Chicago Gangstar Get Together We don't need no stinking pants
Posted 09 November 2009 - 03:22 PM
Sounds like you guys had a great time, can't wait to see these pictures!
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only F ing yourself...
-Bubbalicious -
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-
The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!
-Bubbalicious -
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-
The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!
Posted 09 November 2009 - 04:38 PM
Where Bent touched me, I had to show it on a doll:

The Malazanites (Minues Veng) in front of the Field (Bubba, Morgy, Bent, HD, Me):

Cameras taking pictures of Cameras: (Bent is left, Bubba is right.)

The Malazanites (Minues Veng) in front of the Field (Bubba, Morgy, Bent, HD, Me):

Cameras taking pictures of Cameras: (Bent is left, Bubba is right.)
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:45 PM
Before I post my pictures...that whole driving thing....way over rated. 22 total hours in a car. 606 miles there, 606 miles back, 11 hours each way.
I woke up at 8:30 am on a Friday morning. I didn't sleep until 11:45 pm on Saturday night. 8.5 hours later wake up on Sunday morning at 8:15 am and stay awake until 6:30 am Monday morning.
Total hours from Friday 8:30 until Monday morning at 6:30 - 70 hours
Total hours slept in that 70 hour time frame - 8.5 hours
Total time spent wanting to punch Morgoth in the face for being a dickbag - 500 hours
Total time spent with Amphibian at the bar - 2.5 hours
Total time Amphibian spent trying to find a parking spot in a radius of 100 miles from the bar - 3.5 hours (haha)
Amount of time spent trying to understand why the hell Obi thought every Jew in the world was Spanish - Still counting (inside joke is inside)
Time spent wondering how the hell Venge could be so fucking nice ..... and still be able to scream at traffic in Chicago (This was what I heard - IT'S FUCKING CHICAGO YOU DUMB ASSHOLE!!! RUN OVER THE FUCKING PEDESTRIAN!!!! GET THE FUCK OUT THE WAY!!!!) - 1 hour - he's fucking psycho - but an awesome super nice guy
Time spent praying Bubba doesn't rape me in my sleep (we shared a room , but not a bed, it was a close thing....) - 8.5 hours.
Time spent wondering how the hell HD could NOT have watched Thundercats very much as a child!!! (He was a GI Joe, Transformers fan....but for fucks sake, even the BUMS would shout THUNDERCATS...HOOOOOO!!!!) - I dont think I'll ever understand that one....
Pics to come soon as I can figure out how the hell to put words in between the pictures like Obi did.....
Personal Note: It was an honor and a very great pleasure for all of you to meet me. You are all made better by having interacted with me, and you really appreciate it. No matter how you got there or how much sleep you got, every minute lost in travel was more than made up by the quality time each and everyone of you got to spend with me. You all love me very much.
I woke up at 8:30 am on a Friday morning. I didn't sleep until 11:45 pm on Saturday night. 8.5 hours later wake up on Sunday morning at 8:15 am and stay awake until 6:30 am Monday morning.
Total hours from Friday 8:30 until Monday morning at 6:30 - 70 hours
Total hours slept in that 70 hour time frame - 8.5 hours
Total time spent wanting to punch Morgoth in the face for being a dickbag - 500 hours
Total time spent with Amphibian at the bar - 2.5 hours
Total time Amphibian spent trying to find a parking spot in a radius of 100 miles from the bar - 3.5 hours (haha)
Amount of time spent trying to understand why the hell Obi thought every Jew in the world was Spanish - Still counting (inside joke is inside)
Time spent wondering how the hell Venge could be so fucking nice ..... and still be able to scream at traffic in Chicago (This was what I heard - IT'S FUCKING CHICAGO YOU DUMB ASSHOLE!!! RUN OVER THE FUCKING PEDESTRIAN!!!! GET THE FUCK OUT THE WAY!!!!) - 1 hour - he's fucking psycho - but an awesome super nice guy
Time spent praying Bubba doesn't rape me in my sleep (we shared a room , but not a bed, it was a close thing....) - 8.5 hours.
Time spent wondering how the hell HD could NOT have watched Thundercats very much as a child!!! (He was a GI Joe, Transformers fan....but for fucks sake, even the BUMS would shout THUNDERCATS...HOOOOOO!!!!) - I dont think I'll ever understand that one....
Pics to come soon as I can figure out how the hell to put words in between the pictures like Obi did.....
Personal Note: It was an honor and a very great pleasure for all of you to meet me. You are all made better by having interacted with me, and you really appreciate it. No matter how you got there or how much sleep you got, every minute lost in travel was more than made up by the quality time each and everyone of you got to spend with me. You all love me very much.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:53 PM
Upload all the pictures using the picture upload thing in the full reply window. Type text and where you want to insert a specific picture, select it from the drop-down list of uploaded pictures and click the icon with the little green plus next to the name of the image you want. Little red minus is a no-no. You might also want to make sure the pics aren't hugemungous. Everything else will appear at the bottom of the post.
[url=""]MafiaManager[/url]: My Mafia Modding tool - Now at v0.3b
With great power comes a great integral of energy over time.
With great power comes a great integral of energy over time.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:02 PM
I am not dilly daolaleling...I'm still on the train.....
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:06 PM
Bubba, on 09 November 2009 - 06:02 PM, said:
I am not dilly daolaleling...I'm still on the train.....
Have you been able to get any more sleep this time.
I had the best time with you guys. Even Lauren had a good time. Until she got bored around game 5...

