bevin was disliked by his own party for some stuff, and Kentucky re-elected a majority GOP representatives for their state government, which means Bevin has little actual power. 538 thinks this is a continued sign of the rural/urban divide, and that democrats are making large gains in previously GOP held Suburban districts.

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Posted 06 November 2019 - 02:21 PM

View PostBrujah, on 06 November 2019 - 03:48 AM, said:

Why does it even matter? Red, Blue, Republican, Democrat......the government is going to continue making the rich richer, and the poor poorerererer.

That we have a choice is an illusion. The giant wheel of Greed will roll on, grinding away the middle class until the system finally breaks, crushed by the weight of red parachutes, golden tape, and the build up of ash from the eruptions of far too many small fires to our infrastructure all at once for anything to prevent a final meltdown.

There will spread a lack of healthy water, then outbreaks of disease. Cash will lose its value and riots for every cause someone has ever had will find followers.

Those in position to do so will take what they can and leave no government behind.

Then there's Tuesday......

Nihilism doesn't have any place on a discussion board. Plus it is this kind of feeling and false message spreading that has lead to people becoming disengaged with politics. When people become disengaged with the political system that is when nihilism starts to become a reality. You should fight the thought of nihilism and the spread of it depression. The best way to fight it is to become engaged. Go to town meetings and ask why and how decisions are made. If you disagree with a decision find out why it was made. If you still disagree then vote against that person next time and either run against them or canvas for the person running against them. Nihilism will just lead you to despair and despair will lead to fear and


fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

To quote Dune.
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!

Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore

#9705 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 November 2019 - 06:32 PM

Posted Image

#9706 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 07 November 2019 - 12:08 AM

Wait, there's more!:

'Donald Trump Is Using Campaign Donations To Buy His Son’s New Book “Triggered” In Bulk

There’s an age-old practice by conservatives in the publishing industry, and it goes like this: Nobody but the biggest names in that sphere (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc) has the kind of built-in audience for their books that can land them on the New York Times Bestsellers list, because it’s measured by book sales. [...] So the trick is, these guys are already rich from TV or whatever, and the book is just so people will “take them seriously” (we never will, morons), so people like Bill O’Reilly and Michael Savage and any other shock value conservative entertainer who writes a book will just buy copies of their own book to drive it up the NYT list. It’s not genius, but it serves its purpose.

[...] what IS kind of genius, though? Using other people’s money to buy your own book.

Masking the operation under the guise of another “contest” (that no one ever seems to win) in which a campaign contribution gets you a chance to win a signed copy of Don Jr.’s book, the Trump campaign is buying the books with donation money, and then turning around and adding Junior’s signature and re-selling them back to donors in return for even MORE donation money.'


#9707 User is offline   Slow Ben 

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Posted 07 November 2019 - 01:42 AM

View PostBrujah, on 06 November 2019 - 03:48 AM, said:

Why does it even matter? Red, Blue, Republican, Democrat......the government is going to continue making the rich richer, and the poor poorerererer.

That we have a choice is an illusion. The giant wheel of Greed will roll on, grinding away the middle class until the system finally breaks, crushed by the weight of red parachutes, golden tape, and the build up of ash from the eruptions of far too many small fires to our infrastructure all at once for anything to prevent a final meltdown.

There will spread a lack of healthy water, then outbreaks of disease. Cash will lose its value and riots for every cause someone has ever had will find followers.

Those in position to do so will take what they can and leave no government behind.

Then there's Tuesday......

Man, thats a sad outlook to have.

If you really can't see a difference between Democrats and Republicans in this day and age I dont know what to tell you.

I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.

#9708 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 07 November 2019 - 02:52 PM

'Senate president: Kentucky governor's race could be decided by state legislature

Stivers' comments came shortly after Gov. Matt Bevin refused to concede to Attorney General Andy Beshear [...] Under state law, Bevin has 30 days to formally contest the outcome once it is certified by the State Board of Elections. Candidates typically ask for a re-canvass of voting machines and a recount first.

[...] the candidate challenging the results must specify the grounds for the action, such as a violation of campaign finance rules or specific problems when it comes to how ballots were cast.

[...] “It’s an extraordinary proposition to suggest that the General Assembly would take vague allegations of unspecified irregularities and call into question a gubernatorial election.”'


#9709 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 07 November 2019 - 03:56 PM

Sounds like DJT Jr. tweeted out the Whistleblowers name?

Should this not cause his IMMEDIATE arrest?
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#9710 User is offline   Obdigore 

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Posted 07 November 2019 - 06:32 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 07 November 2019 - 03:56 PM, said:

Sounds like DJT Jr. tweeted out the Whistleblowers name?

Should this not cause his IMMEDIATE arrest?

It should. However with what can be considered the Regulatory Capture of the Justice Department, I certainly wouldn't expect it.

Azath posted up above Trump Sr. tweeting out clear violations of the system, yet he isn't being punished for them because most of the elected officials in his party only care about their positions, and know if they lose trumps support, they might very well lose enough of their 'supporters' to cause them to lose to a democrat, if not get primaried by a rabid trump supporter.

Just remember that, after their 2012 election autopsy, they knew they had to appeal to younger voters, and if they could knock off the racism, they could find new voters in the african american and hispanic communities who are pretty conservative themselves, they just don't really like being told they aren't as good as white people.


