A few things:
i) I am not currently prepared to host the server and run my home PC 24/7. At this stage I am prepared to run it pretty much when I am available to play and admin the server which means weekends. At those times I will leave it on overnight for those not close to GMT. Be nice if the server isn't up when you want it to be. I'll try and post when I will be hosting 24 hours in advance. If enough of you wanted, say, a Wednesday overnight run then I would be happy with that.
ii) Remember this is still Alpha. Be prepared to find suddenly that all your hard work is gone. I will be scheduling backups as soon as I can get the server tools to work (i.e. sometime tomorrow).
iii) If anyone else can offer a more permanent solution I think I may be able to help with the setting up and port forwarding etc.
i) This is still in alpha so I wouldn't worry too much about building anything TOO amazing for the time being. I would say common courtesy would mean that you shouldn't build too close to someone else or trash their constructions. As this is a Malazan server I would say that giant spooge-spewing manhood monuments would be out of place, especially given the open nature of the age range of the potential players.
ii) One warning. Repeat again and a ban (timed or otherwise). For anything deemed inappropriate. If in doubt - ask an admin first
iii) The IP may change - I will post it when run the server.
i) First - take a compass from a chest inside Slippery Jim's Sanctuary for Wayward Malazans. Anything in the chest(s) is fair game and can be taken but try and think of others also.
ii) If an admin is on we can teleport you to us (or us to you) and give you any item in the game. As the vote was to not have infinite resources do not ask us to do this unless something bad has happened like you fell through the map and lost all your stuff.
iii) Don't build too near another players place and don't nick their stuff! Once exception - Slippery Jim's Sanctuary for Wayward Malazans (as above)
iv) You do not take damage. You are unable to harvest near the spawn point so don't worry if you can't (D'rek suggest we mark the area with a wall - good idea - it's on my list). Monsters do not spawn. If this changes I'll let you know
v) Current admins: SlipperyJim.
I hope this doesn't come across as unreasonable - it's just that I want us all to have fun and I think it's best that these things are thrashed out up front. I am totally prepared to discuss any of the above and any other issues you can think of.
This post has been edited by Slippery Jim: 11 October 2010 - 10:08 PM