1) How were you introduced to the Malazan series?
Through Amazon.com actually. It was 2006 and I worked at a hospital in Iraq (US Army)... being bored during down time caused me to be a "one click" addict... and Gardens of the Moon happened to be one of the books I bought, after reading it I bought all the ones that were out.
2) What brought you to Malazan Empire forums?
I was so damn confused about some of the books that I googled it, and stumbled upon the forum... It kind of grew one me and pretty soon I was using it for entertainment purposes as opposed to research reasons.
3) How did you choose your username?
I was originally Xanth13, I just picked it out of habit, I’ve been using it since I was 13 and read the Xanth novels (see not very original)
At some point we had the change a name thread and I felt like I wanted to distance myself from Piers Anthony's Xanth series so I switched the X for a Z.... (I think me and Xander had an X fight too, people confusing us for some reason)
4) Do you remember your first post? What was it and who responded?
Uh, I do not remember the specifics, but it was a short introduction to who I am, I remember it felt like it took me a while to feel "accepted" on the forums...maybe because there are a lot of people who just come and go.
5) If you were given (for free) 5 items from which to start your available booze collection, what would they be? (bud light lime?)
bastards!! No not Bud light lime....
Jack Daniels
Greygoose Vodka (I don’t really have a preference when it comes to Vodka)
Crown Royal
A case of Fosters and or Bluemoon
(Oh and I will challenge any number of Forum members to a drinking contest, I feel slighted that I was not included in the last!!!) Bring it.
6) What are your favorite parts of the forum?
I have a deep infatuation with the Awesome/Funny pic thread... so I guess the Inn is my favorite place now...
When I first joined I was snooty(ish) and stayed mostly in the book forums... Now it’s the opposite and I spend most of my time in the inn.
7) What have been your favorite forum "events"?
Well I was particularly proud of the 2 book club events I had started a while back, they went really well I thought... if that doesn’t count then I don’t know.
8) What members would you particularly like to meet in real life? Who have you met?
I have met no one. I would like to meet everyone though; maybe I’ll be able to go to a BBQ one year. I would particularly like to meet Bubba, he is a Vet and has been pretty supportive of me.
Also I think it would be epic to go on a drunken rampage with Apt and Illy HoosierDaddy and Bent... though not at one time, because I doubt we would survive...
9) If you were a horse, would you try to jump the corral fence and make a break for freedom?
Weird question... If I was a smart horse I would stay where I was at... most human pets get treated like gods... I would have food and woman "brought" to me and would have human servants who washed me and kept me safe.... If I broke free I would probably never find a girl friend, and chip a hoof and end up a sad lonely horse, like SJP.
10) With your bold military moves and dashing good looks, how many beautiful women have fallen at your feet around the world?
Oooooo, now this is a personal question... is a tricky one too... if you mean literally, then like one or two have tripped in front of me... I
f you mean how many I have dated or fooled around even a little bit then with... well damn I don’t know 30ish
If are trying to get more personal and find out how many woman have been kind enough to ummm let me "zanth" them then not a whole lot. I don’t have dashing good looks (hopefully good looks but they don’t do a lot of dashing) and I am shy at times... so my number is probably smaller then a lot of guys... and its 17 women... 93% of which where beautiful IMO.
11) If you were stranded on a desert island with only one MBotF, which one is it?
The Crippled God...so I could at least know how it all ends
12) If you met Steven Erikson and you could only ask one question, what would it be?
13) Who is your favorite character from the series?
There are so many, it’s hard to choose,
Tehol for comedic purposes, QB for entertainment, and Fiddler for being Gansta.
14) Has the MBoTF changed your personality/outlook on life/etcetera?
Uhhh, it has affected me, like anything I put a lot of time into (i.e. reading the books and posting on the forum) but I wouldn’t say I have changed.
15) Who wins?
It depends on the situation but it changes between Abyss, Aptorian and me.... and sometimes Bubba when he feeds me funny pics.
16) What is the fundamental principle behind spam?
Well to be a good spam artist you have to be able to post off topic in such a way that people don’t really notice at first... it’s not until the entire thread is completely screwed and you go back and look at what started it all and you're like... "oh ok" very sneaky... anyone can just out right spam a thread... it takes a true master to not get caught... or not get caught for days or weeks after a post has been posted.
17) Do you do any creative writing yourself?
I love to write and may even try it as a profession (maybe) I have been published twice. The first time I was paid 10 bucks and it was online (I’ve bragged about it before you can read it if you so choose
The 2nd time I wasn’t paid anything, but I won a competition for a 100 word drabble contest... nothing special but I got to see my name in an actually book.
18) When not reading MBotF, what are you typically sitting on the john with?
90% of the time it’s a fantasy novel... and now days I take all my suggestions from this forum... So I read Joe Abercrombie, Glen Cooke, Jim Butcher or whoever else is recommended at the time.
19) Do you keep a personal library, or do the books just cycle through your possession?
I do keep a personal library it used to be more extensive, but I lost about 2000$ at least in books when my grandmother’s house burned down in 2006.
20) Please bare one random little known fact about yourself for the peanut gallery please.
I hate katchup
I’ll do one better, I’ll let yall see my myspace page... and ill even leave it where anyone can view it for a limited time (if I can figure out how)