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The 2009 Malazan Time Capsule Is Now Open! Last entry June 18th 2009 Rate Topic: -----

#1 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 08:38 PM

Okay, so I got an idea that was so brilliant I nearly fell over when it struck me today. Amazing what you can think of when the forum is down. Quite frankly it astounds me how amazing I am some times, my imagination and sharp wit is godlike, it really is... but enough about me, there's a brilliant idea that needs realisation.

I think we should make a Time Capsule!

The idea being that within the next, say, 30 days... we put anything and everything in here that we think should be saved for future visitors and curious members. Then in a years time or maybe more, we open it again and get a wash of nostalgia. I know, this would have a bit more cool factor and awesome if it was 3 or 5 years in the future, not just one year, but I don't know if those kinds of time schedules can be trusted. My initial proposition is that the Time Capsule is reopened in a year. In the meantime it gets moved into the Hall of Fame for safekeeping and made invisible so that people can't sneak peak inside it or tamper with it. Then in a years time we open it, have a laugh, and then we make a new one!

SO! What should go in this Time Capsule? In my opinion, anything and everything people want to enter.

I have a few ideas for what should definitely go in here:

- Members. Every single Member that can should post in here. It would be interesting to see how many active members would participate.

- Statistics. On the day the capsule is sealed and moved, a list of numbers should be included - Number of Members, amount of threads and posts, Forum Internet position, the homepages worth in dollars, etc.

- Current forum trends and memes. Whats popular, is there currently things going on it will be funny to remember how started a year from now? Like the Pink West thread, The wait for Reputation and Win, Rodeos Current Pants Situation, etc.

- A Book related subject, DOD wont be out yet, so something about your expectations, crazy theories, bets on who will die or appear can be made. Here Spoiler boxes need to be remembered for the members who are not up to date with the latest in the series.

- Personal messages to the future forum and yourselves. Things like your plans for the year, your goals, your current mindset, anything that you want to pass along.

- Hetan/Mal, Admins working on the forums future look can post expectations and future plans for the Malazan Empire.

- Coolest thing would be if Erikson and Esslemont themselves wanted to include something in the capsule

Feel free to make up more ideas.

I'm sort of torn between either making this thread a structured thread where only one personal post per member will be kept, or just letting it be a big unorganized mess like I'm sure it will become. I'm thinking we just let the thread evolve organically and on the day we save two different threads. One in the threads original form then, and one where a Moderator has taken time to copy paste "Official" compiled messages by members for the future and only those.

What say you Malazanites? Can we make this project work? Will it be awesome?

I urge people to use the next weeks to create special posts for this thread. Feel free to reserve posts in this thread that you can later add your ideas and personal thoughts into.

Good Posting.

EDIT: If/When you Reserve a post as your "Main Entry" for the capsule, make sure to make this painfully obvious by for example making it in caps highlighted message at the top of that post. This will make it easier for us to sort through the thread later and picking out Official entries.

#2 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 08:46 PM

RESERVED (OFFICIAL ENTRY) for future additions


Hello Future Apt. How are you doing? Still the same beautifull, brilliant specimen of a male humanoid I hope.

So, you just opened the Capsule. Congratulate yourself again on your own brilliance. Accept peoples praise, bask in the glory, pretend to be all humble about being the author of this genious idea. Then make sure people get ready to make a new 2010 capsule so the traditions are upheld. Can't trust these philistines to do the work now can we.

Things to have accomplished:

Buy that spinning cykle and lose about 20 pounds.
Get a good start in the Librarian Classes.
Drink more.
Somehow manage to scare her off for good you know who I mean future Apt.
Get around to fully furnishing your apartment. No, cardboard boxes are no longer allowed as a cupboard
Get around to finding that collection of A-team episodes.
Drink More.
Win the lottery... how the fuck else are we ever going to become rich?
Finish that book idea. It's been half way done for two years now you lazy prick.
Get around to actually finding a girl you want to settle down with (ha ha, good luck with that!)
Drink more.
See if you can't find some better income as a student than working at a fucking Netto.
Read more Fantasy and Sci-fi.

Dust Of Dreams/The Crippled God Predictions:

Chops and pictures.


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#3 User is offline   frookenhauer 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 09:08 PM

souls are for wimps

#4 User is offline   Grief 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 09:21 PM

Wow, this looks awesome.

I have decided Pedantic Bear deserves a place:

Posted Image

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Oh, and everything is Broods fault.

Lest we forget.

Macros' Hand(That's a trade paperback :))

Posted Image

Cougar said:

Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful

worry said:

Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).

#5 User is offline   Obdigore 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:00 PM

Pedantic Bear should be in the '08 time capsule.

Brood left in '08, so unless he makes a return (triumphate or not) he does not get a place in the '09.

I approve of hte hand, the red letter macros is gay, chestminge, and norris-simeon.

