Posted 04 April 2015 - 07:26 PM
Let the Spring 2015 season first episode round-up begin!
Re-Kan! [Pierrot] -- YMMV on this one, but I think it looks poor. The animation is pretty weird/bad I can't even watch it (the CG and hand-drawn don't blend well, the eyes-through-hair is in overkill mode and there's a bit of weird colour glossing/blending effect going on). Some of it was pretty funny but most of it I found pretty boring - not aided by the scene structure being fairly scatterbrained so it is more like a bunch of vignettes than an understandable plot. The general idea has some merit though - a really laid back girl-can-see-ghosts story - but the execution here is just not worth it, I think.
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon) [JC Staff] -- Nope! It's pretty bad!!! With a name like that, I was hoping for some humourous dungeon crawler satire, but it looks like it's just a tropey fantasy harem romance, and not even a good one. Character designs are stupid, writing is non-sensical and there's nothing good that really stands out about it. The one interesting element was how video-gamey it was without actually linking itself to game mechanics a la Sword Art Online or Log Horizon... there is probably a very interesting show buried in there, or at least the potential for one, but I don't think this is it.
Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars?) [JC Staff] -- This is a cooking show where the protagonist goes to a Hell's Kitchen-esque elite culinary college, and also everyone who eats the amazing food has literal foodgasms in full-on Ecchi style. First episode was fun and had me laughing, but I think the foodgasms might be a bit too much for me so I might not stick with it.
Vampire Holmes [???] -- Wow, this is bad. The animation is bad, the jokes are lame, even the subtles are bad! Apparently, no one knows who the studio or subtitlers even are, and this is based on a smartphone game, so it's possible this is literally being done by people who have never actually made a show before... that would explain a lot. Anyways, it's a short-form series - the episodes are only about 3 minutes long - so you won't lose much time if you just watch to go laugh at it.
Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End) [Wit] -- Looks great, sounds great, and the plot is very engrossing. This is definitely looking to be a strong successor to Attack on Titan (which was also made by Studio Wit). Not a lot of action in this episode, it's more of a dark intro/prologue, and from the preview of episode 2 I think there's a lot more worldbuilding to setup, but nevertheless looks very promising already.
Gunslinger Stratos [A-1] -- Should've just called it "Action-packed mindfucks, the anime". This one is off to a good start! I think it was even enhanced by me not knowing anything about it beforehand - made the surprises extra surprising! I recommend doing the same!
Plastic Memories [Dogakobo] -- Should've just called it "You will cry like a baby, the anime". Oh god the feels. (It's about a guy who joins a team of people that shut down ultra-realistic androids before they start to degrade from being alive too long. Going to be some comedy and romance elements, too.)
Whew! 7 down, 21 on my list more to go! Good thing it's a long weekend!
worrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:
I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.