Ye Big Videogames Thread
Posted 08 July 2020 - 07:24 PM
New Action RPG launching on Steam (and presumably PS4, since it was part of ChinaJoy?) tomorrow.
Looks quite nice, for a Unity 3D RPG.
Posted 08 July 2020 - 08:23 PM
Ugh you made me start watching that.
(I pre ordered today. I've finally seen some gameplay and I'm looking forward to it now)
(I pre ordered today. I've finally seen some gameplay and I'm looking forward to it now)
This post has been edited by Traveller: 08 July 2020 - 08:25 PM
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.
Posted 11 July 2020 - 06:09 PM
Devolver Digital Direct starting in an hour.
Only game I'm looking out for is Carrion. I'd love an You Can Play It Right Now announcement.
I'm mostly tuning in for the next thrilling episode of crazy CEO lady does a game conference.
Only game I'm looking out for is Carrion. I'd love an You Can Play It Right Now announcement.
I'm mostly tuning in for the next thrilling episode of crazy CEO lady does a game conference.
Posted 11 July 2020 - 07:25 PM
I'm not digging this new format. They've ventured too far from the conference parody and gone overboard on the soap opera. Also the actors are speaking way too fast. Or maybe it's just the sound/voice quality that's poor.
So far Shadow Warrior 3 looks good but I hope they're doing something more like 1, not 2.
Fall Guys looks surprisingly cool. Like a kind of obstacle course battle royal for kids.
Super excited to see Carion releasing July 23rd.
So far Shadow Warrior 3 looks good but I hope they're doing something more like 1, not 2.
Fall Guys looks surprisingly cool. Like a kind of obstacle course battle royal for kids.
Super excited to see Carion releasing July 23rd.
Posted 12 July 2020 - 05:13 PM
Bout an hour till the Ubisoft Forward event begins. Sorta curious about what to expect. I suppose this will be their event for the year.
We know Assassins Creed Valhalla, releases this year. Supposedly sometime mid November. We'll probably get a proper Gameplay trailer today.
Farcry 6 leaked. There's a cinematic trailer in Spanish out there. Supposedly it's slated for February 2021.
Surely we'll get news about Watch Dogs 3. I'm assuming it's a March game. Can't see them releasing Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed in this fall. Yet that was actually the plan during the last console launch, so who knows.
Skull and Bones might get shown if it's not cancelled.
Maybe some development news on Beyond Good and Evil.
I hope we get a Splinter Cell announcement but they break my heart every year.
I'd like some small game announcement. Like a third Grow game or something 2D.
We know Assassins Creed Valhalla, releases this year. Supposedly sometime mid November. We'll probably get a proper Gameplay trailer today.
Farcry 6 leaked. There's a cinematic trailer in Spanish out there. Supposedly it's slated for February 2021.
Surely we'll get news about Watch Dogs 3. I'm assuming it's a March game. Can't see them releasing Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed in this fall. Yet that was actually the plan during the last console launch, so who knows.
Skull and Bones might get shown if it's not cancelled.
Maybe some development news on Beyond Good and Evil.
I hope we get a Splinter Cell announcement but they break my heart every year.
I'd like some small game announcement. Like a third Grow game or something 2D.
Posted 12 July 2020 - 06:59 PM
Watching the preshow footage. I think/hope they'll announce something about the addition of AI team members to Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. That might bring me back in.
Posted 13 July 2020 - 08:20 PM
So I was thinking more about The Last of Us Part 2, and some of the common criticisms. I think Naughty Dog and Neil Druckmann's team should have considered doing another game prior to TLOU2. If you've played TLOU2 then you understand what I'm getting at. Of course, that comes with a whole batch of challenges and it's easy to arm chair / Monday morning QB this idea of another game that could have worked better in bringing more clarity and connection with the characters. Pulling that off in a cohesive way would have been difficult and challenging for sure. But if done right, it could have really made a difference. I dunno maybe I'm rambling and I am still just a pile of emotional mush even after this much time since finishing it. The game is still with me in such a way that I still think about it and just collapse and am inconsolable for a time until I can get together again. The Last of Us Part 2 should be experienced, no doubt about it.
Posted 13 July 2020 - 09:24 PM
Catching up on stuff I missed this AFK weekend.
Devolver Direct was priceless as always.
Ubisoft next
Devolver Direct was priceless as always.
Ubisoft next
Posted 14 July 2020 - 08:35 PM
I've read a few, and I'll stick with those. I'm still excited, that whole era is something I've wanted in a game for ages, so I expect I'll be more forgiving of some of its flaws just so I can ride about being a samurai.
Sounds like the stealth aspect is a bit lite which is a bit of a shame, but the actual combat more than makes up for it.
Sounds like the stealth aspect is a bit lite which is a bit of a shame, but the actual combat more than makes up for it.
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.
Posted 16 July 2020 - 07:43 PM
FYI, for those of you who tangentially follow what goes on with Destiny https://forum.malaza...ost__p__1411046
Posted 17 July 2020 - 07:27 PM
So, just gonna float this out there for you pussies who are apprehensive about playing The Last of Us Part 2.....
The physical media comes with 2 discs. The other games I've played with 2 discs (data / game) - RDR2 comes to mind - have really maxed the hardware capabilities. So yeah, if for nothing else, play TLoU2 to have your eyeballs dazzled so much you'll need eye drops to soothe your dry eyes from the lack of blinking because you want to drink it all in with your squishy orbs.
The physical media comes with 2 discs. The other games I've played with 2 discs (data / game) - RDR2 comes to mind - have really maxed the hardware capabilities. So yeah, if for nothing else, play TLoU2 to have your eyeballs dazzled so much you'll need eye drops to soothe your dry eyes from the lack of blinking because you want to drink it all in with your squishy orbs.
Posted 17 July 2020 - 07:40 PM
I do wonder what TLOU2s budget was. It must have been massive given the visuals and animation quality.
Posted 17 July 2020 - 09:19 PM
Story aside, I think most (and by most I mean 99.999999% of the people who have played it to completion) would agree it has one of the coolest "encounters" experienced in a video game. Leaving it vague, because who has two thumbs and doesn't like spoilers?

Posted 18 July 2020 - 04:40 PM
The fan is audible but it's not nearly as loud as some other games I've played. This is on a pro mind you.
Posted 18 July 2020 - 04:52 PM
20 Days of Sheep, on 18 July 2020 - 03:28 PM, said:
If anyone else is playing Ghost of Tsushima besides me is your PS4 extremely loud? I’m getting distracted from Ghost of Tsushima convinced my PS4 is about to explode.
Thought that was just mine. Didnt notice last night as had headphones on, but today it sounded like it was going to take off.
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.
Posted 18 July 2020 - 10:28 PM
20 Days of Sheep, on 18 July 2020 - 05:36 PM, said:
Yup, mine is like gotta turn the volume up . It’s kinda concerning me.
Sony game designed to kill off this gen console!
The lighting is outstanding. Sunset through slatted window in a house.. orange bars and shadows. The sun through the grass always looks amazing too.
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.
Posted 19 July 2020 - 01:00 AM
Okay guys, no winners yet, so I'm going to sweeten the pot to encourage guesses. So, not only will you get an ooey gooey, right out of the oven, warm chocolate cookie, but I will also include a peanut butter cookie and tall class of cold milk to wash it down to the first forum member who guesses what game I'm currently playing.

Posted 19 July 2020 - 01:22 AM
Assassins Creed Odyssey is what that looks like.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.