Why didn't I kill one of the lovers? My thought process was, they weren't any form of innocent because they could be DGv2. I was hoping for a GL lynch, and then I would make a case that Korlat was DGv2. I would have killed Lio that night, to throw suspicion on Kaschan. Breadmaster still seemed inclined to believe I wasn't actually the killer and thought Kaschan might be, so if I knocked him off I could WIFOM Kaschan. We lynch Korlat (DG2) I kill Eloth.
Thing is, I was hoping that my shaved knuckle in the hole could be that Kaschan was ,in fact, my symp.
It was hairbrained, but I felt if I revealed as duelist it could have been enough to buy my way out.
You’ve never heard of the Silanda? … It’s the ship that made the Warren of Telas run in less than 12 parsecs.