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The Watching Trickster Pub Come in, sit down and share your random thoughts with a good pint.

#1 User is offline   Darkwatch 

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Posted 01 June 2010 - 09:26 PM


*Finishes basic reality copying process. Moves to the window to stare at the old building far off in the distance*

Well I can see the modgods gathering their power to destroy the old building. It's going to be one big dust cloud.
What's that you know not the story of the Watching Trickster?

Gather round and I shall tell ye a tale!

Long ago in the depth of history there was a forum, this forum was the product of the elder modgods who shaped the even older primordial SERVER.
Server is a great entity, for whom the tribulations of mortals does not concern him, and thought he never would.

After the shaping of Server the people came and lived in harmony with Server for a long time, watched over by the modgods.
Yet, as time passed several people of the forum began to show common interest and a desire to bring those interests all together.
These Thread Buildings were in general quite normal and moderate in size, having no impact on server.
Alas two of these Threads grew and irked Server.
The grand Tower of Hawt Girls with its massive beautiful paintings and daily visitor count was the tallest and the heaviest. Somehow it became so heavy that Server cried out, and his sons Bandwith and Upkeep swooped down upon the modgods to tell them that something was amiss with Server.
And so the modgods looked, and found the grand Tower consuming Server's resources. This could not be, for if Server was to survive then this Thread must die.
And so the modgods gathered and combined their powers and struck down the mighty Thread.
There was a great cry from the people, but nothing could be done. The modgods had changed part of Server to never allow those pictures to re-appear again.

Yet there was a second Thread of Babel, heavy and resource consuming as well.
The Watching Trickster, the largest pub in the land had also grown to incredible proportions. Through sheer text and empty beer bottles the building grew and itself began to draw so much on Server's resources that the modgods once more assembled. Yet this time there was pity.
And one of them, Hetan as she was called, declared: "And yay, ye who wishes to start a new pub may. For we as modgods know of the strife of the lowly mortal member. We understand the need for alcohol. For we to consume it."
And so the people left and began anew, and watched as the modgods assembled once again to strike down the massive edifice.

Now rumour holds that there is only one great Thread left, far away. That the modgods themselves granted it full leniency.
I've not seen this tower though many a traveler has. They say it is resplendent with Images of all kinds, horror, joy, awesome and fail.

Yet these are musings for another time.
I welcome you all to the New Watching Trickster Pub.
A toast, may we last as long and soar as high!

The story continues my friends. There is no real end to this tale.
The Watching Trickster is a recurring entity, one that grows like a plant and is then pruned. Soon it grows again to great heights.
Once again we have managed to task Server, our great substrate from which all forum life comes and lives.
Yet now we know that even the great tower, that gallery of visual decadence will not go untouched this time.
Truly these are days unlike any other.
Server has been strained in so short an interval.
A great and terrible feat, one I'm sure will reoccur in the future.

So then, may we drink to Server's health and well being so that the interval shall be short and far off into the future!


So this is the new place, now all the defense systems are installed and the kegs are full.

Hope everyone is having a good day, I got to get to work.


"Abominable Depth Charges"
6 oz shots of 1/2 tequila 1/2 vodka with pints of "Fin du Monde" for everyone per Sparkimus' request

"Kud's Heart Burn"
*Mixes Fanta orange with Nemiroff and jalapeno peppers*

"Battery Acid"
1 part pineapple juice
1 part rum
2 part 94% moonshine
3 shots tobasco
3 parts red wine vinegar

"Horned Milk":

3 parts vodka
1 can of red bull
3 caffeine pills
2 parts coconut milk
1 part Irish Cream (Bailey's and such)

"Tay's Madness:"

-3 parts of absynthe
-2 parts tequila
-2 parts Lundunum
-1 part 188 proof alcohol
-2 drops of pure LSD
-2 parts Water of Life (that of a Drowned Maker)
-A pinch of sugar
-A drop of emo blood for angst and futility.

