Silencer, on 05 August 2016 - 08:46 AM, said:
Terez, on 05 August 2016 - 07:09 AM, said:
Silencer, on 05 August 2016 - 06:45 AM, said:
The 'art breaks' is one of those pet peeves I have with anime. I don't like it. FMA does it quite a bit, unfortunately, but I grew accustomed to it and don't really pay any mind mind to it much any more unless it's really frequent/egregious.
Is that the official term for it? lol. I will probably get used to it too. It's actually not as bad as it is in Toriyama's manga; reading Dr. Slump literally gives me a headache, it's so bad.
Yeah, art break/art shift as per TV Tropes:
link. Generally if an anime does it much more than FMA does, I get annoyed. They straddle a fine line that was just fine enough for me to get used to - and it kinda-sorta works with the characters, where in a Seinen it is more noticeable and much more annoying. In a manga I can imagine it getting pretty bad especially given the ratio - one image in art shift in a manga comprises a lot more material than one scene in an episode of an anime.
I looked at the link. I think what FMA does is a combination of this and what Toriyama does. What Toriyama does isn't actually an art shift; it's just the sharkface thing. FMA just tends to use art shifts and sharkface together. Not always, but it's most common when people are freaking out about something—non-serious outrage, defensiveness, shock, etc.
Toriyama draws the characters more or less the same all the time, but he has them freak out with huge flapping mouths and flying spit and shark teeth. Again, he really toned it down as DB went on; Dr. Slump was his first big manga and DB was his second (and last, as far as major series go). In early DB, it's usually Bulma with the sharkface. In Dr. Slump, it's usually Dr. Senbei. Toriyama used art shifts with Senbei to make him more handsome, but that was actually given an in-story explanation, lol. (It's a transformation.) Apparently Toriyama was not fond of it either, though he did use different styles sometimes in his title pages.
Toei uses art shifts in the DB anime sometimes; I usually like it when they do it. There was one time when Buu turned a whole city of people to candy and it was depicted in a crayon style that I absolutely loved. I mean, people were dying and it was terrible but it was like they depicted it from Buu's perspective where everything was happy and yummy and cute.
When I signed up for Crunchyroll I tried Your Lie In April which was recommended to me because piano/Chopin. They use sharkface similarly to FMA, but it's more prominent and it annoys me more. I watched one episode and gave up on it, for now. There wasn't even any Chopin! It started out with the 3rd movement of Beethoven's "Moonlight" Sonata (which is better known for its first movement). I can already see where the plot is going, though. His mother and piano teacher died and he quit playing piano; some girl is going to come into his life and play violin with him and make him live again, woot. Also, his mother was a very stereotypical Asian taskmaster mother, like Chichi, but worse because apparently she actually beat him bloody to make him practice. Sheesh.
PS: I clicked through the Tropes connections and I think someone needs to make a page for Sharkface. It's a distinct type of
Silencer, on 05 August 2016 - 08:46 AM, said:
Terez, on 05 August 2016 - 07:09 AM, said:
Silencer, on 05 August 2016 - 06:45 AM, said:
I think one of the things it does well is that it sets down the rules of the 'magic' in this universe and mostly sticks to them. Where DBZ has insane power growth, FMA doesn't ever really have characters becoming "more powerful" through arbitrary "training" - at the end of the series Ed can do much the same Alchemy as he can at the beginning, he's just more experienced, savvy, and creative with what he can do.
This is an interesting way of looking at DB. A lot of DB fans are really pissed that the secondary characters have become so irrelevant because they've maxed out their strength while the Saiyans keep growing, but that was what was supposed to be special about the Saiyans in the first place: their unlimited potential for growth. It's why Frieza was so worried about them. It gets a bit difficult plotwise, but IMO Super is taking it in the only logical direction, with the Saiyans becoming gods. And they introduced the final unbeatable big boss in the very beginning, and he's just kind of hanging around, like they're all friends. (This is what I love about DB.)
Yeah, I can see where those fans are coming from. I think for me it isn't so annoying because I can see where that line delineates (though it doesn't really work for the never-ending stream of more powerful enemies for them to face, who are just a Bigger Fish every time) and it makes sense in-universe, but it is still a pretty serious case of power creep; justified or not. I think I was more disappointed with Gohan post-Cell Games. It would have been nice to have someone other than Goku be "the most powerful" hero and for Gohan to take a more active role in things as Cell Games Gohan was one of my favourite characters, but alas.
It's also one of the reasons I like Xenoverse - you can still be very powerful as a human character, even if you can't access the Super Saiyan transformations which are imbalanced as hell. But it doesn't really make sense in-verse.
I can see where they're coming from too, but as for the power creep, it never really bothered me because DB is clearly a ridiculous show. It's certainly a challenge for Toriyama to come up with new enemies that are actually interesting and not just your everyday Bigger Fish. I think he has been pretty successful at that. Cell just barely escapes being a humdrum powered-up repeat of Frieza because of the way he came into being and because there's so much more to the arc than him (namely Trunks and the androids). Buu was the perfect Big Bad to end Z with. Lots of people hated Buu because he was ridiculous, but I tend to think these were people who grew up on the show and were under the rather mistaken impression that it wasn't always ridiculous, so they were disappointed as they got older and more mature and then got handed Buu.
There's a lot of angst in the fandom about Gohan in Super, but they appear to be staging a comeback for him. One of the things I like about Super is that they allowed Vegeta to more or less catch up with Goku, so it wasn't just Goku with god power, leaving everyone else in the dust; it was both of them. I can't wait for Sunday's episode; I'm really hoping they're about to do a Cell throwback with father-son time chamber training, and we should find out then if Vegeta is going to train Future Trunks. The series has gone on long enough that it's time for the kids to catch up, starting with Trunks who doesn't have Daddy to take care of things in his world.
I've never played any of the DB games, and probably never will; I just don't game much. I have a SNES with one game (Tetris Attack). I haven't played it in a year, and that's because Tetris Attack is amazing and if I start playing it I can't stop. (It's way better than regular Tetris.)
This post has been edited by Terez: 05 August 2016 - 09:42 AM