Roldom is ready to strike up a convo with the Leader, Tapper.
Karatallid, on 13 April 2011 - 01:58 AM, said:
Look at him go... he's now allied with 4 people and together they comprise 5 of 6 roles. Only Genius is not rep'd.
Karatallid, on 13 April 2011 - 01:59 AM, said:
if your wondering why im allying with Eloth
Im pretty sure eloth is either a leader or a deciever, with my currant alliences I have a strength an inteligence and a follower, with me bringing in survivalist, the best way to win challenges is to have as many options as possible, i prefer adaptability to specialisation.
and the best way to do that is have a core of team players with as many abilities as possible, so thats what im going to do. If i can link us five together we can sacrifice the other four to keep us in the game, hopefully we will all last till the end, and then if im at the centre of the web i can manipulate my way to the top
Vengey begins the votes for The Dude... alas, I fear his time is up...
Merrid, on 13 April 2011 - 02:17 AM, said:
Vote for Tiam
Sorry mate you it had to be someone.
Here Vengey is telling Ment that Tia's gotta go. I think The Dude could have been a little more honest and tried to forge some alliances earlier. As it stands, he's a little late and that's ultimately what's going to cost him.
Merrid, on 13 April 2011 - 02:12 AM, said:
Well then I think that he is the weakest link. So lets get rid of him and not lose the next challenge.
Do you know if being a follower gives any extra points on level 2.
Merrid, on 13 April 2011 - 02:18 AM, said:
With all of the bullshit that Tiam is talking on thread and him telling you he is a follower I think that he is our guy.
Roldom talks with hiddenone about future plans...
Liosan, on 13 April 2011 - 02:10 AM, said:
I'm not too familiar w/ the show either. I thought your plan was good, & showed a quick grasp of the mechanics at play. The group seemed to follow your lead, so I'm content to cooperate.
Is there any chance that Ruse is a Deceiver who wants to be seen as a follower, laying low until later in the game? Not sure what that role entails.
Agree the next challenge will prob. be Intelligence based. Keep yourself leading the group and you should be safe when the voting starts, unless one of the Old Hands is gunning for you, then it may be a challenge.
Is our Alliance supposed to be secret from the group?
Karatallid, on 13 April 2011 - 02:20 AM, said:
i think so, but i have no issue with you telling others if you want to though it might be best to keep it quiet so we can help each other when it comes to voting
Its possible ruse is a deciever, but i personaly think that eloth might be the deciever considering his riddle of a description and his unwillingness to clarify.
nor does it say that having a deciever will be bad for the tribe, i think a deciever will only be a threat when the two tribes merge but thats pure speculation
we are safe for the votes now, but should we lose the next challenge it might be an idea to lay some ground work for who to vote for. so far, and this is in no way set in stone, my vote would go to fener. He is one of the four surviavlists, and out of those four he is the least active.
maybe he will become more active for the next challenge, but if he doesnt it may be an idea to take him out.
Ment and D'rek agree that The dude will go. They think he's a Deceiver but you can't fault them. He has said anything he could to avoid the vote tonight.
Serc, on 13 April 2011 - 02:13 AM, said:
Barghast connected with me wanting to build a big 5-man alliance. Too bad he's only half a day late... Well anyways I'm finding out what I can from him while ruining his alliance-making efforts. He says he's a survivalist (which makes 4 of you blokes, we shouldn't be lacking for morale anytime soon!). Tiam apparently connected with Barg and is trying to convince Alkend that Tiam and Alk should join with Barg (possibly instead of Alk being with us). Barg thinks I'm helpless so I've offered to try and forge alliances with kalse and d'riss for him, but I'll be reporting that they rejected his offer.
Merrid, on 13 April 2011 - 02:17 AM, said:
I know who Barghast is. I have for a while. Alt guessing is fun. We should keep him around for as long as possible. If anything happens to another one of our team then pull him in.
Alkend has gotten Tiam to say that he is a follower too which means that tiam is really bullshitting on the thread.
I say we vote off Tiam.
Serc, on 13 April 2011 - 02:28 AM, said:
Yeah, there's no way Tiam is a follower. Definitely Deceiver, IMO. You just voted - it was for Tiam?
also, lol here at nobody voting for The Dude or Shin... D'rek's smart, she knows who's hard to get rid of. Luckily one of her problems is about to be solved.
Serc, on 13 April 2011 - 02:31 AM, said:
I'm fine with keeping around Bargy for a long while, but if he's The Dude or Shin, we are voting him out long before the final! (Then again, the jury votes *for* the finalist, so maybe the rule still applies that no one will vote for The Dude or Shin..?)
D'rek here with Trull's son.
Serc, on 13 April 2011 - 02:02 AM, said:
Okay. You're right on Tiam and Barg, Barg just started a communication with me wanting to start a 5-man alliance, lol. He's only half a day late or so... so of course I'm stringing him along to learn as much as I can. He says he's a survivalist, so looks like we have 4 of you crazy survivalists (you, barg, d'riss and merrid)
Serc, on 13 April 2011 - 02:09 AM, said:
Ooooh, excellent. Barg wants me to try and forge two new alliances for his group... darn, I think D'riss and Kalse are going to reject his proposal...
Serc, on 13 April 2011 - 02:35 AM, said:
Merrid just voted, pretty sure it was for Tiam (he didn't say it directly, but that's who he wanted to go for). Tiam's claiming Follower through Alk, which is a load of bull (99% sure he's a Deceiver), so yeah I say we vote Tiam. You allright if I bring Bargy into the alliance if Ano or Alk don't turn out?
Lizra is also going to talk to Tapper, too. He now has 3 people talking *to* him and has both forges available for himself.
Ruse, on 13 April 2011 - 02:35 AM, said:
Shape alliance with Eloth
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.