"Darkwatch's Dies Irae"
2 parts grappa
3 parts 94% alcohol
1 part Screech rum
3 parts Vodka
3 parts Sambuca
2 parts Absinthe
4 drops pure LSD
2 parts ether
50 grams of pure cocaine (for the RAGE)

You light it on fire then drink it immediately while it's still burning.

"Tehol's Break"
-2 parts 94% alcohol
-2 parts rum
-1 part coconut milk
-1 part pineapple juice
-3 parts crushed ice
-Sprinkle of chocolate powder and sugar.

"Valdez Spill"

1/2 oz of sambuca
3 pinches of sugar
1 oz Brandy
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
1/2 oz Vanilla Liqueur
1 dash Lemon Juice
1/2 oz Half and Half

Mix all except the sambuca as a normal Blue Angel. Add a small amount of sugar to create a barrier on the surface. Then gently add the sambuca to make it look like an oil spill on water then light it on fire.

"Tehol's Brithday Nectar":

1 part ambroisa
1 part ontological alcohol
3 parts tree of knowledge apple cider
5 parts tree of life juice
2 teaspoons of mandrake powder
2 parts sublimity

Basicly, you take the recipe for mead and replace the honey with maple syrup.
Also I'm going to use bay leaves instead of hops and some water from the Laurentians and ferment the whole thing with blueberries.

"Student's Nectar"

-1 can of Red Bull
-2 parts vodka
-1 part absynthe
-1 part hash oil
-3 caffeine pills
-Sprinkling of cocaine and meth

"Tehol's Bonus":
-2 parts fruit punch
-1 part 12 year old golden rum (the slightly dryer kind)
-1 oz of tequila
-1 part ice cider (not carbonated)
-Crushed ice
-1 Pineapple slice cut in two and inserted into the drink.

"Hard Fisted Gatorade"
4 parts gatorade
4 oz of vodka
1 cap of dry vermouth
1 oz dry gin

"Tehol's consolation:"

-3 parts 190 proof pure potato vodka
-1 part creme de menthe
-1 cap of dry vermouth
-2 parts dry gin

"The Flaming Mint"
-1 part vodka
-2 parts gin
-1 part creme de menthe
-1 part sambuca on top
-2 mint leaves
Light the sambuca up

"The Watching Trickster St-Patrick's Tip of the Hat" (2009)

-4 parts Whiskey
-2 drops Irish Creams
-1 part Guiness
-1 fried potato round with small holes around half it's periphery placed on top of the glass.
On top of the potato round pour on a mix of 1 part sambuca 4 parts sugar.
Light this mix on fire (should be a greenish blue).
Lift the glass for a toast till the mix starts running from the holes to the flame and either puts it out or feeds it.
Eat the potato round then down the drink.

"Dark Is the Moon Caffeine Elixir" (available it particle smashed super strength format)
-3/4 cup of ultra dark percolated coffee
-1/4 cup expresso
-3 grams of crushed coffee beans
-2 squares of 70% dark chocolate
-Coffee infused whipped cream topping sprinkled with coffee grounds and crystal meth.

"Tehol's Recuperation"

3 parts rum
2 parts tropical juice
1 part crushed vitamins
2 parts calcium citrate (for the bones)
1 part Laudanum (for the pain)
1 caffeine pill (for the pep)

"Mornin' after"

-3 parts tonic water
-2 alka-seltzers
-1 drop of peptobismol
-2 drops of mint essence

Serve in a tall clear glass.

"The Late night drunk's tongue"

-2 parts dry gin
-1 part rum
-1 part whiskey
-4 drops orange juice
-1 drop irish cream

Mix all but the irish cream together until cold then add the drop at the end to make the cloud which symbolizes the drunken haze.

"Ment's Friday Inspiration"

6 parts vodka
3 parts cranberry juice
1 part tonic water
1 gram of crushed exstasy pill-since we put drugs in all the custom drinks.,
5 drops of lime juice.
3 ice cubes

served with a side dish of walnuts.