Every one is great people who I would be happy to spend a lot more time with.
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!
Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!
Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:16 PM
Bubba, on 09 November 2009 - 06:02 PM, said:
I am not dilly daolaleling...I'm still on the train.....
I admire your commitment Bubbalicious, it seems like you've been on that train for ages. Is this possibly the longest train ride ever? If not, I'm sure it's probably your last one lol.
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only F ing yourself...
-Bubbalicious -
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-
The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!
-Bubbalicious -
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-
The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:25 PM
Bent, on 09 November 2009 - 05:45 PM, said:
Pics to come soon as I can figure out how the hell to put words in between the pictures like Obi did.....
Upload them to imageshack, and then just post them in image tags. Quicker, simpler, and saves bandwidth for the site

O xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti tęde; keimetha tois keinon rhémasi peithomenoi.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:58 PM
A mile in my shoes - A Bent perspective
Here is the Willis tower as HD and I enter the city
Willis tower from car.jpg (64.2K)
Number of downloads: 0
Here is me in millinium park - an awesome place to hang out and the most open place in the city.
Millinium park.jpg (79.23K)
Number of downloads: 0
The next pic is of the field museum. Thats where the T-rex is. Awesome.
Field Museum.JPG (64.24K)
Number of downloads: 0
I didn't get a single pic of the mafia event, I forgot to bring along my camera. But the next morning, bright and early we all me in the hotel lobby for coffee. Its pretty isn't it?
In the hotel lobby.jpg (79.75K)
Number of downloads: 0
Here is Obi reading the morning paper. What a good looking guy he is.
Obi reading.jpg (68.2K)
Number of downloads: 0
Here is Obi and his girlfriend. Thy make a great couple.
Obi and Jackie in lobby.jpg (64.69K)
Number of downloads: 0
We didn't drink in the hotel bar, but I took a picture there anyway. Very classy martini bar. Like James Bond!
hotel bar.jpg (58.48K)
Number of downloads: 0
After coffee we needed to meet HD at the train station. He stayed with Morgy that night, I hear there was lots of vomit involved, but that may be a lie. Here is the 4 of us - clockwise from the top middle (Obi's GF, Obi, Me, and Bubba.)
Going to get HD.jpg (73.72K)
Number of downloads: 0
There is HD!
Meeting with HD.jpg (73.48K)
Number of downloads: 0
This is me outside of Willis tower! WOW thats a tallllllll building.
Outside Willis Tower.jpg (74.3K)
Number of downloads: 0
This is me IN willis tower. Scary high up! Those are skyscrapers BELOW US!!!
In Willis tower.jpg (81.11K)
Number of downloads: 0
Here is me at the resturant were me,Bubba,Obi,his GF, and HD all ate our last meal together, good food, but a sad time. Because we had to say goodbye after this.
Last meal.jpg (60.04K)
Number of downloads: 0
Here is the Willis tower as HD and I enter the city

Number of downloads: 0
Here is me in millinium park - an awesome place to hang out and the most open place in the city.

