Azath Vitr (D, on 11 March 2025 - 03:48 PM, said:
That's good news to Stephen Capone, president of Capone Iron Corporation of Rowley, Mass., which makes steel stairs, handrails, gratings and other products and has around 100 employees. For too long, he said, Canadian competitors have been flooding the New England market with cheap steel products, preventing his and other local companies from winning business.
"No matter how low we bid, they can underbid us on any job," Mr. Capone said. "They're decimating our market."
What's brutal about this is that if they had been competitive, this would not be a problem and the people in the States would have bought from them....that they are outbid every time just shows their margins are too tight and moreso because Canada has much more steel to buy.
Do they think that just because steel gets tariffed that somehow the production of it will triple in the states? They can't just magically make factories appear to do it...that would take years and even if they did eventually appear, those factories would shut the minute a democratic president was back in power and got rid of the's fucking nonsense all the way down, and idiotic Americans are slurping it up. This guy will only make more money until a sensible administration removes the tariffs and then he's back to where he is now.
Someone needs to explain to these people "If The US companies could buy from US manufacturers with regards to resources and it made monetary sense THEY FUCKING WOULD...".....forcing them to buy from US manufacturers with higher costs is braindead stupid and sooner or later those massive industries are going to come knocking at Congresses door (and lets face facts Congress coult stop this madness ANYTIME they like) to make it stop...