From 19 February 2011 - 10:07 PM:
I wonder where Ganoes and the Host are. At first I thought they were in Aren:
I was under the impression that they were in Assail, I know it doesn't directly refer to Assail when Picker and Antsy contact Paran in TtH, but the fact that they are fighting mixed blood FA leads me to believe that is where they are, Isn't there also mention in TtH about war between Jaghut and FA? I believe Caladan Brood metnions it to Endest Silann, again, he doesn't dirrectly name Assail as the continent in question, but previous references to that continent by Spinnock Durav make me think that it probably is. Also, as you remember, Paran states to Picker that "we've landed in a mess" well, from all descriptions of Assail we've previously had, "A mess" would be a good way to describe it.
I cant remember who said it, I think it was Abyss, asking about the Hounds of Light? and how many there were? Is there not ten? thats how many feature in TtH, I know there are only a couple featured in Stonewielder but in TtH there were definately ten.