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Posted 22 April 2014 - 06:02 PM

View PostSilencer, on 21 April 2014 - 08:46 AM, said:

View PostBalrogLord, on 21 April 2014 - 06:54 AM, said:

my friend who reccomended this series to me told me there's going to be at least 4 seasons for this show.


How? XD I mean, I know there are spin-offs/side stories (like one focusing on Miyuki, and some one-shots for some of the peripheral characters), but I figured those would easily fit into a total run of 26ish episodes. Frankly, I don't see how the series could maintain 4 seasons that weren't back-to-back.

If he means there are going to be two, two-cour 'seasons' (i.e. two sets of 26 episodes), then, sure. Or if the other two or three extra seasons are long-term (because, honestly, last I checked, the main characters have only just finished their first year, in the LNs - while there are additional LNs coming with second-and-third-year stuff going on, I doubt the series will be written fast enough to do this in the short term. I wouldn't expect episodes based on the characters' later exploits to show up until at least next year, if not the year after... :S

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see four seasons of this show (if it continues its present quality), but I didn't think there was the source material for that quantity of episodes.

He told me there are 9 volumes of material. He actually read the thing so im in no place to comment. Also im pretty sure a season refers to 12 episodes as series are released on a quarterly basis.



also silencer, the sprign season has barely begun and you're already considering the summer season?

Honestly, the Spring season is pretty dry, imo. Mahouka is, so far, the only show I'm bothering to follow weekly. I'm considering a couple of others, but nothing else has grabbed me yet (and I *do* have a massive backlog...). I know that Summer isn't going to be that great at this stage either, but that could change over the next few months quite easily. But for Fall to have three A-grade shows/sequels lined up already? The rest of the year almost doesn't matter.
(Granted, Fall seems to do pretty well on average for big releases - but the rest of the year is seeming a bit light at the moment. At least in terms of things to really get in to; I'm sure there's plenty of "casual viewing" stuff floating around, but the series which I will feel compelled to buy once they release on DVD? Not so much. ^_^ )

Nothing else has grabbed your attention? damm man where have you been this season has been exciting so far.

There's hitsugi no chaika which is a fantasy anime which im really enjpyed. Great animation for fights and it's a series that doesn't spoonfeed you all the information at once. Ep1 ends with a large amount of questions yet those questions get answered eventually.

Knights of Sidonia looks interesting so far. Its a good sci-fi series that places you in a context that is completely alien.

No game no life could go either way.

and then there's m3 which ep1 was released shortly. This show could go either way but ep1 was promising.

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 07:35 AM

View PostBalrogLord, on 22 April 2014 - 06:02 PM, said:

View PostSilencer, on 21 April 2014 - 08:46 AM, said:

View PostBalrogLord said:

my friend who reccomended this series to me told me there's going to be at least 4 seasons for this show.


How? XD I mean, I know there are spin-offs/side stories (like one focusing on Miyuki, and some one-shots for some of the peripheral characters), but I figured those would easily fit into a total run of 26ish episodes. Frankly, I don't see how the series could maintain 4 seasons that weren't back-to-back.

If he means there are going to be two, two-cour 'seasons' (i.e. two sets of 26 episodes), then, sure. Or if the other two or three extra seasons are long-term (because, honestly, last I checked, the main characters have only just finished their first year, in the LNs - while there are additional LNs coming with second-and-third-year stuff going on, I doubt the series will be written fast enough to do this in the short term. I wouldn't expect episodes based on the characters' later exploits to show up until at least next year, if not the year after... :S

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see four seasons of this show (if it continues its present quality), but I didn't think there was the source material for that quantity of episodes.

He told me there are 9 volumes of material. He actually read the thing so im in no place to comment. Also im pretty sure a season refers to 12 episodes as series are released on a quarterly basis.



also silencer, the sprign season has barely begun and you're already considering the summer season?

Honestly, the Spring season is pretty dry, imo. Mahouka is, so far, the only show I'm bothering to follow weekly. I'm considering a couple of others, but nothing else has grabbed me yet (and I *do* have a massive backlog...). I know that Summer isn't going to be that great at this stage either, but that could change over the next few months quite easily. But for Fall to have three A-grade shows/sequels lined up already? The rest of the year almost doesn't matter.
(Granted, Fall seems to do pretty well on average for big releases - but the rest of the year is seeming a bit light at the moment. At least in terms of things to really get in to; I'm sure there's plenty of "casual viewing" stuff floating around, but the series which I will feel compelled to buy once they release on DVD? Not so much. ^_^ )

Nothing else has grabbed your attention? damm man where have you been this season has been exciting so far.

There's hitsugi no chaika which is a fantasy anime which im really enjpyed. Great animation for fights and it's a series that doesn't spoonfeed you all the information at once. Ep1 ends with a large amount of questions yet those questions get answered eventually.

Knights of Sidonia looks interesting so far. Its a good sci-fi series that places you in a context that is completely alien.

No game no life could go either way.

and then there's m3 which ep1 was released shortly. This show could go either way but ep1 was promising.

So there's one you like and three 'could go either way'? :p

I've got a couple of episodes of No Game No Life to watch, but the others don't sound appealing to me. They're what I'd maybe watch as complete series, but I doubt they'll hold my attention for the weekly releases. Plus I have too many shows I need to finish as it is.

As for Mahouka, there are twelve volumes of the LN so far. The ratio of volumes to episodes so far is what I'm basing my comments on (I'm up to the third LN volume myself). There's no way they're drawing four seasons out of it at this rate.

'Seasons' is a pretty vague term in anime. It's very American to divide series by quartets, but when it comes to releases (as in, DVD), anime comes in many formats.
Sometimes, a 'season' will only have 12/13 episodes. Sometimes it will have 24-26. This is why the community often talks in 'cours'. One cour is 12 episodes, so if a series runs for more than that without a break (I.e. it runs over 'two seasons' or 24 weeks), it can be called 'two cour' as it doesn't have a definitive story-based conclusion and will get released as one box-set 'complete season'. Like Psycho-Pass or SSY. Of course, the traditional release format for anime is in like 3-4 episode 'volumes'.

So yeah. As much as there are clear release cycles, often there are more episodes than will fit in the twelve weeks. So a season to me is one complete run, story-wise. Thus, Mahouka should be a 'two-cour' single season. I doubt it will even be four one-cour seasons, until there are a lot more volumes of the LN up.

But, that being said, I will revise my opinion if the next couple of volumes require more episodes to be animated. XD but so far, at 2-3 episodes per volume, it should fit in 26ish episodes. It would need four episodes per volume to make it to the length 'four seasons' implies. XD

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 23 April 2014 - 12:09 PM

no there's 3 i like this season and two that could go either way ^_^

also i like the idea of the word "cour" i was actually just talking about that subject with a friend of mine as i recently finished Guilty Crown which is a 2 cour show.

This post has been edited by BalrogLord: 23 April 2014 - 12:11 PM


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Posted 23 April 2014 - 12:16 PM

Haha, I was taking your "so far" on KoS to mean it wasn't super-great like Mahouka. And I wasn't including Mahouka because I'm watching that. XD

Yeah, 'cour' is very handy. I think it makes sense, given the variety of anime arc/season lengths.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 23 April 2014 - 02:44 PM

I watched the first Mahouka episode. Seems pretty good, as well as interesting. Almost turned it off at the pervy martial arts guru... please tell me there is not going to be more of that later on?

Also, I skipped the OVA - what would you guys recommend regarding it? Some spoiler-free comments I perused seemed to suggest that the real "start" was with episode 1 and the OVA was superfluous?

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 12:21 AM

Haha, yeah, his character doesn't show up that much, AFAIK. He's actually not that bad, most of the time, and was in that instance meant to show certain things about Tatsuya's character. Next time he shows up he's way less pervy, and there isn't too much of that as of what will likely be episode 8.

... It also helps that Miyuki can seriously fuck you up if you're being lecherous. She just didn't because 1) Tatsuya was there and 2) that ninja is their instructor and a bit of an extended/unofficial family member to them.

But yeah, that's the only real instance where I'm up to.

As for the OVA, haven't watched it myself. XD I've heard that it's not relevant/required watching, but I'm going to check it out soon regardless.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 24 April 2014 - 09:36 AM

View PostSilencer, on 24 April 2014 - 12:21 AM, said:

Haha, yeah, his character doesn't show up that much, AFAIK. He's actually not that bad, most of the time, and was in that instance meant to show certain things about Tatsuya's character. Next time he shows up he's way less pervy, and there isn't too much of that as of what will likely be episode 8.

... It also helps that Miyuki can seriously fuck you up if you're being lecherous. She just didn't because 1) Tatsuya was there and 2) that ninja is their instructor and a bit of an extended/unofficial family member to them.

