*sniff* *cough* *spit*
Damn English weather won again... The price I'm paying now for those 10 minutes I spent sitting outside in a sleeveless shirt is fever, murderous headache, runny nose and a lot of icky, icky thingies coming out of my lungs every time I cough... I should have worn my 3 jackets right from the start... maybe then my journey home would not have been such an agony... *shivers*
@Hetan: I managed to get home in one piece, thanks, although the high fever made the travel experience somewhat unpleasant. But I spoke to Mr. B today already, and told him what you said about his drawing, and he was really glad you liked it.

A big, big, BIG hug and big, big thanks to you and your charming husband for being such wonderful people and letting us drunken lot usurp your garden and your house for a day and not changing your mind and kicking us out already after the first 5 minutes of drunken excesses... It was great fun to be in Cambridge again and it's always a pleasure to see you and talk to you. I hope we didn't leave too much mess.
Oh, and @Mal - I'm STILL laughing...
@Mez: Unfortunately I cannot comment on anything that happened in the house prior to your departure - I spent that part of the evening in the garage/shed/whatever that thingy in the back yard is called... but I'm sure it wasn't as bad as these photoshopped pics above are trying to present it. You were probably just very, very tired... in the most ladylike manner.
@Everyone: It was great to see you all again and meet some of you for the first (but hopefully not last) time. My special thanks this time go to Fid for his kind help with the ticket booking that saved me a lot of time and trouble, and to Brood for providing me with another jar of marmite although I do blame him for the agonizing toothache I have now after my 5th marmite-toast.

Also big thanks to Cougar for picking us up from the station, that was really sweet!
I had a lot of fun, although wish I had more time to chat with some of you; I missed the opportunity to discuss communism with Toby again, and I kind of couldnt't really understand half the things Mac was saying...

It was a pleasure to see Mr. and Mrs. Paleman again, and all the other members of the "old crew" from the previous meetings - IH and Baudin and Sir Thursday (who did a great job of reading my mind and filling in the gaps in my vocabulary every time the alcohol level made my deficiencies in English language come to surface). I had some really interesting (and surprisingly normal) discussions with Illy, and later with Sombra, who is really, really cool and who I was delighted to meet in person. And I was a bit disappointed in the end when I finally got to try that infamous drink Morgy has threatened us all with, just to discover that it's not a big deal at all - where I come from, we drink it every day after lunch for better digestion and give it to our kids when we want to keep them quiet.
That being said, I'll simply shut up now and start posting some pics.
This post has been edited by Dag: 13 July 2009 - 05:57 PM