1) How were you introduced to the Malazan series?
I was going through the English fantasy section at my local library from a-z, and naturally the section with the SE caught my eye. I had just forced myself through a horrid piece of fantasy by a female author I can't remember the name of. The reason I got excited by the Malazan series was because there was a bunch of really thick books standing right there, and I always love reading series.
2) What brought you to Malazan Empire forums?
At some point I googled SE and the series on teh interwebs, I think it might have been after I had finished Bonehunters and there were no more books released at the time - since I had read all the series up to that point all in a wondrous straight consecutiveness, I had OD'd on reading intelligent fantasy and wanted MOAR. Malazan Empire seemed a cool place, so I joined.
3) How did you choose your user name?
I wanted something I usually don't use for internet forums, so I chose the name of a fictional character from one of my hopefully future fantasy stories. Also I thought it had a nice ring to it, and I knew many would be picking names from the books and that all the really cool ones were already taken...
4) Do you remember your first post? What was it and who responded?
I think I might have posted in the Bonehunter forum first, but I don't remember what it was or who responded. I do remember the first post I got rep for though - it was a post in the discussion forum about the Iraq war, iirc, and I got lots of positive feedback from that post.
5) Which members do you feel a special connection with?
I think I probably have different connections with many members, but probably none that deep. Which is probably my fault because I usually keep a distance between me and people on the webs. I do feel that being Abyss apprentice is very special though, but probably very weird too. Funnily enough I feel a connection to Terez, but it's probably one sided. Other than that I'd say that I feel connected to my mafia brothers and sister - it's a very bonding activity (and strangely violent, but that's another story ).
6) Would you refer to yourself as a "nurturing Earth mother"?
Maybe as a side of me, but it depends on how you define 'nurture'. I do feel a responsibility towards people I meet, especially on the net, but not in the way people would expect I think. This responsibility is twofold - intellectual and compassionate. I am something as strange as an analyzing empath. I use both instinct and reason to deal with the world and people I meet, almost extremely so. This means I would feel the need someone has, then I accost them with my ideas that I think would help. Needless to say people either a. get scared and run or b. get pissed off. And as an empath I pick up on both those feelings and get very confused. This is why I work very hard at keeping my instinct to help in check most of the time. 'Earth mother' wise I do like children though, I feel they are easier to deal with than adults.
7) Any forum regrets, or arguments you wish you'd avoided?
I try not to have regrets, instead I do my best to learn from situations I end up in. I get pissed off at myself when or if I go for a cheap shot in an argument; I hate when that happens. I would never regret having an argument, but if I would regret anything, it would be the execution.
8) Your profile has an insane number of views. Why do you think this is so?
I hadn't noticed actually. I would guess it has something to do with the fact that I'm female. I honestly don't know. I do stick my neck out on occasion, so maybe people are curious. Seriously though I don't know.
9) What members would you particularly like to meet in real life?
Abyss, although that would be scary. I wouldn't mind meeting people like Bubba, bent or Tiste - Tapper maybe. Honestly though, Hetan seems to be very cool, and mal. Dude, there's a lot of people I wouldn't mind meeting. I don't have a particular need to meet anyone though, due to the distancing thing I've got going. But yeah, there are a lot of really cool people around here that I respect.
10) You have to give up Abyss or Mafia. Which do you choose?
I'd give up Mafia, without blinking. The continuous work towards world domination and bacon is a life calling. Also, Brainzz.
11) If you were stranded on a desert island with only one MBotF, which one is it?
Dust of Dreams, because I haven't read it yet. *hangs head in shame*
12) If you met Steven Erikson and you could only ask one question, what would it be?
If the name Apsalar really is derived from the name of the Swedish town Uppsala, as I've imagined. I have to know.
13) Who is you favorite character from the series?
It's a tie between Ganoes and BAD, but I don't think that is a fair question. I have a whole bunch of favorites, and they all deserve their own little shrine of love. Fiddler, Tehol, Apsalar...I could go on and on.
14) The ladies of the forum seem to be incredible at alcohol consumption. Can you handle your drink and what's your poison of choice?
I don't consume alcohol at all, and I've never been drunk. The only thing I've consumed that was even close to an alcoholic beverage was an apple juicy thing with bubbles they sell at the grocery store. But I doubt it counts. Possibly some rum filled chocolate pralines. Don't think that counts either. I do love bacon though.
15) Who wins?
Do you even have to ask? Abyss! BRAIIINNZZZ!
16) Is there anything that you absolutely cannot abide by? Something that makes you angry, just thinking about it?
Stupidity. I almost wrote ignorance, but sometimes you can be ignorant without being stupid about it. Also, any violence and/or abuse against people that can't defend themselves make me incredibly angry.
17) Do you do any creative writing yourself?
I have a couple of ideas that I develop constantly in my head, I even dream about it sometimes, but I rarely write anything down these days - mostly it's a time issue. But I owe it to my 13 year old self, who declared she would be an author, to try writing at some point and finish a book.
18) When not reading MBotF, what are you typically curling up with?
The latest thing I read fiction wise was a Swedish sci-fi poem by Harry Martinson called Aniara. Besides that I read programming books, and I also love the Swedish translation of the Japanese Manga One piece. I really don't read as much as I would like to these days.
19) Do you keep a personal library, or do the books just cycle through your possession?
I do own some books, although I don't buy that many books right now, but I intend to keep a library of a more collection standard at some point.
20) Please bare one random little known fact about yourself for the peanut gallery please.
I love singing, and I can play a little piano, although it was a long time ago I played now.