-3 parts apple schnapps
-1 part vodka
-1 part fruit punch
-2 drops coconut milk
-4 parts heroine
-2 ground into powder extasy pills to ice the glass edges.

Serve in tall twirly glass with ice, a wedge of lime and a high class escort of the client's sex of choice.

"Darkwatch's Credentials":

-3 parts rye whiskey
-1 cap of vermouth
-1 cap of lemon juice
-2 parts black rum
-2 oz of coke
-1/2 oz of Gin

"Darkwatch's Rum Tea"
-2/3 Black Tea
-1/3 Rum (dark or normal, never white).
-Sweeten with maple syrup if desired.

"Lady of the Night Drink":

3 parts cinzano
1 part golden rum
1 1/2 part Crême de Menthe
2 parts cranberry juice
1 part Grenadine syrup
1 cherry on a long arrow
rim the glass with sugar with red food die


-3 parts Gin
-1 part creme de Menthe
-1 strip of lemon peel
-2 part club soda
-3 parts diluted retro-cyberviral rejuvenation solution (for the renewal part)
-1 half-ounce Bourbon

Shaken over ice and served in a tall fluted glass. With a Pineapple shaped like a bio-hazard symbol.

"Darkwatch's Flaming Fist"

-3 parts 94% Alcohol
-2 parts Gin
-1/2 ounce of vodka
-1 part red grappa
-1 part flaming sambuca

"The Watching Trickster's Jack'O Lantern 2009"

-3 parts sparkling pumpkin wine
-2 parts pumpkin spiced dark rum
-1/2 ounce pineapple juice

-1 part sambuca mixed with sugar and some corn syrup into very thick, almost set paste.
-1 tiny pumpkin

Mix the sparkling pumpkin wine, rum and pineapple juice together into a large rimmed glass.
Rim the glass with the sambuca paste. Then skewer the small pumpkin on a long stick (that can stand in the middle of the glass) and install in the glass, make sure the pumpkin is about 1 cm above the rim.
Light the rim on fire and serve.

"The Smooth End"

-1/2 to 3/4 cup of whipped cream
-1/2 cup hot water
-1/3 dark rum
-1 generous spoonful of spiced butter

While you wait for the water to boil, whip the cream and add the required amount to the mug.
When the water has boiled mix it into the cream. Immediately add the spoonful and stir till dissolved.
Add the rum.
Bask in delicious harmony.

"Lady Snow's Wrath"

-3 parts ice cold vodka chilled during a Blizzard.
-2 parts cold Carolan's chilled in the Blizzard.
-1 part Ice cold gin chilled in the Blizzard
-1 part fresh cream chilled in the Blizzard (frothed).
-1 spoonful of whipped cream.

Crust the rim with white sugar an and add the cream last and place the spoonful of whipped cream on the top and sprinkle with sugar.
Enjoy on terrace in a blizzard.

"The Black Hole Coffee Abyss"

-3 parts dark dark coffee (made from beans that aren't much roasted, so that they contain a lot of caffeine)
-2 parts modified guarana juice that has electromagnetic properties that traps light like a black hole
-1 part phosphorous milk for the accretion disk.

"Tehol's Vacation" (take 2)

1 part Pineapple Juice
2 Parts Coconut Water
3 Parts Angostura 1919 Rum
Squeeze of Lime
Dash of Grenadine
Garnish with little umbrella

A new drink to mark the continued existence of the pub.


1 part gin
1 part vodka
1/2 part red vermouth
1/4 grenadine
1 part orange juice
1/4 part sambuca for the rim
Sugar for the rim

Dip the rim into sambuca and frost it with sugar
Mix the rest of the ingredients and pour into the glass.
Light the rim on fire.


-1 part vodka
-1 part gin
-3 parts rum
-1 part 94% alcohol
-2 parts ash for the disappointment
-1 part bitter

"The Quick Ben"

-1 part rum
-1 part scotch
-1 part eau-de-vie
-1 part dry white vermouth
-1 part brandy
-1 part amarula
-1 part schnapps (peach or apple)

7 parts at once for 7 warrens at once.
Mix the rum, scotch, eau-de-vie, brandy and vermouth in a mixer.
In a long fluted glass pour the amarula and schnapps then pour the rest in over it.

