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The game I'm playing is...

#561 User is offline   Jakovasaurus 

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 08:47 PM

Just started The Last of Us. Holy shit! That opening sequence! Amazing!

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 10:25 PM

It is. I loved that whole car trip, and the view as you go past the hospital. That type of story has been done on tv and on film before, but it still managed to come over as something new.
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 12:42 AM

Yeah, just starting out on Last of Us here as well, and that whole opening...especially the end of it...holy shit! Awesome stuff so far...

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 07:03 AM

Finished Tomb Raider. One the best games I have played. A great mix of fun gameplay and a good story with a satisfying ending. All I wanted to do when the last scene ended was to pick up the sequel.

Been playing a bit of Prototype 2. I suspect that Activision did not really believe in the project and subsequently did not throw a lot of money at the production. It's so ugly it beggars the mind. Coming off a AAA game like Tomb Raider, Prototype 2s textures look like shit smeared across a brick wall. It's clear that they didn't do anything to utilise the PCs potential and just did a straight console to PC port.

Gameplay wise it just feels like more Prototype. Its been some 3 years or more since I played the last one so I am probably not seeing all the improvements they have done to the gameplay but it is basically just the same game with a different protagonist and slightly better graphics. Not that this is a necessarily bad thing though.

#565 User is offline   Jakovasaurus 

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 08:11 AM

Tomb Raider relies a little to heavily on QTE for my tastes. And the enemy AI is pretty shitty - one of the Solarii actually ran to me without firing or anything, I happily ended his confusion and sent him to meet his sun goddess. I agree the story was good, albeit kind of predictable - I saw Sam's destiny in the game from a mile away. I really enjoyed the environment and had a lot of fun exploring. My favorite weapon was the bow (so many head shots - too easy). I finished the game with 90% completion - leaving behind some of those blasted gps caches and not completing all of the challenges (i.e. Ghost Hunter, Cairn Raider, Minesweeper etc.)

Overall, a nice reboot to the series and a good jumping off point for additional titles.

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:37 AM

View PostJakovasaurus, on 22 June 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

Tomb Raider relies a little to heavily on QTE for my tastes.

Oh man, yeah. I nearly forgot about those. The in combat stuff where you have to press the Y/Triangle button at just the right moment really fucking annoyed me. I never quite figured out how that shit worked. On the other hand the outside combat related QTEs worked fine, like when you were being swept down a river or was thrown off a cliff. Those kinds of button promps help to keep you engaged and on the edge of the seat in what is otherwise nothing but a scripted jump between one area and another.

View PostJakovasaurus, on 22 June 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

And the enemy AI is pretty shitty - one of the Solarii actually ran to me without firing or anything, I happily ended his confusion and sent him to meet his sun goddess.

Naw man, that guy was just suffering from battle confusion. He forgot where he was and why he was fighting you. He just wanted a hug, bro.

Generally I felt that the AI was perfectly fine. You'd see them run away if they were the last guy standing. They'd call out for help and try to flank you. I think what helped the immersion the most was the believable dialogue. Their conversations, their shouts of terror and anger, them trying to taunt you, etc. In general the voice work, even for the grunts, was top notch in this game.

View PostJakovasaurus, on 22 June 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

I agree the story was good, albeit kind of predictable - I saw Sam's destiny in the game from a mile away.

Yeah, the story was not overly clever, but I loved how dedicated they were to the simple plot points. It was in the NPC dialogue, the journals, the environment. One of the things the game has going for it was the over all feeling of atmosphere. That island was fucked up. Rivers of blood, entire caverns filled with rotting corpses and skulls and what not.

View PostJakovasaurus, on 22 June 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

I really enjoyed the environment and had a lot of fun exploring. My favorite weapon was the bow (so many head shots - too easy). I finished the game with 90% completion - leaving behind some of those blasted gps caches and not completing all of the challenges (i.e. Ghost Hunter, Cairn Raider, Minesweeper etc.)

Yeah I gave up on getting the last couple of collectibles as well but over all I think the game was pretty generous with placing obstacles and collectibles you couldn't reach, somewhere on the path where you could pick them up on the way back every time you got a new ability or upgrade.

I agree the Bow was pretty amazing but I also liked the machine gun. It didn't feel particularly meaty but I liked the sound of it.




#567 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 11:29 AM

Started playing Metro 2033. I just got robbed by a hooker during the first 30 minutes of my play through :p

In all seriousness though. This was kind of bullshit. It was obviously a scripted event. She showed up out of nowhere so figured, sure, why not. Maybe these crazy guys actually put porn in the game or maybe it's a trap and I get to shoot some fools. Nope, I just got knocked out. This in my opinion is bad story telling. You want to make me believe a 20 something soldier, who's living in a place like this is not smart enough to realise he is being scammed? I lost 40 bullets on this bullshit. I tried looking around, seeing if I could find here again or if it had started some quest chain where I could ask other NPCs for her where abouts. Nope, nothing. That hooker better show up later in the game or I will be shooting everyone that asks me for a favor.

0 zero stars, would not recommend her services to anyone.