Number of downloads: 0
The next pic is of the field museum. Thats where the T-rex is. Awesome.

Number of downloads: 0
I didn't get a single pic of the mafia event, I forgot to bring along my camera. But the next morning, bright and early we all me in the hotel lobby for coffee. Its pretty isn't it?

Number of downloads: 0
Here is Obi reading the morning paper. What a good looking guy he is.

Number of downloads: 0
Here is Obi and his girlfriend. Thy make a great couple.

Number of downloads: 0
We didn't drink in the hotel bar, but I took a picture there anyway. Very classy martini bar. Like James Bond!

Number of downloads: 0
After coffee we needed to meet HD at the train station. He stayed with Morgy that night, I hear there was lots of vomit involved, but that may be a lie. Here is the 4 of us - clockwise from the top middle (Obi's GF, Obi, Me, and Bubba.)

Number of downloads: 0
There is HD!

Number of downloads: 0
This is me outside of Willis tower! WOW thats a tallllllll building.

Number of downloads: 0
This is me IN willis tower. Scary high up! Those are skyscrapers BELOW US!!!

Number of downloads: 0
Here is me at the resturant were me,Bubba,Obi,his GF, and HD all ate our last meal together, good food, but a sad time. Because we had to say goodbye after this.

Number of downloads: 0
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:01 PM
After dinner I had to use the restroom
After dinner.jpg (66.11K)
Number of downloads: 0
Here is HD and I saying good bye to Bubba
Saying goodbye.jpg (72.48K)
Number of downloads: 0
And finally the drive home
Driving home.jpg (63.15K)
Number of downloads: 0
my favorite thing was that the hotel had a shoe store.
what a great trip! Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

Number of downloads: 0
Here is HD and I saying good bye to Bubba

Number of downloads: 0
And finally the drive home

Number of downloads: 0
my favorite thing was that the hotel had a shoe store.
what a great trip! Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
Attached File(s)
Shoestore.jpg (88.72K)
Number of downloads: 0
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:02 PM
Most Excellent.
Your Photojournalism reminds me of what the first book in the Discworld series would be if it was a picture book.
Your Photojournalism reminds me of what the first book in the Discworld series would be if it was a picture book.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:03 PM
lol Bent, you ass.
[url=""]MafiaManager[/url]: My Mafia Modding tool - Now at v0.3b
With great power comes a great integral of energy over time.
With great power comes a great integral of energy over time.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:03 PM there a reason we are only seeing your feet Bentimus? It's nice to see everyone's shoes, but do you have any pics with faces lol?
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only F ing yourself...
-Bubbalicious -
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-
The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!
-Bubbalicious -
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr-
The only thing one can learn from one's past mistakes is how to repeat them exactly.
-Stone Monkey-
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes!
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:05 PM
I will write up the Car Troubles of Doom when I get home. UGGGGHHHHH.
I survived the Permian and all I got was this t-shirt.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:05 PM
Dont forget to tip your waitress and rep your rep whore.
I will post more pics later.
I will post more pics later.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:07 PM
amphibian, on 09 November 2009 - 07:05 PM, said:
I will write up the Car Troubles of Doom when I get home. UGGGGHHHHH.
You went out for an hour-long quickie with that pretty lady you brought while we were all getting drunk.
And then claimed you were trying to move your car!
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:12 PM

How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!
Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!
Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore
Posted 09 November 2009 - 07:19 PM
Shit my shoe was un tied........Bent for the win...............I have one more stop to go before getting off the train, then a three hour drive, so this is the last of the train posts. See you all later.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 08:07 PM
I think HD's shoes look like the best.
Burn rubber =/= warp speed
Posted 09 November 2009 - 10:06 PM
Awesome Bent, just awesome

Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad