Sindriss, on 14 March 2012 - 06:15 PM, said:
Hehe, I had the same situation as you did for quite some time. A very good core, strong legs, chest, back etc. But small arms for my frame (although I am smaller, only 174 and at 75kg currently).
What I decided to do after consulting with my friend who is a medicine student with a very high interest in bodybuilding, is to start trainings with isolated biceps and triceps exercises. Do you strenght exercises with high weight. Then normal exercises for the rest of the body and then end the training with german super sets in biceps and triceps. Supersets is basically, to fx do 1x10 with 20 kg, and then 10 sec after do 1x10 with 17.5, and again after those 10-15 sec do as many as you can with 15 kg. You probably understand the concept. This way, you combine the hypertrofic essence of both high weight low reps and low weight high reps.
SL's is a classic that never goes out of style. If you had good results with the program, there is no harm in redoing it while emphasizing your arms so that they better fit your frame.
Yeh im back on SL now with some extra arm work added in. Im not really (or never used to be atleast) bothered by small arms but I think its because im training in a gym where everyone is a captain upper body that makes me want to jump on the wagon. Theres nothing as demotivating as putting a bar on your back, hitting parallel then busting your arse getting it up than to have a guy who weighs 20 kilos less than you with bigger arms having a nice easy workout yet looking like he lifts. I think thats what is it rather than the arms thing. I look big and am not really bothered by perceptions (again usually) but I think its the change in evironment from strength gym to a strictly bodybuilding gym.
anyway firrst day back on SL
S 100 3 x 5 (felt like shit and didnt have 5 sets in me, will do 5 x 5 next time I go)
OHP 70 5 5 5 4 4 (strict technique no push press but still cant get the whole 5 sets out of this)
DL- 3 reps of 130 (I have come to the conclusion that me DL technique is shit. It used to be very good but I got to he third rep and thought I can do the next 2 reps but id be muscling it up. Gonna restart on a bodyweight DL and build up from there which seems sensible)
Dead hang pull ups - 5 5 5 5 4 (coming along nicely)
I also ripped my pants squatting and am going to buy stretchy pants and boxers.