D, on 29 July 2013 - 09:13 PM, said:
BalrogLord, on 29 July 2013 - 09:09 PM, said:
Don't whatch. Watch something good, like i dunno, DANGANROPA! seriously it awesome. has yet to dissapoint. Another one from recent time was shin sekai yori. I'd also recommend psycho-ass and blast of tempest.
But I like fairies...

I wasn't all that invested in SAO anyways, so I'll probably still watch the rest of it gradually but pick up something else at the same time. Hopefully something with a different-looking protaganist (for pity's sake, Kirito was even dressing like Eren at the start

that is shockingly hard to do. Kirito is like the trope for all plausible anime protagonists and/or Antagonists. in bleach look at Byakuya, In Naruto theres Sasuke, in one piece theres...eh Zorro maybe bit iffy there? fact is Kiritos character type fits in but transcends the trope perfectly. One thing SAO did marvelously was make generic looks and attributes add to character depth rather than subtract from it. When you thought a Kirito like character would go left he went right instead.
Deathnote had something similar going on in the first "season".
I am quite certain you're spot on about AoT. Looks like it might pick up. Keen to watch something new at the moment. BL, will give DanganRopa a try!
EDIT: Oh yeah googled it and realized I actually got led onto this a while ago. Interesting new episodes in a deadman wonderland kinda way. goes great with popcorn.
This post has been edited by Dolmen+: 30 July 2013 - 05:36 PM