"Shiara's refreshment":

-2 parts club soda
-1 part Blue Curacao
-2 parts golden rum
-1 parts amarula
-1 orange slice
-1 lime slice

Serve over ice.

"Hazy Endurance":

-4 parts milk
-2 parts vodka
-2 parts golden rum
-2 parts coffee liqueur
-1 part chocolate syrup
-1 tbps of cornstarch
-1 scoop protein shake mix

"Hetan's Hobbler"

1 Part King's Ginger liqueur
1 Part Stones Green Ginger wine
2 parts vodka or white rum (works equally well)
4 parts Dry ginger ale (or Ginger beer/ golden ginger ale)
fresh lime juice to taste.
Ice, mint and sliced fresh lime to serve.

"The Wedding Charge"

1 Stout

1 Rum (dark) and Coke
1 Shot of Tequila

You drop the shot into the rum and Coke and down it.
Then you chase that down with the Stout.

Centz' Zinger:

-2 parts Gin
-1/2 part Tequila
-2 orange zests
-2 drops lemon juice
-1 pinch of sugar

Serve in tall glass with ice.

The Study Aid:

-2 RedBull energy shots (equal to 4 RedBulls)
-2 parts Tequila
-1 part Ginger Beer
-A mix of ground Ginko Bilboa and Ginseng (for what it's worth)
-A double dose of Ritalin
-1 part Sambuca

Serve with a deadline of 2 hours.

Ment's Numbing Tumbler

-1 part vodka
-1 part blue Curacao
-1 part apple schnapps
-1 part 94% alcohol
-3 parts children's extra-strength liquid ibuprofen suspension
-2 parts Nyquil or Dayquil (acetaminophen)
-2 parts San Pellegrino
-2 crushed acetylsalicylic acid pills
-2 tbs of Voltaren gel

Rim the pint glass with the crushed acetylsalicylic acid pills.
Mix the vodka, curacao, schnapps and 94% together in tumbler with ice. Pour into the pint glass. Add the iburpofen/acetaminophen syrups and allow to slowly diffuse into the blue mix. When that is done to your satisfaction pour in the San Pellegrino and let the bubbles further mix the solution.
Finally on a long, wide tongue depressor put the 2 tbs of voltaren and put over the mouth of the glass (but not into it) and serve.

Squashed Frog / Grenouille Écrasé:

15 ml apple liqueur
10 ml advocaat liqueur
10 ml maple cream
1 dash maple whiskey
2 dashes grenadine syrup

Friend in a Glass

Warm Version
-Maple Cream liqueur
-Blue curacao
-Apple Schnapps

Serve at room temperature (between 17 and 20 C) with a food.

Cool Version
-Golden Rum
-Guru Energy Drink

Serve Chilled with sunglasses.

The Void

-2 parts dark rum
-1 part coke
-A few drops of Kahlua
-Maple sugar (for the rim)
-Salt (for the rim)
-Lime juice
-1 or two cracked coloured ice cubes

Rim the glass with a 1 to 3 mix of salt and maple sugar using the lime juice.
Then mix in the rum and coke. Put in the ice, stir vigorously and drop in a few drops of Kahlua.
Place glass on powerful LED base and enjoy the simulation of space before downing it.

These may be NSFW


The Gretchen:

-3 parts 151 White Rum
-2 parts pineapple juice
-Pinch of cardamom
-Pinch of nutmeg
-Pinch of cinnamon
-Ground ginger and honey for the rim

It hits hard, but has a sweet and warm finish with a pleasant and heartwarming bouquet.

The Parent:

-3 parts Gin
-1 shot Crème de Menthe
-1 Red Bull energy shot (equivalent to 2 Red Bulls)
Followed by an Espresso chaser and a tablespoon of Sriracha.

Stern, revivifying, sustaining.

