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City of Saints and Madmen is that fungus I see on your neck?

#21 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 04:06 PM


You are Amir al-Mu'minin, a general turned administrator and now recently apointed ruler of Ambergris. You could not have been more lucky when the kalif chose you to take control of his lates conquest. Ambergris, the fabled gem of the north. Beautiful, deadly, and full of power. This will be the final step to gain a seat on the council, and perhaps one day become the Kalif yourself.

Those where the thoughts going through your head as you travelled here. Now, well now the only thought that brings a smile to your face is the thought of Ambergris consumed in flames. If the whole, sodden mess could even burn in the first place. Somehow you doubt it would ever give you the satisfaction. As it turns out, you're not the first ruler of this city appointed by the Kalif. In fact, you're the forth. In three weeks. You suspect that your friend and advisor, D'riss, will soon become the fifth.

You are a killer. Your partner is D'riss and together you can decide on one player a night to kill. The procedure is standard fare. Enjoy.

You are Abd-ar-Rahman III. For years you've been the second in command to the greatest general of the Kalif, Barghast. When he decided to give up his wars and his battles, you followed willingly. When he accepted the position as ruler of Ambergris, you followed him knowing that he was wise and experienced and would lead you right, as always. That might've been a mistake. Last night your manservant who'd been in your family's service for more than half a century was killed buying food for your breakfast. Someone slit his throat. Two days ago you were served a dish of king squid, a vile and disgusting food local to Ambergris. You gave it to the dog. A few hours later the poor creature, a friend and companion for nine years, exploded in a shower of tiny purple spores. Fungus spread so fast the room had to be cleansed with fire. Nothing would be better than cleansing the entire city the same way.

You are a killer. Your partner is Barghast and together you can decide on one player a night to kill. The procedure is standard fare. Enjoy.

You are Alan Busker, a traveler, critic and spy for hire. For many years you worked for the city of Morrow, aiding in the downfall of Stockton, Belezar, Dovetown and Tratnor. Your perhaps most famous moment was when you tried entering the Kalif's holy city by impersonating the Kalif. Didn't go well, and the result of that little disaster is that you have a new employer these days. The Kalif himself.

You're a ninja of the killer faction. Your masters are D'riss and Barghast.

At any time during the day you may send the alt of one player to the mods. That player will be killed as soon as a mod gets the message. Sadly, though you're a ninja it's not really that many places to hide in the street during the middle of the day. In these war thorn times little is needed to spark violence and you can be sure that once your target has been dispatched, the remaining players will tear you to pieces. The day will not end as a result.

You come up innocent upon death

You are Marmey Gort, an eccentric and a loner. For years you've kept detailed records of the city's inhabitants sanitary habits, you even managed to track the waste disposal habits of the Grey Caps. Postulating that the waste is used as food, or for growing food underground you calculated that the Gray Cap population exceeds 300.000. Not a popular opinion that. People don't like bad news, especially when the news are connected to the Grey Caps. Bitter because your hard work has not been apreciated, you've found a new employer, one who've found good use of the information you gathere in planning a certain invasion.

You're a symp of the killer faction. Your masters are Barghast and D'riss. You come up innocent on death.

You are the Doppelganger. The motives of the Gray Caps are alien and incomprehensible. Why they add something like you to the population of Ambergris is a mystery. Duncan Shriek might know, and Samuel Tonsure could probably have told you if he was alive, but in the end nothing of that is relevant. You're not a grey cap, you're a construct. Your missions is clear and holds little room for doubt.

1 hit BP

Night Actions:
Infect -> Infect one player.
Chose Replacement -> decides which infected player will become the new DG if the original DG dies. The DG v.2 has all the powers of the original except for the BP and the Chose Replacement power. If the player chosen as replacement dies and the DG is also killed before he can pick again, the first player infected that is still alive becomes the DG v.2.
Synapse Overload -> The DG can decide to kill any number of infected players
Compulsion -> All infected are compelled to vote for a specific alt. They are allowed to vote for as many players as they want during the day, but they need to have their vote on the chosen target when the day ends. If they fail to do this then the compulsion becomes so severe it tears their minds apart and they die. Example: The DG compells the infected to vote Kalse. The infected can vote on whomever they wish, but when the day ends their vote needs to be on Kalse or they die.

Any number of these powers can be used a night. There are no limits to how many times they can be used, but only once a night.

Before the begining of day 1, the mods draw a random alt to be infected. The DG will be told which alt is his first victim.

The DG comes up as infected upon death.

You are a Living Saint of the Order of Ejaculation , the most pleasurable yet socially- unacceptable of the Orders. The Truffidian Church believes that our bodies are the vessels of god, and thus all that which leaves the body is holy. Some very few people are blessed with being particularly capable of producing such holy products and are therefore named living saints. They're also quite often used by the priesthood to chase away salesmen and tax collectors.

You are a healer/guard. Every night you may give the alt of one player to the mods. That player will be unable to perform any night actions, but he will also be immune to harm.

You are Duncan Shriek, an old historian born in Stockton, who in his youth published several famous history books, since remaindered and savaged by critics who should have known better. Your father, also an historian, died of joy; or, rather from a heart-attack brought on by finding out he had won a major honor from the Cour of the Kalif. You were 10 at the time. Since then, you have never died from your honours, but was once banned by the Truffidian Antechamber. Also a renowed experts on the grey caps, although most reasonable citizens ignore even your least outlandish theories. Once lucky enough to meet the love of yout life, but not lucky enough to keep her, or to keep her from pillaging your ideas and discrediting you.

You are the only player immune to infection. Each night you can pick one player to disinfect. If you target the DG or the DG v2, your power works as a find. You know the identity of Janice Shriek and will be told if she becomes infected. You will come up infected upon death.

Your sister, Janice Shriek, is Hood's Path.

You are Janice Shriek, a former gallery owner and once one of the most influential figures in the Ambergris world of art. Drug addictions, debauchery and a suicide attempt followed by several months in a mental institution changed all that sadly. These days you work with your brother Duncan as a war-time journalist, trying to keep the citizens of Ambergris up to date on the crimes of the armies of Hoegbotton & Sons, Frankden & Lewden Publishing, and - recently - the legions of the Kalif.

You have no powers. You do however know the identity of your brother. He is Gamelon.

You are Dradin Kashmir, a former missionary of the southern jungles recently returned to Ambergris after an almost lethal encounter with jungle fever. You have found that the city you dreamed about so many a night among the bugs and the rain and the sounds of the jungle, is not quite how you remembered it. Or perhaps you've changed. The jungle does that. Changes you. It was never your intention getting caught in this war, but here you are and you have to make the best of it. Perhaps there's some money to be had which can buy you a passage back to the green depths of the south.

You're a RI. You'll come up innocent upon death.

You are Caroline of the Church of the Seven Pointed Star, a heretic from Nicea who left the Cult of the Seven Edged Star to found your own religion. Unlike the Cult of the Seven Edged Star, your church believes that God has seven points rather than seven edges. Therefore, rather than worshipping the journey towards self realization symbolized by edges, you worship the goal of self realization through the symbol of points. Your followers used swords with points but no edges, whereas the proponents of the Cult of the Seven Edged Star use swords with edges but no points. Some years from now, when full scale war breaks out between the two variations, edges will be shown to be superior to points and most of your followers and you will be slain. Proving, one could say, the point of edges.

Duelist - A RI in essence. The duelist is however lethal one on one. If the game reaches a point where a killer/the DG and the Duelist are the only two players left alive. The Duelist will kill the other player and win the game as his own faction. The Duelist is a part of the inno faction and wins if the inno faction wins.

