Weekly update!
Fate/Stay Night/UBW (2) - Well, nice to have some actual rules laid out about this whole deathmatch thing. Even having watched Fate/Zero it's nice to have some of the "wait, they're allowed to do that?" bits from Zero made a bit more clear.
Kirei sounds like an ass, he's probably got some secret agenda or something... heck why does he get to be the church representative anyway, you'd think they'd have sent someone a bit less creeptastic. Interesting that Rin already knew Shirou was a mage, I expected her to not know he had any involvement in the arcane world.
And mini-Iris is still super creepy
Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de (3) - Still hilarious.
However, even then I'm not giving this show enough credit. I thought this show would be pure melodrama and slapstick, but at the end of episode 2 there was a surprisingly touching part. Episode 3 continues on that, and the ending/preview for episode 4 looks like it is going to be even more so. As much as this is chiefly a silly comedy, there's a deeper and grimmer side to these characters and it looks like this show is going to deal with that, too. So far, it looks like it will do a great job of that, too.
This show has a lot of heart in it, but there's a few little hints and bits that were glossed over with comedy earlier that if they come up again in a more serious light could be a bit of a tearjerker, too. Plus there was a new tertiary character in this episode that, if I'm remembering the end-of-episode-1 hook correctly is a lot more than he seems, meaning the superpowers plot is definitely going somewhere eventually. I'm very curious to see where and how this goes forward.
Log Horizon s2 (3) - This week's episode is Log Horizon doing what Log Horizon does best: being as super duper MMORPGish as it can, with detailed explanations of a Raid and learning boss abilities, talking about stats, etc etc. It was fun.
The amount of detail in this show continues to amaze me, with every background character having such different looks, styles, vocals, etc.
I really don't get what they are trying to do with Akatsuki. IIRC, in the first season she said she was past college. She's not a little girl, and as much as she may enjoy roleplaying being a dutiful assassin servant, she's been in the MMOPRG world for over a year like everyone else, and I don't get why she goes along with them treating her like a kid or why she stays in town doing nothing just because Shiro didn't invite her along on his quest. Girl, if you want to go on a raid because you've never been on one, you don't need to wait for Shiro to suggest it. Tell him you really want to come on his raid, or better yet go on your own damn raid without him. This same episode references very easy raids for beginners, shouldn't be too hard to organize a handful of others in town who are interested! But instead she just mopes around town like a puppy told to stay.
Shingeki no Bahamut (3) - Really good episode this week. Very well done, subtle adds to the worldbuilding and character backstory while the episode was still mainly just "Favaro, Amira and Kaisar fall into a sticky situation along their journey and must fight their way out, with a few surprises along the way" as it should be. To be honest, the first two episodes kind of throw a lot of random references and visuals at you with not enough context, and its nice to see they are going to explain it (gradually), not just be weirdly vague and confusing all season.
Also, zombies and necromancers make for the best late-Halloween episodes!
Sword Art Online II (15) - Go go gratuitous naked Asuna scene! Siiiiigh.
So they are back in ALF and have a new quest, and Kirito is still center stage. Is this going to be a little two-episode interlude? Because from what I have heard of the Rosario Arc this doesn't seem like it is setup for that. Or were all the Rosario Arc rumours just rumours and maybe they are not doing that at all?