26 and Free

-250 ml San Pellegrino (room temperature)
-3 parts spiced golden rum (warm)
-1 part Sortilège (whiskey made with maple syrup) (cold)
-1 part grenadine (cold)
-1/2 tsp of freshly ground ginger
-1/4 tsp of freshly ground cardamom
-Smoked salt and barley sugar for the rim.

Rim the glass with grenadine and the smoked salt and sugar mix.
In the glass add the spices then pour in the grenadine, Sortilège and golden rum over them.
When the spices start to settle pour in the San Pellegrino from high to vigorously mix the whole and produce a lot of bubbles to carry the bouquet.
Drink quickly.

It's hard liquor distilled from the guarana plant, and then has some caffeine brewed guarana added into the mix.

Modified Moranth Munition
-more beer,
-jalapeno oil,
-a sprinkle of pepper

PowerThirst (Halifax' Drink of Choice)

Main Courses

-Darkwatch's Porc Tenderloin (Pan-oven made or Grilled)
Served with your choice of veggies with rice/potatoes/noodles

-Sauté au Boeuf
Tender beef strips sauté'd in red wine and teriyaki sauce and served with corn and noodles or rice.



Royal Slop
-1 part ice cubes
-3 parts strawberries
-2 parts blueberries
-2 parts creme or orange juice
-Sugar (optional)

Void Touched Caffeine Pit Cupcakes

-1 cup all purpose flour
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-1/4 tsp table salt
-1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
-1 cup granulated sugar
-2 large eggs
-1 1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract
-3 ounces melted unsweetened chocolate, slightly cooled
-2 tsp of espresso grounds
-2/3 cup chocolate chips (semi-sweet) rolled in extra fine normal coffee grounds
-Dark chocolate frosting topped with chocolate shavings and a coffee bean.

This post has been edited by Darkwatch: 15 October 2013 - 01:13 AM

The Pub is Always Open

Proud supporter of the Wolves of Winter. Glory be to her Majesty, The Lady Snow.
Cursed Summer returns. The Lady Now Sleeps.

The Sexy Thatch Burning Physicist

Τον Πρωτος Αληθη Δεσποτην της Οικιας Αυτος

RodeoRanch said:

You're a rock.
A non-touching itself rock.

#2 User is offline   Darkwatch 

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Posted 01 June 2010 - 09:41 PM

Once again this Pub is reborn, like the Phoenix, or 9 lives like Abyss.
As I mentioned in the old thread I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my old computer, but it might just be too old.
So far it hasn't worked.
Any suggestions?
The Pub is Always Open

Proud supporter of the Wolves of Winter. Glory be to her Majesty, The Lady Snow.
Cursed Summer returns. The Lady Now Sleeps.

The Sexy Thatch Burning Physicist

Τον Πρωτος Αληθη Δεσποτην της Οικιας Αυτος

RodeoRanch said:

You're a rock.
A non-touching itself rock.

#3 User is offline   rhulad 

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Posted 01 June 2010 - 10:18 PM

How old is the computer, and what version of Ubunto?

#4 User is offline   Darkwatch 

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Posted 01 June 2010 - 10:26 PM

The computer is 6 years old and it's Ubuntu 10.04.
The Pub is Always Open

Proud supporter of the Wolves of Winter. Glory be to her Majesty, The Lady Snow.
Cursed Summer returns. The Lady Now Sleeps.

The Sexy Thatch Burning Physicist

Τον Πρωτος Αληθη Δεσποτην της Οικιας Αυτος

RodeoRanch said:

You're a rock.
A non-touching itself rock.

#5 User is offline   teholbeddict 

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:28 PM

Yay! New Trickster! I think I'm going to have one of everything off of our drink list to celebrate. So do we have any new upgrades DW??? Maybe I should get a new barwench's outfit, in honour of the occasion.
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only F ing yourself...
-Bubbalicious -

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
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The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
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Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!

#6 User is offline   beru 

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:30 PM

I (me beeing 18 and male...) can proabaly design some new outfitt for you Tehol...

