Some of the new movement stuff is a little quirky/weird and I'm not very good at it all... yet. Some of the early dialogue is stilted and weird, but as I get further into the game it gets better. A lot of the new fight mechanics are fun, and the plethora of AP is definitely different from previous games. If you haven't played all the little side games on devices other than the Playstation, they provide a string of "what has happened so far" mini-movies right at the beginning of the game. I haven't taken the time to watch them all as I had played most of the other games, but I'm thinking I might take the time this weekend, cause there's lots of crazy shit happening in the story that I have no idea about. They seem to be referencing a lot of stuff that happened in those side games after Kingdom Hearts II, though maybe it's just a weirdly structured story that will become more understandable as I move through the game more. *shrugs* Anyway, so far I've done Olympus, Twilight Town, Kingdom of Corona (from Tangled), and am working my way through Toy Story world now. Am excited to see what's next!