You are the King Squid, a fearsome and massive squid found in the river Moth. To quote the famous, and quite mad, squidologist, Frederick Madnok: "[the King Squid] is mythical, and to some of the misguided, divine. It is, to more practical souls, a fine meal with a side of potatoes and a glass of brandy" . The important thing is that you're 150 feet long mass of tentacles, arms and muscles that weigh in excess of 5000 pounds. Your skin can take on any pattern or colour, and can even spell letters and repeat patterns. Which is how you're able to walk the city of Ambergris without causing panic and mayhem. Is that a house with a street vendor selling apples? No it's your camouflage. You are in the city doing research. It's important that you're not noticed.

You are of the innocent faction. It benefits you for Ambergris to stay as it is. You have a 1 hit BP. Any finder that targets you will automatically die as you're not keen on being noticed.

You are James Laconde, an eccentric historian who's theories on the gray caps have largely been dismissed (unfairly) by other historians, the reading public and one unemployed carpenter that took to haunting the sidewalk outside your apartment. For the lastd ecade you've been slowly killing yourself through alcohol, cigarets and late nights exploring the underground world of the gray caps. You have never travelled as far or as deep as Duncan Shriek, but you're still better informed than most.

You are innocent, and a finder of infected. Every night you can pm the alt of the players to the mods. That player will be investigated for infection and the result given back to you.

You are Martin Lake, the most gifted painter of the modern age, and the figure head of the new art movement. For years you struggled with finding your place in the art world, but then one night you were forced to murder the brilliant composer and de facto ruler of Ambergris, Voss Bender, and from there on something changed. You got darker, more serious, and your art flowed through your fingers like a gift from god. Not to mention the crisis you experienced brought you back to your lover.

You are an innocent and a lover. Your companion is Liosan. You can communicate off thread at all times.

You are Jonathan Merrimount, one of the founders of the New Art movement you have managed what most of your fellow artists never did, build a sucessful life. You own with your lover a famous gallery that produce more money than you could ever have dreamed of. The fear now though is that it will be hit by one of the Kalifs artillery shells, or one of Frankden & Lewden publishing's fungal bombs.

You are innocent and a lover. Your partner is Korlat and you may communicate off thread at any time.

You are Sirin, a brilliant writer, administrator and traitor. You've switched sides more often than you can remember, yet it never comes back to haunt you. You're too gifted, too sly, and you've got more dirt on Hoegbotton & Sons, and Frankden and Lewden Publishing to keep you alive almost indefinitly. These days you work for Hoegbotton, but you still retain a few tings from your time with Frankden & Lewden. Like one of their fungal bombs purchased somehow from the gray caps. It's a powerfull device meant to be fired from a cannon or a catapult. Sufficient to say, using it will be the end of a one way street for you. You don't have to use it for sure, it's good to live after all, but when all else fails you certainly want to take someone with you in the downfall.

You are a suicide bomber. At any time during the day, you can include the sentence "Did you ever wonder why the grey caps would pick a side in a human conflict?" in one of your posts. The next person to post dies in the blast with you. In order for this to go as smoothly as possible, we would appreciate if you sent the mods a warning as to what you plan to do.

more will be forthcoming.
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#22 User is offline   Sixty 

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 06:16 PM

ST, I think Shin's inherited your awesome-role gene.

#23 User is offline   Vengeance 

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 01:40 AM

Here are mine from the bottom of the RI's up... :p

Heckira Blgkkydks:

You are a Haragck military officer today best know for your oil paintings of remote landscapes. You often painted during campaigns and thus your paintings are sometimes treasured due to their historical significance. The night before the Haragck amphibious assault you completed preliminary sketches for a piece he intended to call "The Sack of Ambergris." During the ensuing rout, these sketches came into the possession of the Ambergris navy. For 20 years they were displayed at eh Morhaim Museum, but the trader Michael Hoegbotton found them so compelling that, after the after the Haragck had largely faded as a political/cultural forced he asked you to come back and complete the actual painting. As you didn't particularly like living in poverty you agreed to come and complete the paintings. While you where completing the paintings you fell in love with Ambergris and now you live your life here. You are a RI

Mary Sabon:

You are an aggressive and sometimes brilliant historian who built your reputation on the bones of older, love-struck historians. Five-ten. One-Fifteen. Red hair. Green, green eyes. An elegant dresser. Smile like fire. A foe of James Lacond. In conversation you can cut with a single word. You are a RI

Saint Phillip the Philandrerer:

You are a Living Saint who was kicked out of the Order of Ejaculation because you bath to regularly. You are an RI.