It will look good i promise :o
i want to see this world where T'lan imass kneels

#7 User is offline   teholbeddict 

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:32 PM

Right....the last time I let you boys pick out a barwench's outfit for me it ended up being a red g string bikini. You wouldn't have been thinking of something along those lines would you beru?????
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only F ing yourself...
-Bubbalicious -

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-

The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-

Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!

#8 User is offline   teholbeddict 

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:41 PM

View PostGrimhilde, on 02 June 2010 - 10:51 AM, said:

Liquor me up, TeholScotty, I'm back at work!

I'm currently translating the Operation Manual for a BOP Service Crane, from English to Norwegian...I died a little inside just saying that. Next is the Maintenance Manual, and when I'm done with that, I have to do it all over again for another type of crane...

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me right back in. My summer vacation was supposed to start yesterday:(

Just transferred your post to our new pub...

No wonder you need a drink! I'd need one too after having to do work like that. So your job is now translating crane manuals??? I thought you did something other than that.
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only F ing yourself...
-Bubbalicious -

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-

The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-

Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!

#9 User is offline   Darkwatch 

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:47 PM

The pub is now composed entirely of programmable matter.
Which is linked directly to the owner's (that being me) control panel.
That means that the entire pub is now polymorphic and I can have it assume any shape, decor, style I wish.
It's also a security feature seeing as how I can conjure up some spikes from nowhere on trouble makers.

As for one of every drink with the new progmatter I can now turn the bar top into a conveyor belt to bring you each drink one after another.

This post has been edited by Darkwatch: 02 June 2010 - 04:48 PM

The Pub is Always Open

Proud supporter of the Wolves of Winter. Glory be to her Majesty, The Lady Snow.
Cursed Summer returns. The Lady Now Sleeps.

The Sexy Thatch Burning Physicist

Τον Πρωτος Αληθη Δεσποτην της Οικιας Αυτος

RodeoRanch said:

You're a rock.
A non-touching itself rock.

#10 User is offline   beru 

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:53 PM

Grim does your summer holyday start THAT early? i mean i got a cuple of weeks left! (but the grades are set from the 10th so after that its practily holyday)
i want to see this world where T'lan imass kneels

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 09:50 PM


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Posted 02 June 2010 - 11:41 PM

New place looks good.

I dont know why i sat down to get on the computer, i'm covered in 60 year old attic insulation. I'm gonna go take a cold shower now.
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 01:23 AM

Ugh...last week of uni, so no tutorials, but lectures are still on, so I have 5 hours to fill in between, and I can't go home (or just skip them).

How's everyone's day? (or night still I guess, for you north Americans.)
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.

Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.

#14 User is offline   Zanth13 

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 05:19 AM

I just want to be on the first page...

I am always down for a drink...

hence the group i belong too...

which by the way is it still just me and H.D?
You can't find me because I'm lost in the music

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 05:39 AM

as long as pizza is served in the new one here, its all good, and donuts for Sb and me if he will share
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 09:56 AM

well im here, but due to timezones im probably four hours or so late ...
i want to see this world where T'lan imass kneels

#17 User is offline   hmqb 

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 10:46 AM

So, does anyone else see that?

#18 User is offline   beru 

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 02:09 PM

does not seem like it...
i want to see this world where T'lan imass kneels

#19 User is offline   Jusentantaka 

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 02:31 PM

View Postteholbeddict, on 02 June 2010 - 04:32 PM, said:

Right....the last time I let you boys pick out a barwench's outfit for me it ended up being a red g string bikini. You wouldn't have been thinking of something along those lines would you beru?????

How about this:

Velvet studded Bess cape, a pair of Choo shoes (I hearts the golden mirrored-leather sandals) and a Silk-Chiffon chemise.

a Fuchsia chemise :laughing:

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 02:51 PM

I can tell the gf's rubbed off on me since i now actually/sadly know what Choo shoes are.

On a side note, I took her shoe shopping the other day, pretty sure she'll never leave me now.
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.

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