Raymond Luxury Yacht, on 11 April 2014 - 08:37 PM, said:
Anyone playing Clash of Clans? I know it is a lowly phone game, but holy shit it is fun.
Finished Jade Empire. It's a fun game. Very much Wuxia trope-tastic, and I saw just about every spoiler coming from a mile away, except for the big betrayal--that was interesting.
I've played a 100% Open Palm char, so my ending was very sappy-good. I wonder how different a Closed Fist game would've been? I know there was 1 quest in Act 2 I missed out on, specifically because I wan't a Closed Fist char.
The combat got bad towards the end once I maxed out my initial combat style (Leaping Tiger) and put some points into Storm Dragon--from that point on it was just a matter of alternating the 2--shock the opponent, then 2 tiger combos fro pure damage, and repeat ad nauseum. I took down the Arena Champion and the final boss using this tactic with minimum damage. Same goes for any uber-magical chars--Jade Golem form was crazy OP.
I didn't unlock 1 possible companion, but I suspect it was
I've got about 25-ish hours of pure game from Jade Empire, and for the most part it was enjoyable, though the obvious corridor-iness of many parts did grate a bit. I wish we got to visit other parts of the Empire.
Best moments-The debate with the faux-Englishman (on my third try I got all the votes by the 3rd argument)--his blunderbuss was great at killing big, slow demons on the Arena, and also Kai Lan the Serpent--because he was voiced by freaking Kain! (Simon Templeman).
Not sure what to play next. I'll give Dragon Age: Origins another try soonish, but I think before I do that, I'll see whether Eidos Monreal managed to fix Deus Ex Human Revolution in the Director's Cut. I've started my first playthrough in that, but only got to Open Detroit so far. Looking forward to exploring Heng Sha rooftops again with ILS--that was the single most brilliant thing HR did--it allowed me to climb and jump anywhere, from any height, without the fear of falling to my death and dying and needing to reload a save.