But yeah, that's the only real instance where I'm up to.

As for the OVA, haven't watched it myself. XD I've heard that it's not relevant/required watching, but I'm going to check it out soon regardless.


also latest episode of no game no life was epic.

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 03:27 AM

Yeah, there's a few preview/shorts for Mahouka around as well, basically it's one of those Chibi-character bonus material things. I think they're like 3 minutes long.

As for episode four. Whoo, boy. This is where the first little arc kicks off, and the end-credits bit is actually information I hadn't read (but figured out, more or less) in the LNs. The actual episode itself was fairly light, but that bit at the end was pretty much everything you need to know about our two main characters so far. XD

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:29 PM

as much as im liking this show im starting to have a gripe with it. The MC's sister (miyuki i think). Im not digging her voice actor in the slightest. For some reason her voice always being so muted and the like is really grating on me. Add to that the constant "onii-sama" im just getting annoyed. Like is it evne remotely possible for you to have a conversation not involving your brother.

This post has been edited by BalrogLord: 27 April 2014 - 08:29 PM


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:47 PM

I'm thinking of watching Darker than Black since its on netflix. Every year I try and get into an anime show but it usually doesn't work out. Who knows, maybe I'll like it.
No Touchy.

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 12:28 PM

View PostBalrogLord, on 27 April 2014 - 08:29 PM, said:

as much as im liking this show im starting to have a gripe with it. The MC's sister (miyuki i think). Im not digging her voice actor in the slightest. For some reason her voice always being so muted and the like is really grating on me. Add to that the constant "onii-sama" im just getting annoyed. Like is it evne remotely possible for you to have a conversation not involving your brother.

You know, I think most of the internet hates Miyuki. XD

She's a fairly typical Yamato Nadeshiko type character. She obviously has a bit of a brother complex, in case you hadn't noticed, and while she does spend a *lot* of time talking about him, that's pretty much her thing. As far as she's concerned, her brother is perfect/far superior to herself, and screw everyone else the world will bloody well know it!

It's pretty annoying. But hey, even the other characters (in the LNs, at least) are usually pretty put-off by her over-formal manner of speech and conduct, and the constant "Onii-sama" is lampshaded pretty heavily by the other characters (if not outright challenged - remember, the reason Tatsuya fought Hattori Hanzo was because Miyuki got pissed off that he was talking down to her brother and then basically told her to stop dreaming when she stood up for him - thus Tatsuya had to prove his sister right). So it's not entirely unintentional on the author's part that she's kinda annoying, I think. XD

But...I'm pretty sure...this is only going to become more of an issue for you. Miyuki is one of the main protagonists/love interests (sort of) and while I'm pretty sure she has her moments later in the novels (I'm not that far ahead of the anime ATM), I don't think this particular part of her character is going to change much. >.>

View PostA Demon Llama!, on 27 April 2014 - 08:47 PM, said:

I'm thinking of watching Darker than Black since its on netflix. Every year I try and get into an anime show but it usually doesn't work out. Who knows, maybe I'll like it.

Do it. One of the best series out there, for sure in the "supernatural powers/mystery/badass characters" kind of section. If you don't like Darker than Black (which, incidentally, has one of the best dubs into English, as far as I'm concerned - it's one I can still watch in English rather than Japanese) then you're a lost cause, I say! ^_^

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 12:30 PM


YESSS! More Durarara!!

Though I'm not sure how I feel about the timeskip...can't remember if that's in line with the novels or if it's part of the new storyline, ignoring the like...5+ extra LNs already out? Still. More Durarara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 02:35 PM

from what i've heard the arcs following the end of durarara s1 were more interesting as they focused the more "interesting" characters.

I like your explanation though. From that it makes sense to have an annoying voice actor for your character. Kinda like joffrey from GoT, they found a brilliant actor to become that irredeemable SOB. (apparently the actor is a very ncie person, even volounteered abroad with some charitable organisation)

This post has been edited by BalrogLord: 28 April 2014 - 02:44 PM


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 11:44 PM

View PostBalrogLord, on 28 April 2014 - 02:35 PM, said:

from what i've heard the arcs following the end of durarara s1 were more interesting as they focused the more "interesting" characters.

I like your explanation though. From that it makes sense to have an annoying voice actor for your character. Kinda like joffrey from GoT, they found a brilliant actor to become that irredeemable SOB. (apparently the actor is a very ncie person, even volounteered abroad with some charitable organisation)

Oh, the post-first season DRRR stuff is brilliant. I'm just not sure whether this new anime will be doing those stories or something new.