Ibonof Ibonof:

A former member of the Truffidian Church. Excommunicated after having a vision in which you appeared to yourself and proclaimed yourself "divine." You now spend your life taking to yourself and seeing double. You are an RI.

Michael Abrasis

You are the Head librarian of the Manzikert Memorial Library. Few know that you also keep an extensive collection of erotic literature and lithographs. In your spare time you breed prize winning cababai. I am sure that they two have nothing in common. You are an RI.
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 01:31 PM

View PostSixty, on Jun 20 2009, 07:16 PM, said:

ST, I think Shin's inherited your awesome-role gene.

Haha, I think you're right :p.
Don't look now, but I think there's something weird attached to the bottom of my posts.

#25 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 06:26 PM

all right, all pms have been sent to the alt accounts.
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#26 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 06:45 PM

do anyone of you know how to use Alts mafia tool thingy?

I made a game on it, the pass is nisse. But I don't have time to get into it now, so if anyone could do it for me, that would be great :p

I'll be sending out the alt passwords tonight, but the thread wont be unlocked until tomorow morning
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#27 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 08:19 PM

View PostMorgoth, on Jun 21 2009, 08:45 PM, said:

do anyone of you know how to use Alts mafia tool thingy?

I made a game on it, the pass is nisse. But I don't have time to get into it now, so if anyone could do it for me, that would be great :p

I'll be sending out the alt passwords tonight, but the thread wont be unlocked until tomorow morning

it's pretty easy - the night system takes some getting used to tho. Sixty is pretty proficient with it, I think?
Will keep an eye on it if I have time, but no promises :p
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#28 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 09:17 PM

all pms but the infection pm to slick have been sent
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To speak friendly, Even to the devil

#29 User is offline   Vengeance 

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 09:53 PM

I will try to get to the manager tonight...
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!

Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore

#30 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 07:19 AM




You are Marmey Gort, an eccentric and a loner. For years you've kept detailed records of the city's inhabitants sanitary habits, you even managed to track the waste disposal habits of the Grey Caps. Postulating that the waste is used as food, or for growing food underground you calculated that the Gray Cap population exceeds 300.000. Not a popular opinion that. People don't like bad news, especially when the news are connected to the Grey Caps. Bitter because your hard work has not been appreciated, you've found a new employer, one who've found good use of the information you gathered in planning a certain invasion.

You're a symp of the killer faction. Your masters are Barghast and D'riss. You come up innocent on death.

Cool, never been a symp before. Since I only know of 2 masters and there's a cult faction, I'm guessing this could be a tough game for the scum. Looking forward to trying to avenge my day-1-lynch from last game (even though my team still won).

I have a few questions for you since I've never read the lit.
  • What is Marmey Gort like in the book? Is it pretty clear he would be a 'bad guy?' I am wondering if I need to inspect the list for a possible alternate name reveal if it came to that.
  • Without giving any secret info away, can you tell me what the killer faction is all about? Are they aligned with one of the factions involved in the Ambrigris war?
  • Who/what are the Gray Caps? Some kind of fungus people?

Thanks in advance.



You are the King Squid, a fearsome and massive squid found in the river Moth. To quote the famous, and quite mad, squidologist, Frederick Madnok: "[the King Squid] is mythical, and to some of the misguided, divine. It is, to more practical souls, a fine meal with a side of potatoes and a glass of brandy" . The important thing is that you're 150 feet long mass of tentacles, arms and muscles that weigh in excess of 5000 pounds. Your skin can take on any pattern or colour, and can even spell letters and repeat patterns. Which is how you're able to walk the city of Ambergris without causing panic and mayhem. Is that a house with a street vendor selling apples? No it's your camouflage. You are in the city doing research. It's important that you're not noticed.