#568 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 11:35 AM

Well you certainly got tricked by her
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#569 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 11:39 AM

View PostMorgoth, on 23 June 2013 - 11:35 AM, said:

Well you certainly got tricked by her

Boo! Booooo! Your puns are bad and you should feel bad.

#570 User is offline   Jade-Green Pig-Hog Swine-Beast 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 12:59 PM

I need your helps!

Should I buy Bioshock Infinite or Remember Me?

EDIT: I'm leaning towards Bioshock's 90-something/100 metascore rating, compared to Remember Me's 60-something.

Has anyone played Remember Me, though?

This post has been edited by Jade-Green Pig-Hog Swine-Beast: 23 June 2013 - 01:05 PM

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:10 PM

I believe Bioshock Infinite is generally considered phenomenal and a "must-play" title by a lot of people. Remember Me is more of a flawed-but-interesting game, that didn't quite live up to its potential. Haven't played either of them myself, though, that's just going off what I've read/been told by people who have played them.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#572 User is offline   Jade-Green Pig-Hog Swine-Beast 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:13 PM

I'm hearing the same things. Maybe I'll buy Bioshock and grab Remember Me when it's in the sale, some time...

See, I want to play Remember Me but, especially when paying full price just because I'm looking for a game to play, I want to get the most out of my money.

I do want to play Last of Us, as mentioned on either this thread or the other, but that's not out on PC is it?

This post has been edited by Jade-Green Pig-Hog Swine-Beast: 23 June 2013 - 01:15 PM

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:15 PM

Pretty sure Lucifer's Heaven has played Remember Me, just fyi. Might want to flick him a PM or something and ask (actually think he may very well have played both, and he's pretty objective about these things, too). But yeah, I'd put money on the one that's apparently phenomenal rather than the one which gets the "nice try, but..." award, lol.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#574 User is offline   Jade-Green Pig-Hog Swine-Beast 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:23 PM

Yeah, you're making sense. I think that's what I'll do.

Thanks! I'm off for a trip to the Steam Store!

PS. Does anyone know when the summer sale tends to start?
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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:29 PM

In summer? *ba-dum, tish*

Sorry, couldn't resist. :p

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#576 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 01:56 PM

If you like FPS games definitely pick up Bioshock Infinite. I haven't played Remember Me but Bioshock Infinite is one of the best shooters to be released. Ever. I say that but I will also give you a word of caution. Bioshock Infinite is not a 10/10 game. It's a 5/5 game. It's not "perfect", it has some issues, especially with the AI and the rather simplistic combat but it sure is a hell of a ride.

The Last of Us is a Playstation Exclusive. No way Sony is releasing a system seller like that on another platform now if ever.

The Steam Summer sale usually starts in the beginning to middle of July. Keep an eye out for better offers during July though. Usually Gamefly, Greenman Gaming, Gamersgate, Origin and Ubishop try to outdo Steam with special deals. I've found myself buying games on Gamefly and Greenman Gaming much more often during the last year and most often you can activate those games on Steam.

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 02:07 PM

I'm currently playing modern warfare 2 with Obdigore
Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.

#578 User is offline   Jade-Green Pig-Hog Swine-Beast 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 02:17 PM

View PostAptorius, on 23 June 2013 - 01:56 PM, said:

If you like FPS games definitely pick up Bioshock Infinite. I haven't played Remember Me but Bioshock Infinite is one of the best shooters to be released. Ever. I say that but I will also give you a word of caution. Bioshock Infinite is not a 10/10 game. It's a 5/5 game. It's not "perfect", it has some issues, especially with the AI and the rather simplistic combat but it sure is a hell of a ride.

The Last of Us is a Playstation Exclusive. No way Sony is releasing a system seller like that on another platform now if ever.

The Steam Summer sale usually starts in the beginning to middle of July. Keep an eye out for better offers during July though. Usually Gamefly, Greenman Gaming, Gamersgate, Origin and Ubishop try to outdo Steam with special deals. I've found myself buying games on Gamefly and Greenman Gaming much more often during the last year and most often you can activate those games on Steam.

I've bought Biochock.

Thanks for the tip, too. I'll check out those places, this year!

Off to play—it's ready!
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#579 User is offline   Jakovasaurus 

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 04:55 PM

Bioshock Infinite's strength is its story and its setting. Your mind is going to be blown. I haven't played Remember Me, but imo you made the right choice. Enjoy the ride! As an aside, if you are playing on a high end PC, make sure all of the settings are turned up, the world will pop like no other.

#580 User is offline   Jade-Green Pig-Hog Swine-Beast 

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Posted 24 June 2013 - 10:44 AM

It's a pretty awesome game! I stopped playing last night, when I got to Finkton.

It looks great, as you say. I'll play about with the graphics and see how high I can go without exploding.

Gameplay is good fun. Story and setting are really engaging. Will try and play more later, if I get time.
The love I bear thee can afford no better term than this: thou art a villain.

"Perhaps we think up our own destinies and so, in a sense, deserve whatever happens to us, for not having had the wit to imagine something better." Iain Banks

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