<Reserved for adding more>
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.

#6 User is offline   Assail 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:03 PM

Very cool idea. I'm still a young'un here, don't know what I could contribute.

Thanks for the good ideas Apt, except for me being gone for good after boot. I might not be as active, but I'll definitely be here on a permanent basis. I enjoy it way too much :D Well here goes!

Posted Image

Taking on the might of Rodeo!

Things to remember:

Starting the avalanche that is 'finding pictures that horrify Apt'.

Finding some of the most amazing books ever and thus stumbling upon one of the most entertaining, humorous, fun people-filled forums on the internet.

My controversial ideas and viewpoints on homosexuality and Michael Savage.

Laughing harder at Apt, Rodeo, Abyss, Illy and Hoosier than any other people I've ever laughed at on the internet.

Being christened 'Cupcake' and having my 'dick in a box' rejected countless times by Tehol.

Taking more of an interest in 4chan just to see if I could ever spot Apt's antics.

Defending my right that the new Green Day song IS catchy, and that me thinking it is catchy doesn't mean I like the band at all.

Entering 'The Contest' with a bunch of people I didn't really know and competing 'just for the hell of it'.

My constant plight to defend the awesomeness of Terry Goodkind and the Sword of Truth series. Hahaha.

For the first time in my life, getting drunk while on a forum talking to other drunk people. I felt like the biggest nerd hahaha.

Having a single issue thread turn into a whole "Experience on X Steve Erikson" book. Couldn't have done it without you Apt :p

Being disgusted by the new Wheel of Time artwork.

Missing out on seeing G.I. Joe and Harry Potter by 2 and 3 days!

Notes to future self:

What the hell were you doing? Weeks without punching the clown? FOR WHAT? Idiot! Lol

Terry Goodkind is still awesome, hopefully you haven't forgot it :D

Stick to your guns :)

You sure as hell better be a Marine by now, a grunt, at that too.


Graduating high school and once again leaving behind any type of home I've ever had and heading into the United States Marine Corps. Trying to figure out if I'll find in myself what I need to find in order to get through boot camp and everything else pertaining to life in the Corps. I'll probably look back on stupid little statements and laugh, but it's all good.

Reserved for more additions at some point :D

This post has been edited by Assail: 03 June 2009 - 05:10 AM

I still heart Goodkind.

#7 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:10 PM

At Grief Fluffy Chicken Pony Moderator(ed) -

Assail you can add anything you want, I hope to hear from upwards of a hundred members in this thread. Seeing as you may even be gone for good after you leave for bootcamp, your entry will be doubly interesting to remember you by. Talk about being new and your view of the community/forum. Talk about soon going off to bootcamp and what you expect. Talk about how your regret poking the sleeping Rodeo.

Grief, I don't think it is a problem people post away in this thread bouncing their ideas off each other. If just people will Reserve and make clear one post as their, that post can be copy pasted later and be added to a twin thread with just the clean messages for the next year.

I think a thread discussing the Time Capsule and what goes in it alone will be worth to save in the Time Capsule.

#8 User is offline   Zanth13 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:11 PM

note to future self:

You better not have:

A ) Got back with Jessica
B ) Got back with Stephani
C ) Re-enlisted or got recalled into the Army (i dont care if you have no control over that last part)

You better have:
A ) Started college full time
B ) grown a bad ass goatee
C ) have a six pack, abs or one in the fridge it doesnt matter.

reserved for additional comments and or pictures.

This post has been edited by Zanth13: 18 May 2009 - 10:12 PM

You can't find me because I'm lost in the music

#9 User is offline   Grief 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:12 PM

Ah, cool.

I think the Shrimperor of Mantis deserves a mention, but most people don't read UD I believe.

Cougar said:

Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful

worry said:

Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).

#10 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:15 PM

View PostObdigore, on May 19 2009, 12:00 AM, said:

Pedantic Bear should be in the '08 time capsule.

Brood left in '08, so unless he makes a return (triumphate or not) he does not get a place in the '09.

I approve of hte hand, the red letter macros is gay, chestminge, and norris-simeon.

<Reserved for adding more>

I agree with this. No need to start including old, old things. Just take things from 2009 and current trivia. Of course, people can decided themselves if they think older things need to go in here. But seeing as this will hopefully grow to become an annual event, no need to go further back than 6 to 12 months in this thread in my opinion.

View PostGrief, on May 19 2009, 12:12 AM, said:

Ah, cool.

I think the Shrimperor of Mantis deserves a mention, but most people don't read UD I believe.

I think a lot of us have been reading Ultimate Death Match on the sly. I have been waiting to read the updates for the ending.

But I REALLY LOVED Illy and Mezla's deathmatch. Certainly worth putting in the Capsule.