Instead, they went well off the other side. They have allowed, and continue to allow, a grifter who is banned from operating charities (or even at all in australia, due to mob connections), to become their nominee and then president. The same man who's father was in the Klan, who continues to enact policies that inordinately affect specific races and not others (a true american tradition), and who is mimicking some of the kinds of speech that was heard in Germany in the 1930s. Trump Sr. does have a loyal base of about 40% of the habitual GOP voters. Those people who agree with his policies, or agree with him. Most of the rest of the GOP voters held their nose and fell in line in 2016. Tuesday's election results indicate (not KY's gubenatorial race, that is an outlier) that those people, specifically white women who live in the suburbs, aren't going to vote for Trump or Trump's GOP. PA and VA had stunning upsets, long held bastions of local GOP control in the major suburbs of major cities in both states were lost to Democrats. Some for the first time in 40 years, some for the first time ever (which is a weird thing due to the southern strategy, but thats another post for another time).

That leaves many of these representatives, be they terrible human beings who hate people not like them, opportunists, or people who genuinely think they are trying to do the right thing and help their constituents, in a helluva bind. If they lose Trump's 40% of their voters, they will lose, and keep losing. If they get primaried by someone who agrees with Trump, that person will win, because primaries are generally decided by people with axes to grind, not the 'average' voter. But if they continue along with Trumps' GOP, they lose white suburban women, who could make up something like 30-40% of their voting bloc. This means they lose the election either way.

Quite frankly, the 200 year old 'white dudes don't want to pay taxes to the king' document that many Americans revere needs to be rewritten with things that have been learned since then. There are other countries, other systems, that have a more effective, transparent, and just plain better government for representing the will of the people. ICE and mass deportations and turtles refusing to legislate is not the will of the people, neither is a candidate getting less votes and winning the presidency the 'will of the people'.

PS - Virginia may ratify the equal rights amendment to the constitution, and if they do that it may technically be official. It's a weird quasi-state due to questions about if sunset clauses are acceptable, and if previous ratification, if they haven't been formally removed, count.

Edit: Seplling mistakes. Yes I know.

This post has been edited by Obdigore: 07 November 2019 - 06:46 PM

Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.

#9711 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 08 November 2019 - 01:18 AM

Oh shit guys, starting next Wednesday it's going to get super cereal. I'm guessing Friday is going to be a humdinger, when Marie Yovanovitch testifies. Clear your calanders and hold on to your butts. (might want to secure the latter first Posted Image) cause it's going to be quite the ride.

#9712 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 03:10 PM

We are live!


#9713 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 03:19 PM

The one thing I need to see is Donald Trump sweating in front of Congress for hours and days.

Can you imagine Donald Trump being grilled by a competent lawyer?

#9714 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 03:41 PM

Wow, the Republicans play-book is so evident. Not even a moment after the swearing in of the two testifying, they went right into "whistle blower" this and "whistle blower" identity, and "whistle blower" that. They might as well just all just leave out any qualifying wording and just keep saying "whistle blower" over and over.

#9715 User is offline   Obdigore 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 03:55 PM

View PostMalankazooie, on 13 November 2019 - 03:41 PM, said:

Wow, the Republicans play-book is so evident. Not even a moment after the swearing in of the two testifying, they went right into "whistle blower" this and "whistle blower" identity, and "whistle blower" that. They might as well just all just leave out any qualifying wording and just keep saying "whistle blower" over and over.

Of course it is. We've had weeks of even Fox News admitting that at least a couple of the witnesses are beyond reproach, and they can't argue facts, so they are trying to two things. The first is to claim 'Whistle Blowing' is equal to Treason, and the second is to say 'Its the Presidents Perogative, they do it all the time, it isn't an issue'.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.

#9716 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 03:57 PM

View PostAptorian, on 13 November 2019 - 03:19 PM, said:

The one thing I need to see is Donald Trump sweating in front of Congress for hours and days.

Can you imagine Donald Trump being grilled by a competent lawyer?

If the old orange windbag gets deposed...this is going to be over quickly. That MFer can't even say two sentences without one or both of them being a bald-faced lie.

Hillary lasted HOURS cool, calm, and collected...Trump would lose his mind faster than Brett Boofing Kavanaugh.
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#9717 User is offline   Obdigore 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 03:57 PM

View PostAptorian, on 13 November 2019 - 03:19 PM, said:

The one thing I need to see is Donald Trump sweating in front of Congress for hours and days.

Can you imagine Donald Trump being grilled by a competent lawyer?

No hope of that. Donald's got a long history of lying, so much so that law firms that used to represent him said they never talked with him one on one, always with at least one other person in a room to corroborate.

Dude even lies to people that are trying to defend him.

His lawyers told the FBI investigation (Mueller's investigation) that Donald won't be testifying because he literally cannot lie, and they don't want him to perjure himself.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.

#9718 User is offline   Primateus 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 04:29 PM

View PostObdigore, on 13 November 2019 - 03:57 PM, said:

View PostAptorian, on 13 November 2019 - 03:19 PM, said:

The one thing I need to see is Donald Trump sweating in front of Congress for hours and days.

Can you imagine Donald Trump being grilled by a competent lawyer?

No hope of that. Donald's got a long history of lying, so much so that law firms that used to represent him said they never talked with him one on one, always with at least one other person in a room to corroborate.

Dude even lies to people that are trying to defend him.

His lawyers told the FBI investigation (Mueller's investigation) that Donald won't be testifying because he literally cannot lie, and they don't want him to perjure himself.

You mean he literally can't not lie? I believe that was the explanation given.
Screw you all, and have a nice day!


#9719 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 06:13 PM

Getting real tired of the patronizing/condescending - 'hrm', 'yehrm', 'huhm' - from this guy.

^^ talking about the questioning going on at the hearing, not you forumites. Posted ImagePosted Image

#9720 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 13 November 2019 - 06:32 PM


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