So i guess d'rek doesn't have to resurrect the old one piece debate after all.
Silencer, on 02 April 2015 - 03:58 PM, said:
Irrelevant. He's seen the series I'm assuming from his posts, but not Rebuild, and not only does Rebuild stand by itself, it's a better story - on its own or otherwise.
Never mind that the stuff strung together as 'evidence' of it being a sequel is tantamount to claiming that any reference to Lucky Star in Haruhi means the two shows exist in the same universe - it doesn't, though it might imply it, at best it counts as a shout out.
Given Evas original nature, those kinds of mind-screw callous are to be expected, and shouldn't be taken as 'proof' of anything more than that the movies are related to the series... The same as any remake, reboot, or spiritual successor can (think new Robocop, Dredd, or how Pillars of Eternity references Baldurs Gate, or the new Fallouts).
Note: I'm not saying you're wrong about the link, I'm just saying it's not certain. And that true or not, Rebuild is still the better production that is way more worth peoples time (if they were to watch only one), especially if they've already seen the series, and that taken as what it's billed as - a retelling - it is better and supersedes the original. (I'd still totally recommend someone watch the series, it's a classic of the industry, but I definitely took Maarks post to indicate he'd seen the series already...)
In regards to rebuild vs Original
In regards to your point about rebuild films being more approachable, that's not the same as saying it's still approachable to the casual audience as this review makes clear. Rather, having watched the previous evangelion series, one gains access to a context that allows one to appreciate the rebuild movies better.
Now if we're going to talk about the merits of each series i'd give it to NGE.NGE broke considerable ground, it was a deconstruction of the mecha genre at the time, and It does gain points for that (#derrida). In terms of characterization it is unique as it took traits of various schzioid personality traits something unique. To say nothing of the existentialist undertones that emerge in the series. It had a rather ambitious setting
with some interesting illuminati stuff going on in the background. It also didn't pull its punches when it came to it's characters. Furthermore, the action sequences still hold up to this day.
On the downside, there was much that was planned for the show that didn't get explained or even hinted at. The viewer had no way of puttin the existing information to piece together what in the world is going on in this show. While the end of evangelion movie does explain some of it, there's loads of information thats simply missing, hence why the wiki i linked earlier was very helpful in getting a full grasp of the show.
As such I'm left with a show that broke ground, was engaging, had depth and was ambitious. Ill give more credit to a show that aims high and fails, then simply aims low and succeeds.
Which brings me to rebuild. Aside from 3.3 which took many viewers for a spin, I wasn't that impressed with it. They just redid some of the things without all the depth they had in the previous adaptation. Part of it was a screentime constraint it goes without saying but the rebuild movies, when looked at in isolation don't seem as grandstanding as the original series.
Now when taken together, and from the context that rebuild is a continuation of the original series. It blows everything out of the water. Which is why i think having the comparison between the two to be foolish from the start. It's like debating which part of a book is best in isolation to the rest of the book. Im not big on toll of the hounds. I found it dry and slow. However, within the context of malazan, it was needed in terms of buildup, you could not have had the events that occured in crimson god/9th book (my memory sucks atm) without toll of the hounds. Espcially with the last 150 pages of toll of the hounds. As such, given that im inclined to think that rebuild is continuation, comparing the two as distinct and separate is foolish.
In regards to silencer on QT's picture
Also in regards to a lack of certainty. In philosophy circles, theres a way to deal with that, it's called philosophical charity. We take any argument given, and look at it in terms of its strongest possible interpretation. Rather than merely dismissing an argument out of hand, you look for value within it, you look to see if theres anything within the argument that can be salvage to create an even stronger position.
Given the picture QT posted, the coincidences are to many and too strong to ignore. In fact ALL of these coincidence seem deliberate. Which leads to either two possibilites.
Anno is trolling us
Rebuild is a continuation
Now while anno has trolled his fans in the past, he never broke his stories to do so. He told the stories he wanted to, in the method he wanted (excluding funding). So i don't think this possibility is too likely.
And in regards to your point about lucky star and Haruhi, Lucky star makes references to anime. I haven't seen much of it, but given its a slice of life show with a girl who watches anime i don't think its unlikely references to other shows are going to be made. That doesn't imply they live in the same world. Nor does this give the feel of an easter egg like in every pixar movie, given how repittive the motif is.
This post has been edited by BalrogLord: 02 April 2015 - 06:05 PM