I'll probably be happy either way, but I'd prefer the existing content, which is awesome, be done first. XD

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 02 May 2014 - 04:19 PM

omg, ep4 of Knights of Sidonia! i was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 01:51 PM

I do this every now and then. Anime is best experience by having others sieve out the good and the bad?

What new shows 2012-current are worth watching? I am about to start Knights of Sidonia, and Magi. Any other recommendations?

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 03:37 PM

knight of sidonia
mahouka kouko
no game no life
m3 something something
hitsugi no chaika.

all amazing shows c urrently airing.

btw latest episode of mahouka kouko was unreal, The ending of previous weeks'episode that was followed up upon was unexpected.

This post has been edited by BalrogLord: 15 May 2014 - 03:40 PM


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 04:17 PM

View PostBalrogLord, on 15 May 2014 - 03:37 PM, said:

btw latest episode of mahouka kouko was unreal, The ending of previous weeks'episode that was followed up upon was unexpected.

Really? It seemed pretty expected to me. Last episode they gave a bunch of exposition about some bad guy group we'd never heard of. Then they ended the episode with a sudden event that would motivate the characters to go after the bad guy group. Then in this latest episode, they decided to go after the bad guy group.

I'm not really getting the love for this show. It's another one of those shows that is set in a high school when everything interesting about the world is what is outside the high school and there's no reason for the characters to even necessarily be attending school in the first place. They can't decide whether to try and explain the magic fully or not at all, so everytime someone casts a spell you get the characters relating a bunch of random jibber jabber about it, but that doesn't tie into any existing knowledge about the magic so is rather pointless. The protaganist' entire characterization so far is "I'm mysterious, all-powerful and a total dick... ooooooo" and most of the secondary characters all blur together (especially the five or so angry tall caucasian guys).

If you are enjoying it, great, don't let me spoil your fun, but I think I'm stopping this one for now.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 06:34 PM

D'Rek, welcome to how I feel about most anime, especially ones set in high school. There is almost never a reason for them to be in school and it's gotten to the point of ridiculousness in stories like Bleach.

Re-watched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann recently and it's amazing. Just a straight up rush to the boss battle, a time-skip and a rush to the second boss battle while somehow maintaining characterization and provocation of emotions and above all, love for crazy robot fights and great humor simultaneously. I do have weird sticking points with Nia, but that might just be me.


I'll watch the movies for the first time soon.

I should get started on Kill la Kill to complete my Imaishi chase thereafter.
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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:05 PM

View PostD, on 15 May 2014 - 04:17 PM, said:

View PostBalrogLord, on 15 May 2014 - 03:37 PM, said:

btw latest episode of mahouka kouko was unreal, The ending of previous weeks'episode that was followed up upon was unexpected.

Really? It seemed pretty expected to me. Last episode they gave a bunch of exposition about some bad guy group we'd never heard of. Then they ended the episode with a sudden event that would motivate the characters to go after the bad guy group. Then in this latest episode, they decided to go after the bad guy group.

i wasn't expecting a full on frontal attack with firearms and rpgs (granted those ended up being kinda useless)


I'm not really getting the love for this show. It's another one of those shows that is set in a high school when everything interesting about the world is what is outside the high school and there's no reason for the characters to even necessarily be attending school in the first place. They can't decide whether to try and explain the magic fully or not at all, so everytime someone casts a spell you get the characters relating a bunch of random jibber jabber about it, but that doesn't tie into any existing knowledge about the magic so is rather pointless. The protaganist' entire characterization so far is "I'm mysterious, all-powerful and a total dick... ooooooo" and most of the secondary characters all blur together (especially the five or so angry tall caucasian guys).

If you are enjoying it, great, don't let me spoil your fun, but I think I'm stopping this one for now.

Wait they don't really explain the magic system? Reminds me of a fantasy book series i really enjoy, i can't quite put my finger on what it's called though... In that, one of the appeals was trying to figure out how everything works.

amphibian: imw warn you about KLK. Its oozing with fanservice. If you can get past that you'll enjoy (asusmign you turn your brain off), if not don't pick it up.

anywyas i recently saw the newest film by the guy who directed 5cm per second. It was really enoyable, but the one thing that was the most stunning is how beautiful it makes rain and water look. Pure eye candy

This post has been edited by BalrogLord: 16 May 2014 - 03:08 PM


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