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Ye Big Movie thread

#441 Guest_LooseCannon_*

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Posted 03 July 2004 - 05:55 PM

Yup, both Blade movies were amazing. I loved the start of the second one where those dirty vampire's finally get a taste of their own medicine! The third doesn't look too bad from the trailer but I must say I was skeptical for a while. They pushed it from August to a December release and some of the casting decisions? Ryan Reynolds?!

#442 Guest_Duiker_*

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Posted 29 June 2004 - 05:52 PM

Anyone seen Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 yet? IMHO it wasn't as sharp or intriguing as Bowling. Felt a little bit rushed. Still there where some jaw-dropping moments of stupid people saying stupid things in front of rolling camaras (which is the only thing Moore tries to show, anyway).

#443 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 17 July 2004 - 05:04 PM

Last Exile (anime) lackluster setup (first two episodes) but it gets very good. It reminds me a little of Castle in the Sky.

Two more Coen Brothers movies under my belt: The Man Who wasn't there (boring) and O Brother Where Art Thou (good, but not Raising Arizona. Also not as plot driven. Some may think it sucks...)

I saw my first Bollywood movie: Lassan. It will probably me my last: at least on purpose. Does a 4 hour foreign musical involving an hour long cricket match sound like a great idea? (This is not a trick question. The answer is no stupid!)

#444 User is offline   Ellestra 

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Posted 03 November 2004 - 11:52 AM

I wached "The Chronicles of Riddick" recently and I actually had fun despite what everyone said about this movie but it involved beating rational part of my brain to death to stop it from commenting on sevral scenes. It screamed really loud at the physical impropability of a planet with such a intense day/night side temperature differences and breathable atmosphere but the sunrise graffic was so beautiful I forgave them.
Oh, and I really like Thandie Newton.
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#445 User is offline   fan_83 

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Posted 07 July 2004 - 03:24 AM

keeps us updated on king arthur.... the trailer wasn't too bad... but am curious as to how keira looks in a leather bikini.... Posted Image
and when is underworld 2 out.... i wanna see kate in more leather

#446 User is offline   Kallor 

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Posted 03 November 2004 - 07:37 AM

ahem...that would be "the incredibles" offense

#447 Guest_Tim_*

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Posted 15 June 2004 - 12:42 PM

i saw an italian movie called 'I am not scared' the other day. a really, actually great movie, awe inspiring that it made it to the big cinemas amongst films like troy and the day after tomorrow. i mean, you actually believe that you're a ten-year-old italian boy whose parents have gone crazy. i reccomend it.

#448 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 10:43 AM

Posted Image

#449 Guest_Cyandor_*

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Posted 30 July 2004 - 06:21 AM

Got curious about Chronicles of Riddick and procured a copy from a friend. (let's not ask where he got it with subtitles in an unknown language) Let me just say a few things.

1. The script writers (multiple I presume) are IDIOTS! Argg I bet they never even read the top 100 things I'd Do If I ever became an Evil Overlord
I suggest you take a peek it's good

2. They are necromongers - necro relating to dead. an undead army I presumed.*sound of buzzer* No. Yet they die pretty easilly for that matter

3. Mind controle should be absolute. No changes in allegience no independant thought. Just do as the leader says.

4. Crematorium *snickers* ok let's just skip that whole piece of the movie. Hmm on second thought the idear of outrunning the sun appeals to me. The rest of it well, better not get started. Killer sunburn sighted.

5. He is suddenly a furion. No he must be more then human let's make him a furion, a mythical warrior race. Argggh why couldn't he have just stayed human. I found that interesting enough. Last surviving my ass. And an evil overlord with that much power presumably can wipe out colonys to the man but not an entire race??

6. You have a ragtag army dressed in gothic feel armor. You would expect dirt on their armor. The army is cleaner then clean. All armor fits. For Pete's sake give this some thought. please... *snif* I so wanted to like this movie and I could give it the benefit of the doubt till the elemental started with the furion thing and an explenation.

7. Best line in the movie: "Ok Let's replenish the ranks" I liked that. Seems then you have to only ask people and then just put some spikes in their necks like frankenstein and their loyal soldiers. Give me a break. a 12 year old would come up with something better.

8. Some of the special effects weer reasonably exiting and worked.

9. This in my opinion could have been so much more. The character of Riddick is cool to play around with but after this movie wel let's just say they did a character assasination.

I so wanted to like this movie. Saw chronicles of riddick Dark Fury (animated short movie) and liked it. And then you get this. Ok so you need to find a way for riddick to fight the army of not dead necromongers and have a big bossfight (security at the gate why noboddy would be stupid enough to try and kill ME Mwhuahahaha .)Boy does this movie not live up to my not even that big expectations! If they had actually used some gray matter during the writing of the script that would have been a start.