You are of the innocent faction. It benefits you for Ambergris to stay as it is. You have a 1 hit BP. Any finder that targets you will automatically die as you're not keen on being noticed.

vewwy vewwy intowesting...thanks for the role. Glad you're not mad at me Morgy :p . However, I find this may be detrimental to my own team, unless of course this is a cult it a cult game?



You are the King Squid, a fearsome and massive squid found in the river Moth. To quote the famous, and quite mad, squidologist, Frederick Madnok: "[the King Squid] is mythical, and to some of the misguided, divine. It is, to more practical souls, a fine meal with a side of potatoes and a glass of brandy" . The important thing is that you're 150 feet long mass of tentacles, arms and muscles that weigh in excess of 5000 pounds. Your skin can take on any pattern or colour, and can even spell letters and repeat patterns. Which is how you're able to walk the city of Ambergris without causing panic and mayhem. Is that a house with a street vendor selling apples? No it's your camouflage. You are in the city doing research. It's important that you're not noticed.

You are of the innocent faction. It benefits you for Ambergris to stay as it is. You have a 1 hit BP. Any finder that targets you will automatically die as you're not keen on being noticed.

J_Slr Checking in.

OOO!!! Finder protection awesome and not awesome. :p
This is going to be fun, especially going in blind :p


Did you know this alt hasn't been used since April? I get to resurrect it :D !



Heckira Blgkkydks:

You are a Haragck military officer today best know for your oil paintings of remote landscapes. You often painted during campaigns and thus your paintings are sometimes treasured due to their historical significance. The night before the Haragck amphibious assault you completed preliminary sketches for a piece he intended to call "The Sack of Ambergris." During the ensuing rout, these sketches came into the possession of the Ambergris navy. For 20 years they were displayed at eh Morhaim Museum, but the trader Michael Hoegbotton found them so compelling that, after the after the Haragck had largely faded as a political/cultural forced he asked you to come back and complete the actual painting. As you didn't particularly like living in poverty you agreed to come and complete the paintings. While there you fell in love with Ambergris and now you live your life here.

You are a RI.

Well that's a helluva backstory just to wind up as an RI. Sigh. Someday this forum will give me a role in a town game... someday...



You are a Living Saint of the Order of Ejaculation , the most pleasurable yet socially- unacceptable of the Orders. The Truffidian Church believes that our bodies are the vessels of god, and thus all that which leaves the body is holy. Some very few people are blessed with being particularly capable of producing such holy products and are therefore named living saints. They're also quite often used by the priesthood to chase away salesmen and tax collectors.

You are a healer/guard. Every night you may give the alt of one player to the mods. That player will be unable to perform any night actions, but he will also be immune to harm.


i'm assuming i'm town, then?


Yo yo yo, what up?

Looks like we're paired and I'm assuming it's kosher to start sending messages before the game officially starts.

It'll be nice to talk to someone I can trust, but I am concerned about these infections. Looking at the rules, it looks like one random alt is infected before the game even starts, so one of us could already be infected, which I guess could hurt the whole trust issue. I think we should discuss it a bit more. One thing I think we could decide is that we should NEVER have a vote on the other at the end of the day. That way, if one of us is compelled to vote for the other by the Doppelganger, we'll know that they're infected. Since we're also technically not in any faction when infected, we could also consider just being upfront and honest with each other if infected and figure out how to solve it together.

I dunno, these are just some random thoughts as I think through the rules.

This is Breadmaster, by the way.


Yeah, I assume 'at all times' makes it irrelevant if we talk now or if we do when the game starts...though we probably shouldn't. And all other pairs technically can too, so meh.
I agree with the voting thing, and tbh 'upfront and honest' is all well and good, but it's actually illegal (hindering your own team) and I can never trust other players when that sort of mechanic is hanging around.
I'll go and read up on the rules now, but for the moment we should keep the chit-chat to a minimum to be fair, unless Morgy gets back to us and says that it's fair game.



Yo yo yo, what up?

Looks like we're paired and I'm assuming it's kosher to start sending messages before the game officially starts.