#11 User is offline   Mezla PigDog 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:17 PM

I kind of hope I might have found enough of a life to not remember any time capsule this time next year. I expect I will be sorely disappointed.
Burn rubber =/= warp speed

#12 User is offline   Assail 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:46 PM

View PostAptorian, on May 18 2009, 03:15 PM, said:

View PostObdigore, on May 19 2009, 12:00 AM, said:

Pedantic Bear should be in the '08 time capsule.

Brood left in '08, so unless he makes a return (triumphate or not) he does not get a place in the '09.

I approve of hte hand, the red letter macros is gay, chestminge, and norris-simeon.

<Reserved for adding more>

I agree with this. No need to start including old, old things. Just take things from 2009 and current trivia. Of course, people can decided themselves if they think older things need to go in here. But seeing as this will hopefully grow to become an annual event, no need to go further back than 6 to 12 months in this thread in my opinion.

View PostGrief, on May 19 2009, 12:12 AM, said:

Ah, cool.

I think the Shrimperor of Mantis deserves a mention, but most people don't read UD I believe.

I think a lot of us have been reading Ultimate Death Match on the sly. I have been waiting to read the updates for the ending.

But I REALLY LOVED Illy and Mezla's deathmatch. Certainly worth putting in the Capsule.

Ultimate Deathmatch? Illy vs Mezla. That could be interesting read. Where can this be found?
I still heart Goodkind.

#13 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:50 PM

Here you go:

The Fights:

The Discussions:

#14 User is offline   Mezla PigDog 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:52 PM

View PostAptorian, on May 18 2009, 11:50 PM, said:

*isn't still outraged at Illy's landslide victory, honest* Tapper and Grief are officially my favourite forum members though :)

/off topic
Burn rubber =/= warp speed

#15 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:53 PM

Would you or one of the other Deathmatch contestants be interested in Writing something up for this years addition of the writing competition, Mezla?

#16 User is offline   Assail 

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 11:08 PM

There we go, edited it for some Time Capsule Additions!
I still heart Goodkind.

#17 User is offline   Mentalist 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 12:30 AM

well, I am 2 days to a week a way form finding out if i get my degree.

in about a year. from now

I'd better be accepted into a law school
better have a full-time job I can quit.
better have enough money to go home for a month in the summer.

will add more later.

finally gotten my driver's license (we're talking G2 here)
managed to play a season of soccer without injuring someone.
gotten in better shape

set a clear goal for the future.

This post has been edited by Mentalist: 25 May 2009 - 03:59 AM

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard
THE CONTESTtm WINNER--чемпіон самоконтролю

View PostJump Around, on 23 October 2011 - 11:04 AM, said:

And I want to state that Ment has out-weaseled me by far in this game.

#18 User is offline   HoosierDaddy 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 03:25 AM


HD, old boy, hopefully by this time next year you will be getting ready to start on your PhD in Pol Sci at a fantastic university that is pretty much paying your way.

Also, hopefully you have a girlfriend and she gives you lots of... attention... and you aren't on ME quite as much as you are now.

Advice for the future: Don't ban yourself.

This post has been edited by HoosierDaddy: 25 June 2009 - 10:19 PM

Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....

#19 User is offline   bwgan 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 07:46 PM

Reserved One

Is that me or the post?

Anywho to my future self ~ remember how happy you were when you wrote this, and how much fun (and terror) you experience on this site. You better have passed all your exams...even if only to shame the kids.

Will think some more and add to it - must put something about mafia and probably something about my new job...haven't started yet, but will have before deadline.

The new job will be almost over - how did it go? :)

Did you buy that thing yet? Are you still 'obsessed' (as per family's claims...such a harsh and damning word) by mafia?

Remember the Not Lucy bit :D Was Rhod Gilbert any good? Do you even remember going to see him, because that will have been ages ago. Do you think the boy worked hard enough for his exams? Ooo, two years into your own's it going? Have they offered you the lecturer's job yet, let's face it, it's only a matter of time! :D

Edit: PS - brilliant idea Apt!

This post has been edited by bwgan: 03 July 2009 - 10:06 PM

'Tell me, Tool, what dominates your thoughts?'
The Imass shrugged before replying. 'I think of Mafia, Adjunct.'
'Do all Imass think about Mafia?'
'No. Few think at all.'
'Why is that?'
The Imass leaned his head to one side and regarded her. 'Because, Adjunct, they are sheeple.'

Sometimes I wonder, "Why is that frisbee getting bigger?" ... and then it hits me.

#20 User is offline   Macros 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 07:54 PM


this time next year - wanting to be considerably better paid
got the six pack (not of beer)

things recently that are worthy of remembrance

Apt's discovery of U571, not as is suspected in the Atlantic, but in fact lurking in a large wineglass.
Yea big Forum Question needs to be revisited, has change been noted?
Reaction to my almost bursting anticipation for DoD
Did I actually geek out and visit the set of ASoIaF?

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