Hmm rereading my post and finding that the stupidity of some of this movie still get'sme going. Aww well dowith these observations what you will.

#450 Guest__*

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Posted 04 October 2004 - 12:00 PM

You're damn right Ano!!! Saw BLADE - TRINITY advertised in US in the summer and just saw the trailer for it the other day at the cinema. It looks cool, but a bit different to the other two. First one was great just because of the concept SFX and acting wasn't bad too. 2nd one was great, idea was better, SFX brilliant, plus it had Ron Perlman and the Kat (from Red Dwarf Posted Image) as well as Snipes and Kristofferson. And Nomak kicked a$$!!! Posted Image

Hope third one lives up to the others Posted Image.

#451 User is offline   rlfcl 

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Posted 24 November 2004 - 02:13 PM

And I thought it was the Greeks themselves who are complaining about Stone's portrayal of Alexander as a bisexual

yea theres one group of greek lawyers protesting it last time i heard, greece is Orthodox now. so there's some who wouldd rather disregard the past (at least the homosexual part)

damn its too bad it looks like a flop...i guess i have to wait and hope for Gates of Fire now....dammit

#452 User is offline   Satan 

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Fool:
I recently tried watching space balls again. I thought it was pure genius when i was a kid. Didnt even smile this time and stopped watching after about half of it.

*sigh* where have I gone wrong with you, dear boy? how did you become so...cold. Posted Image

and I just saw spiderman 2 last night. must say that all that cheese ruined it for me. but the fighting was good. especially that chapter on the train.
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#453 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 06:25 PM

Fair enough. There was a time when I loved B action flicks especially cheesy ninja movies and Troma Studios crap like The Toxic Avenger and Nuke em High.

So how does my state compare to England?

Speaking of England, and I'm ceartainly not an anglophile, but Four Weddings and a Funeral and The Tall Guy are 2 of my favorite romantic comedies.

#454 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 25 July 2004 - 09:34 PM

@Rodeo: What do you make of Marco (Sinatra) and his woman? Do you think he is a sleeper agent and that she is the controller?

And speaking of remakes, there is a remake of The Wizard of Oz in development. It's a Bruckheimer production which would normally be the touch of doom, but it doesn't matter since the 1939 Wizard of Oz is kind of gay, hokey, and too sanitized for my liking (Yep, I said it: The Wizard of Oz is gay!)

Anyway, the new movie will be based on a new vision of OZ by video game maker American McGee (Alice.) Supposedly, it will be a trilogy, and of course there will be a video game...

#455 User is offline   cruz1701 

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Posted 21 July 2004 - 03:23 PM

Yep seen butterfly effect too, very good, although they draged it on a bit in the middle with him keep going back again and again.

Meh Affleks not that bad he's been in films I can't stand and in ones I love, just depends what he has to work with I guess.

Just finished watching "Let him have it", a very good and very moving film. Definatly worth seeing just a shame its a true story Posted Image

#456 User is offline   RodeoRanch 

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Posted 26 July 2004 - 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Abyss:
Chronicles of Riddick: I didn't see, because it was out of the theaters in like 2 weeks. Did anyone see this? Was it really that bad?

- Abyss, met Ebert once.

Yes. Yes, it was. I was half drunk off cheap whiskey and it still sucked. Posted Image Posted Image

#457 Guest_fortrip_*

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 08:58 AM

nope i aint joking, go to (very good for movie news by the way) The good general is going to appear in the last episode of the cartoon mini-series, if you want a sneak peak.

#458 Guest__*

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Posted 03 October 2004 - 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Marduk:-
Anti-history aside, it looks to be a kick ass movie.

You shoulda just said that dude Posted Image.

#459 User is offline   RodeoRanch 

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Falco:
And lastly, I also saw 'Hidalgo'- always a sucker for a decent horse story, and this fitted the bill alright. Somehow, Rodeo, I got the feeling that you might like this movie- ever seen it?

Yeah, I saw it in theaters. Good flick. I'm a sucker for Westerns, even when they're set in the East! Ha! Posted Image

#460 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 08 November 2004 - 01:52 AM

BTW, what really bugged me about the riddick movies was in pitch black, where you somehow had monsters evolve that only got out during night even though night only happened like once every couple of years.

Besides, what were they eating before the humans arrived. There didnt seem to be much else around.

I also saw the trailer for the new movie from the south park guys. Looks like a blast.

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