D'rek on some ideas for Twelve.
Serc, on 18 April 2011 - 11:23 PM, said:
Alkend upgraded his Challenger role to level 2 and it gives him the ability to decrease the morale of an enemy combatant in challenges. Me and Merrid have been talking and this could be really useful if we get more individual immunity challenges like yesterday, in which case it can be used on D'riss or Kalse (or Pensadors after the merge). So we highly recommend you upgrade Challenger with your new EXP.
twelve responds to an earlier post from Tattersail about Ano... but I really don't think Ano's vote is up for grabs.
Barghast, on 18 April 2011 - 11:34 PM, said:
This is so awesome. Hopefully we can get Ano over to our side and start running things. Keep working on him.
I saw your post. I'm not sure how everyone will receive this information. There is a very good possibility that they all know that I somehow tipped you off that you were on the chopping block. I'm not sure how we should proceed now.
Roldom perfectly guesses the way the votes fell.
Karatallid, on 18 April 2011 - 11:36 PM, said:
sorry for not paying attention
if i was to guess at the votes
okaras voted for me, fener and gamelon voted for ruse.
I wish we could see who that last vote was. I hope eloth voted with us, but without the numbers i cant be 100% sure
Path-Shaper, on 18 April 2011 - 11:40 PM, said:
In the real Survivor, when a vote is not read, it's because it was always part of the majority and just wasn't needed at that point. You can safely assume that if a vote is not read, it was always cast for the person who went home.
Vengey feels good about this challenge.
Merrid, on 18 April 2011 - 11:36 PM, said:
Have you told Barghast that he is a full member yet? If not I will.
Also you haven't ever seen this show have you? These is a group reward. On the show the winning tribe goes off and has a great time while the losing tribe gets to scrounge around for food. It is a big time moral booster for the winning team and a negative moral for the losing team. When we merge this will be an individual challenge with the winner taking some of his friends.
Lets make sure that our team is still locked up tight. I have good feelings about everyone. Mostly because I have alted almost all of us.
It helps.
Still don't think that twelve's got what he needs here.
Barghast, on 18 April 2011 - 11:39 PM, said:
D'riss is working on Ano. You might want to do the same. He showed me Ano's reply and it was hopefull. I was a little apprehensive about D'riss post that mentioned Serc but maybe it is starting to put doubt in Ano's mind. Let him know that you and D'riss know you are on the outs and are wanting to get find others that are willing to form a solid top three and if they knew someone else that would be willing to form a solid 4. If we can get Ano and someone else even that would be a coup.
I was more than a little scared about trusting D'riss but I think there is no way that any of us will betray each other. I see a solid final three if we can somehow get past the next tribal.
Here Vengey is telling Barghast "welcome"
Merrid, on 18 April 2011 - 11:40 PM, said:
So if Serc hasn't told you yet you are totally into the Gentleman Bastards. A full member and what not. Alkend has said that he can lower someone moral at the second level of challenger.
We want to make sure that any and all immunity idols stay in our grubby little hands. So my thought was we use the moral lower power on the other team unless there is an immunity challenge like the last one. In that case we use the moral lowering power on Kalse and D'riss. To make sure that they don't get immunity. Thus keeping ourselves in the game longer. To that end would you mind leveling up to Challenger 2.
If you have another idea or thoughts let me or serc know.
LOL HD isn't even playing. Too funny. D'rek is very good at hiding herself.
Merrid, on 18 April 2011 - 11:42 PM, said:
Serc is HD.... Muahhahhahahahaha I am brilliant.
He sends this post to "HD" LOL
Merrid, on 18 April 2011 - 11:44 PM, said:
Oh by and by There is a chance that we might be in your neck of the woods come memorial day weekend. I have a second cousin who is graduating Highschool and my cousin asked if we would come down. Are you going to be in town then?
twelve let's D'rek know where to count him.
Barghast, on 18 April 2011 - 11:46 PM, said:
What happened? I put my vote in and have been out all afternoon. Is HP really gone? How did that happen? Looks like I need to get caught up on the thread.
Well that was sure a wealth of information. Above. You can add me as a level 2 challenger as well. Let the mighty roar. The intimidation factor is pretty cool.
So now what?
D'rek's on the ball.
Serc, on 18 April 2011 - 11:46 PM, said:
Path-Shaper, on 18 April 2011 - 11:42 PM, said:
Just wanted to remind you, but you do have a 1-charge Rallying Cry available if you want to use it for this challenge. If not, it will still be available for the next challenge (and will be 2-charged if you lost).
Yup. Haven't decide if I'll use it yet. The reward sounds like it'll just be a morale boost (and maybe a better chance of not suffering from starvation, so just more morale). Could be worth saving for the immunity challenge, but then again are we really interested in winning that anyways, instead of just losing it and getting vengeance on D'riss...
Ruse and Karat touch on voting strategy.
Ruse, on 18 April 2011 - 11:44 PM, said:
I agree on the vote guess, especially since Eloth told me that Gamelon and Fener have been allied.
Yeah, they like to target me, but I'm not to worried about it.
I wonder if they are aware that there is a bigger alliance between some players.
Karatallid, on 18 April 2011 - 11:47 PM, said:
possibly, but gamelons attatched tro lio so presumably lio would be asked about it
hes already said he wont mention it to them.
now we know we can trust eloth we now choose the vote and all 5 of us are safe for a while. but we need to win these challenges, if Dureza has more players than pensador when the tribes merge they are just going to vote us off (just like we are planning to do to them)
This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 18 April 2011 - 11:52 PM
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.