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The 2009 Malazan Time Capsule Is Now Open! Last entry June 18th 2009 Rate Topic: -----

#21 User is offline   Sir Thursday 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 08:16 PM

I don't feel the need to claim I've reserved anything...I have enough redundancy in my standard posting style as it is without the need to add more, by which I mean that I like to write my name at the bottom of my posts when I don't need to. Because that's redundant, you see? Merely by the fact that I have pressed the add reply button, I have marked my name on this tiny portion of cyberspace - thus I can be redundant in signing my name, but refuse to stoop to the additional trouble of bolding a statement of reservation. Because that's redundant, you see?

Sir Thursday
Don't look now, but I think there's something weird attached to the bottom of my posts.

#22 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 09:50 PM

MESSAGE TO FUTURE SELF: Get the fnck back to work you lazy fncking pile of fnck.
PS: Hoped you enjoyed DUST OF DREAMS.

- Abyss, ...with love...

#23 User is offline   Sixty 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 09:54 PM

Sounds pretty neat.


Hey there, me of the future. You set yourself some goals--let's see if any was actually accomplished:

-240 PSAT
-AP Tests
-800 Subject SATs
-Accomplish all of the above and maintain GPA while still slacking and playing mafia
-Get published (haha yeah right)
-Finish college apps before senior year
-Get a fucking job
-Stop being a lazy fatass
-Swear less

Pretty much all school-based, but yeah...

This post has been edited by Sixty: 21 May 2009 - 07:42 PM


#24 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 10:30 PM

Reserved for D'rek and its wondrous Drekmania.

D'rek's timelines status report:

The Series Timeline:
-Version 4-0 has been posted.
-Has been completed up to about v 4-3, with some minor bits needing addition
-MoI and DG actually kind of work together now, including the TTG delivery (god that took forever to work out)
-TtH is hopeless
-DoD is gonna fuck it up even more
-MT and RG still aint been added, BH and HoC are fairly minimal
-still need to read RotCG, not that it'll be out here anytime soon
-newest version has been downloaded 137 times since it was uploaded (3.5 months ago)

The Empire Timeline:
-Proceeding fairly well, most major events from the main series are on
-7C wars mostly figured
-Korel still a mystery (need to read RotCG)
-still about 20 years not coloured
-not yet released to public

The Warren Timelne:
-Draft completed with all events
-haven't bothered releasing to public yet, should get on that

Draconean Tree:
-been downloaded 273 times
-hasn't been changed since december '08
-still an ugly orange color, oh well


Encyclopedia Malazica

-Currently 1308 pages
-3 or 4 of them are actually fairly good :)
-Contracted to bio SE and ICE, have since run out of things to say about them beyond what cafes SE wrote each book in
-Hetan thinks I have spelling errors but I don't
-New editor, Amber, is showing some promise
-Brood is back but is about as involved as Dolorous (not at all)


Other forum stuff:

-About to launch new user group, ostensibly to deface Team Handsome, but mostly just for shits and giggles. The name "Purple Pineapple Posse" is not garnering much support, though.
-Still have not once gotten a role in a town game of mafia. The only time this has ever happened on these forums was Alien 2.0 as a finder but Venge/co-mod fucked up and sent my own role back to me as the results of my finds... and I was very confused. Since then, only have ever gotten roles in merc games for some reason.
-Running Twilight Mafia in the sept-nov and Romance of the 3 Cultdoms mafia probly near dec. Both will of course be ravishing successes.


Personal stuff:

-Moving in with Laurel in 2 months, hope that works out.
-Strawberry-mango pie is actually quite good.
-Current job is very boring. Not enough explosions.
-Casino has caught on that I have been parking at them illegally for months and not paying. Trying to find other place to scam.

This post has been edited by D'rek: 25 June 2009 - 10:10 PM

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

#25 User is offline   Illuyankas 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 10:45 PM

The Irate Cock Native Illyican Reservation

Things I should have done between then and now: get job, observe more bellydancing lessons, get drunk more, continue deluding the forum into thinking I am funny.

Things I will have forgotten: writing competition, home address, whereabouts of loaned book recipients.

Things I am enjoying noIPS DRIVER ERROR

Things to worry about and hopefully have fixed: The memory loss, the stabbing kidney pains, the amount you don't spend on booze, the memory loss, the financial situation, and the memory loss.

Also you need to actually spend some sober time with either the purple-haired awesome girl, the horse-riding blonde awesome girl, or the interestingly awesome woman who's 9 years older than. You know too many awesome ladies and you need to remedy that with your sense of humour.

This post has been edited by Illuyankas: 24 June 2009 - 10:48 PM

Hello, soldiers, look at your mage, now back to me, now back at your mage, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped being an unascended mortal and switched to Sole Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a warren with the High Mage your cadre mage could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an acorn with two gates to that realm you love. Look again, the acorn is now otataral. Anything is possible when your mage smells like Sole Spice and not a Bole brother. I’m on a quorl.