It'll be nice to talk to someone I can trust, but I am concerned about these infections. Looking at the rules, it looks like one random alt is infected before the game even starts, so one of us could already be infected, which I guess could hurt the whole trust issue. I think we should discuss it a bit more. One thing I think we could decide is that we should NEVER have a vote on the other at the end of the day. That way, if one of us is compelled to vote for the other by the Doppelganger, we'll know that they're infected. Since we're also technically not in any faction when infected, we could also consider just being upfront and honest with each other if infected and figure out how to solve it together.

I dunno, these are just some random thoughts as I think through the rules.

This is Breadmaster, by the way.



Saint Phillip the Philandrerer

You are a Living Saint who was kicked out of the Order of Ejaculation because you bath to regularly.

You are an RI.

Surely you jest? :Surprise: RI I can cope with, but *splutter, splutter* you do remember I am a prude??... :p :p

Anyway, one question - you said in sign ups (or somewhere) that you want RP...I've never read these books, so how do I RP? Do I go on about washing and being all angelic? :p Or should I not bother about RP...after all we all know RP gets you lynched.

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 07:20 AM

haha, poor m45 :p
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#32 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 07:31 AM


Does Barghast's post count as a complaint? I think it does. Yes I am sure it does....can I have that vig you promised so I can kill him noaw pleeze? You did promise. I have in in writing, so that's a you can't back out now.. :snigger: :p (Yeah I know he's probably innocent... :p .)



You are Amir al-Mu'minin, a general turned administrator and now recently appointed ruler of Ambergris. You could not have been more lucky when the kalif chose you to take control of his latest conquest. Ambergris, the fabled gem of the north. Beautiful, deadly, and full of power. This will be the final step to gain a seat on the council, and perhaps one day become the Kalif yourself.

Those where the thoughts going through your head as you traveled here. Now, well, now the only thought that brings a smile to your face is the thought of Ambergris consumed in flames. If the whole, sodden mess could even burn in the first place. Somehow you doubt it would ever give you the satisfaction. As it turns out, you're not the first ruler of this city appointed by the Kalif. In fact, you're the forth. In three weeks. You suspect that your friend and adviser, D'riss, will soon become the fifth.

You are a killer. Your partner is D'riss and together you can decide on one player a night to kill. The procedure is standard fare. Enjoy.

Excellent. I was hoping for a killer role.
I realize that this game setup is probably going to involve a fair degree of luck, but that's cool. i just need to go back and reread how I played Korvalain last game - i.e. ignored by EVRABAHDY!

"procedure is standard fare" means I can talk to partner D'riss via PM?


Subject to D'riss approval right?

Kill Gamelon

He's been sitting naked on the thread for 10 minutes now. I was going to say something, but then I thought I'd see how long it would be before he'd bother posting something.

Plus, that alt is always something bad. :p

.. hurh hurh hurh :p
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#33 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 07:43 AM



You are Duncan Shriek, an old historian born in Stockton, who in his youth published several famous history books, since remaindered and savaged by critics who should have known better. Your father, also an historian, died of joy; or, rather from a heart-attack brought on by finding out he had won a major honor from the Cour of the Kalif. You were 10 at the time. Since then, you have never died from your honours, but was once banned by the Truffidian Antechamber. Also a renowed experts on the grey caps, although most reasonable citizens ignore even your least outlandish theories. Once lucky enough to meet the love of yout life, but not lucky enough to keep her, or to keep her from pillaging your ideas and discrediting you.

You are the only player immune to infection. Each night you can pick one player to disinfect. If you target the DG or the DG v2, your power works as a find. You know the identity of Janice Shriek and will be told if she becomes infected. You will come up infected upon death.

heh heh i lol'd

anyways...seems a decent role for a change. Been Roleless for waaaay to many games in row now.
Its nNice to know that i have a backup so can go apeshit on thread and not have to worry about getting killed and wasting my role :p .

Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:01 AM

Hm, is Gamelon poor at reading comprehension, or have I not been clear enough in laying out the perimiters of this game?

