Cocoreturns, on 22 August 2012 - 03:04 PM, said:
Sixty, on 07 August 2012 - 02:14 AM, said:
Fair question, easily answered - all my weight training is supplementary.
You're doing competition lifting, so you presumably train in cycles for peaking in single lifts at competition time.
I'm training as a supplement to my martial arts stuff, so I find high volume repetition at mid-high weights is much more useful for functional strength that carries over well into my sparring/striking/grappling.
Granted there are plenty of people who disagree with me, but I truly find grinding out stupid reps helps me personally, so fuck em!

Ah, I see. I like hitting the big weights--and for explosive lifts they get so mental I'll sometimes lose my focus partway through even a triple.
What kind of martial arts do you do? I want to learn some sort of martial art in the next couple years, when my competition schedule / goals allow.
But if you want to lift high volume, have you ever tried 20 rep squats? People tell me you start seeing stars halfway through a heavy set, and you meet jesus on your last rep. You could become like this guy:
Fuckin balls of steel right there.
@JLV: Get something cheap and calorie-dense if you want to bulk, then. Milk, peanut butter, that kind of sutff.