#26 User is offline   stone monkey 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 11:38 PM

Well, hi there Posterity! How's the wife and kids..?


Are the lunatics on this Forum still the best crowd of virtual friends anyone could hope for? Or has their inexplicable love for all things Star Trek driven a wedge between you?
Are you managing to actually get to the BBQ this year?
Was DoD worth the wait? Was it? Was it?

And on a personal note...

Have you got promoted yet? You'd better have, or else I'll be having words...
Did you finally get off your arse and write that blasted space opera screenplay (see above)?
That... situation.... You know the one I'm talking about... How is that working out? (Or how did it not work out? And was that your fault..? Again.)

See you in a year...

This post has been edited by stone monkey: 19 May 2009 - 11:42 PM

If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. If some one maintains that two and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. … So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants. Bertrand Russell

#27 User is offline   Thelomen Toblerone 

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 11:58 PM

View PostIlluyankas, on May 19 2009, 11:45 PM, said:

observe more bellydancing lessons

Oh, Im sure I can arrange a show for you at the bbq. You provide the nipple tassles, I'll provide the snake like hips. Grrrr.

#28 User is offline   Ain't_It_Just_ 

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 08:46 AM

I love this idea!

Allow me.


Hi. You probably remember me as the self who kept that block of chocolate under the desk. You cunning devil.

By now you are probably thinking of the Good Old Days, eating nothing but bread and constantly shaking your head over the no-doubt epic ending of the Malazan books. But spare a thought for the there and now. Pay attention, then, to these words of wisdom.

*50 cents can be a fortune.
*All the girls on the Internet are actually dudes.
*Always eat breakfast.
*It's later than you think (don't ask for clarification)
*Maths is not crucial to a living.
*Don't think about how long that cookie will last.

Well, I gotta go now buddy. Take care, and make sure you win custody of the Xbox! And here's a little reminder of what's important.

Posted Image



This post has been edited by Ain't_It_Just_: 20 May 2009 - 08:47 AM

Suck it Errant!

"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and I'm all out of gum."

QUOTE (KeithF @ Jun 30 2009, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the most powerful force on Wu is a bunch of messed-up Malazans with Moranth munitions.


#29 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 09:53 AM

View PostAptorian, on May 19 2009, 12:53 AM, said:

Would you or one of the other Deathmatch contestants be interested in Writing something up for this years addition of the writing competition, Mezla?

I'll be working on that. I've got an action packed gun-fu thingie planned.
It will be interesting to see if I finished it once the capsule opens. I'm likewise interested to see if my profile becomes the most viewed profile ever on Malazan Empire...

Checklist for future self:
* have I managed to alt guess Gem correctly?
* did I manage to post some interesting DoD analysis?
* did I run the MafiaSpy Game TMDI gazillion+ succesfully?
* did I manage to avoid calling the ex for pity-sex?
* did I manage to make a relationship last for longer than the initial fun and exciting phase?
* did I manage to turn of Yellow's lust and Morgoth's hormones by some cunning plan?

If none of these happened:

Tapper, I hereby congrulate you myself. You're still the lazy fnck you always were, and have managed to avoid self-improvement, which, as we know, is just masturbation. Go on living like you're 20 and carefree, son, and it doesn't matter if it drives anyone but you to desperation.

If any of the above happened:
Wow, you/I managed to achieve something, even if it is rather trivial in the greater scheme of things! Keep up the discipline, raise the bar and don't let ambition go to sleep!

This post has been edited by Tapper: 20 May 2009 - 09:56 AM

Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad

#30 User is offline   drinksinbars 

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 10:19 AM

interesting idea.

vote vengenace

he is always scum!

#31 User is offline   dktorode 

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Posted 20 May 2009 - 10:22 AM

View PostIlluyankas, on May 20 2009, 12:45 AM, said:

The Irate Cock Native Illyican Reservation

View PostIlluyankas, on May 20 2009, 12:45 AM, said:

The Irate Cock Native Illyican Reservation

View PostIlluyankas, on May 20 2009, 12:45 AM, said:

I rate Cock


Why dont they make the whole plane out of that black box stuff?

#32 User is offline   MTS 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 08:06 AM

Cool idea.

Reserved Post

Hello future me (or is it you?), how's things? Hopefully you've got your act together by now.

Things you should have done by now or I'll bend the space-time continuum and break your knee-caps:
- gotten a better-paid job
- maintained your grade average
- partied more
- finished that story you never got around to finishing
- gone on that road trip with Ryan you keep putting off
- read DoD

Things you better not have done:
- fncked things up with Emma
- given in and read Twilight
- been the lazy bastard you are and not joined a footy or cricket club this year
- slacked off with your already slack work life

I'll add more stuff later.
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.

Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.

#33 User is offline   Shinrei 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 10:26 AM

Reserved Post

I'll probably put something in here about the writing contest and Yellow's fantastic story.
You’ve never heard of the Silanda? … It’s the ship that made the Warren of Telas run in less than 12 parsecs.

#34 User is offline   Illuyankas 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 03:10 PM

View Postdktorode, on May 20 2009, 11:22 AM, said:

View PostIlluyankas, on May 20 2009, 12:45 AM, said:

The Irate Cock Native Illyican Reservation

View PostIlluyankas, on May 20 2009, 12:45 AM, said:

The Irate Cock Native Illyican Reservation

View PostIlluyankas, on May 20 2009, 12:45 AM, said:

I rate Cock


I give yours 1/10.
Hello, soldiers, look at your mage, now back to me, now back at your mage, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped being an unascended mortal and switched to Sole Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a warren with the High Mage your cadre mage could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an acorn with two gates to that realm you love. Look again, the acorn is now otataral. Anything is possible when your mage smells like Sole Spice and not a Bole brother. I’m on a quorl.

#35 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 04:23 PM

You know they could make a great realityshow out of that "Illuyankas, the Cock Rater - He'll rate your cock and bang your wife, stay tuned for the next episode where Illy goes to the playboy mansion and gets into a fistfight with Hugh Hefner"

#36 User is offline   Bauchelain the Evil 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 04:25 PM

Reserved for Bauchelain the Evil

Well, some things to say to myself a year from now.

Do you still think this is the best internet place ever? I hope the answer is yes
Was DoD good? Again I hope the answer is yes.
Will I be happier or sadder than now? You tell me in a year.
Are your marks as good as now? I fervently hope so.
Oh and do you still think was Apt's best idea?
And another oh: did some end winning the Apt vs Abys war? And if yes, who?

I'll think of something later.

This post has been edited by Bauchelain the Evil: 21 May 2009 - 04:26 PM

Adept of Team Quick Ben

I greet you as guests and so will not crush the life from you and devour your soul with peals of laughter. No, instead, I will make tea-Gothos

#37 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 04:31 PM

View PostBauchelain the Evil, on May 21 2009, 06:25 PM, said:

Reserved for Bauchelain the Evil

Well, some things to say to myself a year from now.

Do you still think this is the best internet place ever? I hope the answer is yes
Was DoD good? Again I hope the answer is yes.
Will I be happier or sadder than now? You tell me in a year.
Are your marks as good as now? I fervently hope so.
Oh and do you still think was Apt's best idea?
And another oh: did some end winning the Apt vs Abys war? And if yes, who?

I'll think of something later.

Seeing as the Apt vs Abyss war was waged in the WIN thread and was based on Rep power I believe I won that fight several times over...

#38 User is offline   Bauchelain the Evil 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 04:35 PM

well Apt I'm sorry but since you being directly involved someone neutral must confirm this. It's Abyss who has an army not you, for what I know
Adept of Team Quick Ben

I greet you as guests and so will not crush the life from you and devour your soul with peals of laughter. No, instead, I will make tea-Gothos

#39 User is offline   Stradivarius 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 07:08 PM

Reserved for stradivarius.

Dear god old boy your still devilishly good lokking and full of charm arn't you! you just get better as the years go by!

Have you?

-managed to develope enough facial hair to grow anything resembeling side burn?
-still with Ashleigh (you better be or i'll kick your ass!)?
-kept your six pack and stunning guns?
-do you still work at home or has the old man finally pissed you off enough to go and get a job paying a hell of a lot more money?
-are the new houses finished and the sheds?
-have you finally gotten rid of that hell hole farm on the hills and swopped it for a better one?
-have you managed to stay away from the sheep? it will mean you have been clean for a whole year!
-are you continuing to post on malazan empire?

please tell me you havent forgotten!

-frooks obsession with the word penis
-to continue to buy lots of books
-to play sheep (the game not the animal)

hmmmmmm thats all! I really mean it about Ashleigh and the sheep!
Whole bag of orios! crappin all over the carpet! twelve ribs my ass!!!

#40 User is offline   Coco with marshmallows 

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Posted 21 May 2009 - 08:46 PM


Coco, what the hell? you're still coming to this forum?
On the flipside I trust that both the Hawt Girls thread and Funny pics thread are still going strong.

Personally, you're presently (May 21 2009) most of the way through one of the most unpleasant weeks of your life
from a psychological and physical perspective.

Professional exams and an infection in the jaw. So i guarantee unless you're being brutally tortured by someone,
enjoy life. It's better than it was.
So buck up old son, you're doing grand.

This post has been edited by Cocoreturns: 03 July 2009 - 10:31 PM

meh. Link was dead :(

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