twelve reiterates to me that his plan is to form a 5-person alliance and use that to go far into the game. It's a solid strategy, although in a game where everyone's out for their own agenda, it's hard to have a solid grasp on 4 other people. Also, I'm very curious why he chose Survivalist if he wanted to win challenges and form alliances. I would think it was somewhat obvious that Challenger and Leader roles were more obviously suited to those tasks.
Barghast, on 11 April 2011 - 05:37 PM, said:
Well I've talked to you a little bit about this already but my plan is to create/form a 5 person alliance that I plan on taking all the way to the final 5. I also am going to focus on winning challenges to make sure that my 5 person alliance is the stronger allinace from the two tribes. Within my alliance I plan on forming side alliances within it to make sure that multiple members believe that I've got final 2/3 deals with them to take me to the end. If not then I plan on focusin on leveling up in a couple of the challenge categories so I can make sure that I have a better than average chance of winning challeges and winning that all important immunity.
Path-Shaper, on 11 April 2011 - 05:55 PM, said:
How did your role selection of Survivalist play into your plan to create a 5-person alliance and win a significant amount of challenges?
Tapper's taking the Leadership role and really exploring it. I don't know if losing tribe members intentionally is ever a good idea, though.
Eloth, on 11 April 2011 - 05:47 PM, said:
Hmmm. Survive, of course. Generally, that means getting to a point where you are obviously useful - but not so useful I am a clear candidate winner and thereby a threat. So, I will try to keep a few friends, show myself to be fairly loyal and therefore some people's second choice for survival - after themselves. I will try and forge a few alliances, but nothing to overt and not too eagerly. I think I'll wait till someone shows an opinion, gauge the reactions and either side with that person or with th front runner of those who go against that person.
Basically, I'll play a waiting game.
Now, my role gives me a good chance to do better than my team mates when my team is losing members, so I might want to look into a way to drop a few guys on my team, using that can't-lose-morale-during-Tribal-Council ability (aka Optimist) to it's very best effect. However, that is a starting strategy, and I'll have to take some allies with me to the final if I make it there - because I fully expect the alliances of Pendorosa and whatever the other thing was, to stand.
That enough info for you, for now?
Path-Shaper, on 11 April 2011 - 06:02 PM, said:
Eloth, on 11 April 2011 - 06:05 PM, said:
So, what do I win?

Path-Shaper, on 11 April 2011 - 06:05 PM, said:
Eloth, on 11 April 2011 - 06:10 PM, said:
Trull's son is playing an interesting game. He's really more of a follower than a survivalist, so we'll see how it goes. A very low-key game can be dangerous early on. It's common to get rid of some nonparticipants and weaker players early in the game.
Hood, on 11 April 2011 - 05:49 PM, said:
Well I've never really watched survivor, and seeing as this isn't a traditional mafia game, I'm at a loss. I'll probably try and keep my head down a bit, in hopes that others rise up and so they can target one another as the greatest threat. If I make it into the later game I might play more aggressively.
Bent's strategy is starting to sound familiar... laying low. Ah, but the game respects big moves and big players. I wonder how well it will work.
Tulas Shorn, on 11 April 2011 - 05:52 PM, said:
Well, for the first few days (i.e until the merger, I plan on laying low. I will pick 2 of the stronger players today and try and forge an alliance, making it so we 3 make it to the end.
where I hope my skill and charm see me through.
but things may change after the merge (if I am still around) so I will be keeping my eyes peeled for a better group of team mates.
Secondly, I really hope to keep my head down and not stir up too much, I'd like to be in deep before my real alt is revealed, for shock value alone, lol
so there you have it. I will get on a bit later and sound out my ideas on who is who and role picks for myself etc.
Nice job by the way
Path-Shaper, on 11 April 2011 - 06:05 PM, said:
My thanks, Sir. Hopefully it will turn out well!
Tulas Shorn, on 11 April 2011 - 06:07 PM, said:
Oh yeah...Im pretending to be a woman........
Path-Shaper, on 11 April 2011 - 06:07 PM, said:
I'll try to remember that but I usually just err on the side of "he."
Tulas Shorn, on 11 April 2011 - 06:19 PM, said:
So will everyone else, no big deal....Merrid aready took the bait, lol
Poor Barghast.
Loki is really seeming like more of a Leader or Genius or even Deceiver with his plans. Interesting choice to go Survivalist.
Gamelon, on 11 April 2011 - 05:59 PM, said:
My approach to the game is going to be the same as my approach to life - observation, consideration, execution.
I intend to start by observing my fellow team mates and determining their effectiveness as members of the tribe. We need practical, cool-headed, rational people if we are going to survive and succeed.
Once I have made my opinions about my fellow team mates I intend to focus on building relationships with those who I feel will be an asset to the tribe and, more importantly, to me.
I plan to make myself a valuable and likable member of the tribe through the use of my practical skills, survivalist know how, and good humoured nature.
I intend to try and stay out of the politics and alliances that usually arise in these situations and instead focus on ensuring our tribes success, and my own success, through a fierce dedication to challenges and a 'never quit' attitude which I hope will help safeguard my seat at the final tribal council.
Path-Shaper, on 11 April 2011 - 06:06 PM, said:
A solid strategy, good luck to you!
This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 11 April 2011 - 06:21 PM
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.