And I just noticed the pda skin does not include who said what :p

This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 22 June 2009 - 08:02 AM

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:14 AM

View PostPath-Shaper, on Jun 22 2009, 10:01 AM, said:

Hm, is Gamelon poor at reading comprehension, or have I not been clear enough in laying out the perimiters of this game?

And I just noticed the pda skin does not include who said what :p

You were clear enough, imho. I was even more face-palm at Mockra's suggestion of 1 scum 1 infected... I mean, really?
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#36 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:29 AM

well, i stepped in and clarified anyways. The whole point of this game is that the basics are known and noticed I didn't include killers in the roles that will be present list.

Mockra's suggestion was... odd
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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:33 AM

Odd? Likely to see him lynched at some point :p
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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:37 AM

View PostTapper, on Jun 22 2009, 08:33 AM, said:

Odd? Likely to see him lynched at some point :p

that too. I really hope this game will work out, and perhaps get some of the flair of the older games. The activity of recent games have been depressing
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Posted 22 June 2009 - 09:10 AM

EmuhinBars said:


You are Alan Busker, a traveler, critic and spy for hire. For many years you worked for the city of Morrow, aiding in the downfall of Stockton, Belezar, Dovetown and Tratnor. Your perhaps most famous moment was when you tried entering the Kalif's holy city by impersonating the Kalif. Didn't go well, and the result of that little disaster is that you have a new employer these days. The Kalif himself.

You're a ninja of the killer faction. Your masters are D'riss and Barghast.

At any time during the day you may send the alt of one player to the mods. That player will be killed as soon as a mod gets the message. Sadly, though you're a ninja it's not really that many places to hide in the street during the middle of the day. In these war thorn times little is needed to spark violence and you can be sure that once your target has been dispatched, the remaining players will tear you to pieces. The day will not end as a result.

You come up innocent upon death

excellent. so basicallya s long as i am on at the time i can go boom boom after being a complete headcase. think i might ingrain myself with someone inno and peripherally with one of my masters so the two are linked then go boom on who i think is a powerrole to cast suspicion on the other inno who will be lynched and my master by extensioon will look inno with two cf's inno to back them up

or i will just sympt he fuck out of someone. now which of my masters will i go for first?

oh and tyou do realise i always carry smoke pellets and if i do it at like just before a lynch its almost night, you know its harder to see at dusk. right, right??

I can at least trust DiBs to stir things up :p
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Posted 22 June 2009 - 09:59 AM

Emuhinbars, a pm galore


gamelons first post

Hey hey hey

Took me a bit of rereading to get to grips with the game specs. (still having my morning coffee)
But it think i know whats going on now.

The doppelgangers are the scum.
The infected are like in between scum and inno.
And the Ambergris peeps are town.

I was placing the doppelgangers and infected as the same thing there for a minute and was mightily confused.

Seems a decent setup, almost cult like but much more balanced with infected being abled to be cured.
I doubt we are going to get names in the CF are we?
Or what would the point be of making duncan shriek CF infected.


my first post

ages since the last game.

I almost was begin to lose hope for this one ever starting in this Wast city (perhaps you should change that).
Imagine the heartache of another week bored in work with no mafia.

interesting set up aswell. Straight in with speculation by players.

Wonders i do, where the rp is this, and indeed, having not read the books, what rp i should do?

Not the most impressive code perhaps :p

This one is titled a very unsublte clue


to my masters

" i must be surrounded by cause everyone just disappeared."

dependant of course on the knowldege they have of their employees.

When did ever the killers know the identity or role of their symps?


i ahve a seriously devious turn. by trying to pretend i am gamelons partner the only role i want to mention is duncans as they are the only confirmed pair

myonly problem is that i may become infected, but my true masters wont want to kjill me, just incase, while the dg can only infect me. the innos probably will try and lynch me as the dopplkeganger, but it would take a lot of stones to run an argument of he only mentioned this role when thats a clearly inno role.

Quite a bit of luck there as Gamelon is duncan
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